
The Chinese Coast Guard conducted a training exercise at Scarborough Shoal to warn against Philippine "non-governmental organizations".


The Philippines' infringement actions in the South China Sea are once again playing new tricks. According to a report by, a so-called "non-governmental organization" in the Philippines is gathering "local fishermen" to go to the waters of Huangyan Island to meet porcelain. In the past few days, the Philippines has carried out several rounds of "mobilization", announcing that this team of fishermen, farmers, artists, entrepreneurs, and young activists will carry out "civil missions" in the waters near Scarborough Shoal.

The Chinese Coast Guard conducted a training exercise at Scarborough Shoal to warn against Philippine "non-governmental organizations".

The name of this organization is also very interesting, which translates to "ours", which almost puts the violation of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity on the door of the mind. The Philippines has several main meanings for doing this, 1. Organize these people to go to the scene as a background board, cooperate with the Philippine Coast Guard, and let Western media interview and take pictures, inciting regional tensions. 2. Forcibly intruding into the waters of the restricted line controlled by the Chinese side and throwing buoys with provocative slogans written on them. 3. When the China Coast Guard defends its rights in accordance with the law, it plays the role of a victim and continues to provide news material for Western media.

Speaking of which, everyone should be able to see that this is typical, the CIA's method of creating chaos in the disputed area, and the Philippine media are not shy about saying that behind this alliance, it is the United States that is providing financial support, and more specifically, the US Naval Institute, which plans to carry out a "maritime anti-riot" project in the South China Sea, using media hegemony to smear the normal law enforcement behavior of the Chinese coast guard, and encourage neighboring countries to make trouble for China on the South China Sea issue.

The Chinese Coast Guard conducted a training exercise at Scarborough Shoal to warn against Philippine "non-governmental organizations".

We have reason to believe that the plan has reached the concrete implementation stage, because in April, when the Chinese coast guard ship used water cannons to drive away the Philippine vessel that trespassed on the reef, a large number of Western media reporters had already gathered on the Philippine vessel. The "civil operation" organized by the Philippines this time was also deliberately chosen after the US "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier strike group entered the South China Sea. Let's put it this way, this operation is equivalent to the fact that the Philippine "fishermen" are touching porcelain in front and the US aircraft carriers are supervising the troops in the back, and it is very clear what purpose they are coming.

Our response to these provocations is simple, according to "Yuyuan Tantian". The mainland coast guard has carried out a life-saving drill in the waters off Huangyan Island, and in the future, such drills and patrols will gradually become normalized. The main purpose of the exercise is that Chinese fishing vessels have been fishing in this area for a long time, and the coast guard ships are supposed to protect the lives of fishermen, including those on the mainland.

The Chinese Coast Guard conducted a training exercise at Scarborough Shoal to warn against Philippine "non-governmental organizations".

As for how much of a wave the Philippine operation can set off at Scarborough Shoal, there is no need to worry. Not to mention the gap between the Philippines and ours in terms of naval strength, even if the United States, their behind-the-scenes boss, does not send a few aircraft carrier battle groups, it is impossible to bargain for anything in the South China Sea. After the confrontation in 2016, we carried out large-scale island reclamation in the South China Sea, deployed military forces, and conducted a military parade in the South China Sea in 2019.

Moreover, we have to come up with tougher countermeasures against the deliberate provocations of the Marcos Jr. regime in the Philippines, such as the reclamation of Scarborough Shoal. In the past eight years, we have been able to easily control the project in terms of equipment, technology and experience, and at the same time, the surface ships of the mainland navy, air support, and coast guard law enforcement forces can also provide a strong guarantee for the safety of the site during the construction period.

The Chinese Coast Guard conducted a training exercise at Scarborough Shoal to warn against Philippine "non-governmental organizations".

Scarborough Shoal is not far from the coast of the Philippines, and as long as the island is successfully reclaimed and military forces are deployed, it will be able to form a strong deterrent to the Philippines.

In fact, it is a common phenomenon for a small country like the Philippines to have its foreign policy change every few years. Now, it is the Marcos family that is in power, but there are also a large number of people in the Philippines who hope that China and the Philippines can live in peace and that the South China Sea issue can be resolved peacefully. As a big country, we should win more initiative in the South China Sea, so that the pro-US forces in the Philippines and their behind-the-scenes bosses will not dare to act rashly. As for whether the Philippines dares to "fire the first shot" in the South China Sea, we must remind the Philippines that even good people have limits to their patience.

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