
From the "textbook" to the "10,000 sarcasm" speech, how did Du Feng do it?

author:Yang Yang's basketball dream


The semi-finals of the "Liaoyue War" are over.

However, the topic surrounding this series is still hot.

For example, some fans said that the turning point of this round of the series was G3's post-game speech, Du Feng's post-game speech.

From the "textbook" to the "10,000 sarcasm" speech, how did Du Feng do it?

The general content is to envy the Liaoning team for having such an excellent lineup and so on.

In fact, fans who know Du Feng know that many of his speeches have always been relatively "modest", and can even be used as "textbooks".

This time, it can be regarded as relatively "normal".

However, in the eyes of other fans, it is not the same at all.

Everyone thinks he is "mocking" the Liaoning team.

To put it bluntly, your Liaoning team has such an excellent lineup, but it still loses, which shows that your Liaoning team is just a "paper tiger" or that head coach Yang Ming has no way to use people.

From the "textbook" to the "10,000 sarcasm" speech, how did Du Feng do it?

How developed the online media is now, everyone has learned it.

So, all the spearheads were pointed at Du Feng.

The implication is that he is too "villainous".

The next thing, everyone knows, in the next G4, the Liaoning team achieved a stunning counterattack, and the Guangdong team that played had no temper at all.

In the head coach interview session after the game, Yang Ming also said something similar to Du Feng's last game.

It can be said that it is slightly processed according to Du Feng's "sentence structure".

From the "textbook" to the "10,000 sarcasm" speech, how did Du Feng do it?

Of course, there is also a "sarcasm" for Zhou Qi's joining.

This time, the majority of fans were completely high.

The Liaoning team not only completed the "counterattack" of the Guangdong team on the field.

The manager did that off the pitch as well.

It can be said that the beautiful mother opened the door beautifully--- and arrived home beautifully.

Unexpectedly, Du Feng, who has always spoken generously and decently in public, this time, he buried the team's efforts for a season because of his speech.

So the question is, how did Du Feng get to this point?

From the "textbook" to the "10,000 sarcasm" speech, how did Du Feng do it?


First of all, you need to be cautious in your statements.

Du Feng's speech after the G3 game, at best, he really envied the Liaoning team.

However, to put it in a bad way, he is "mocking" the Liaoning team.

It's up to you to understand it.

Unfortunately, it is the latter that is understood by more fans.

From the "textbook" to the "10,000 sarcasm" speech, how did Du Feng do it?

Therefore, at this point, it is indeed Du Feng's negligence.

If you must want to show your "modesty", then it can be said that this round of the series is not over, the Liaoning team still has a very deep strength and heritage, I hope that everyone will continue to work together to dedicate a wonderful game to the fans in the next game.

At this point, that's it.

There is no need to expand on the rest.

Therefore, this also fully shows that at any time, as long as the final victory has not come, then we must be cautious and cautious.

Otherwise, a small mistake will make the whole "chess game" have unexpected changes.

From the "textbook" to the "10,000 sarcasm" speech, how did Du Feng do it?

Secondly, in competitive sports, results are king.

Let's assume that if the Guangdong team finally wins this series, will there be any doubts about Du Feng and the whole Guangdong team?

The answer is yes, however, certainly not as much as it is now.

Nor will it be as sharp as it is now.

It is even possible to praise Du Feng and praise the whole Guangdong team.

said that they are the ones who are really "focused" on the game, and they always compete with the Liaoning team with an attitude of learning and progress.

From the "textbook" to the "10,000 sarcasm" speech, how did Du Feng do it?

This is the most "realistic" point of competitive sports.

Anything is good if you win.

Lost, the good is not good.

Therefore, I still want to say here that Du Feng himself and the whole Guangdong team don't have to care about these things on the Internet.

The Liaoning team, winning, is what they deserve.

They win openly and uprightly, and generous blessings can be done.

If you lose, there must be a reason, whether it is inferior skills, or team injuries, etc.

All in all, there is still room for improvement.

It's okay to reflect on it as well.

From the "textbook" to the "10,000 sarcasm" speech, how did Du Feng do it?

In that case, forget about it all.

Take advantage of this rare break to take a good rest, and then hurry to the full-time training.

In a professional league, there are no permanent winners.

However, if you work hard enough, you will always have a chance to win.

Therefore, don't be trapped by the appearance of "speaking", the progress of strength is the eternal main theme.

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