
The "ecological" guardian of the "southeast forest sea".

author:Fujian Discipline Inspection and Supervision

With the heart of "the great man of the country", we insist on the supremacy of the people. As the discipline inspection and supervision organ where the national park is located, the Wuyishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has always adhered to the principle of "grasping both natural ecology and political ecology", "one domain and one policy" to build a green safety barrier, practice the original intention of serving the people, effectively improve the "happiness index" of the masses, and cultivate a clean and healthy atmosphere.

Strengthen supervision and protect Wuyi's "lucid waters and green mountains"

Wuyi Mountain is rich in forestry resources, with a forest coverage rate of 80.5%, known as the "southeast forest sea", and the supervision of ecological resources protection has always been the top priority of the city's Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to do political supervision and quasi-special supervision.

"We started with the collection and storage of commercial forests with concentrated power, intensive capital and rich resources, and found that the existing cadres relied on the mountains to eat the mountains and used forestry resources as their own 'money bags'." According to the relevant person in charge of the Wuyishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the city has previously found that there are non-standard use of funds for the collection and storage of some commercial forests in the special supervision of ecological resource protection. After in-depth verification, it was further dug up that Yang, the former party secretary of the Wuyishan Forestry Bureau, illegally resold the forest land with defective property rights to facilitate his relatives and profit from it.

Concerning the ecology of the forestry industry, the Wuyishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision immediately set up a clue disposal team to carry out a preliminary audit, and requested the Municipal Party Committee to carry out a mobile inspection of the implementation of the city's forest-related policies. The Wuyishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision continued to dig deep and investigate, and successively filed a case for review and investigation of 19 party members and cadres in the forestry system, of which 3 were transferred to the judicial organs, and all of them have been sentenced.

The "ecological" guardian of the "southeast forest sea".

The Wuyishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the Party Style and Government Supervision Office, together with the Municipal Party Committee Inspection Group and the Municipal Audit Bureau, jointly analyzed and judged the clues of forest-related issues. (Photo by Yang Shuai)

In response to the exposed chaos in the forestry system, the Wuyishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision issued a disciplinary inspection proposal in a timely manner to systematically clean up and rectify the city's forestry system. At the same time, by holding a forestry system warning education meeting, observing court hearings, and filming warning education films in the forestry field, the "second half" of the case investigation and handling will be done in depth.

Sink to the front line to solve the "urgency, hardship and hope" of the masses

"The subsistence allowance has arrived!" A few days ago, Lao Luo, a villager in Chengcun Village, Xingtian Town, Wuyishan City, showed a long-lost smile in the face of the discipline inspection and supervision cadres who came to pay a return visit.

Previously, the discipline inspection and supervision cadres of Xingtian Town learned during the household visit that Lao Luo had submitted the application materials for the subsistence allowance to the village committee half a year ago, but he had been "sinking into the sea". It is related to people's livelihood, and the Xingtian Town Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately began to verify and found that Lao Luo and other 5 subsistence allowance applicants had not held a democratic appraisal meeting in the village due to problems such as incomplete materials, and everyone's application was delayed by coming and going. In response to this problem, the Xingtian Town Commission for Discipline Inspection criticized and educated the relevant responsible persons, and put the democratic appraisal conference of the subsistence allowance on the agenda, and the knot in the hearts of Lao Luo and other 6 applicants was finally untied.

The "ecological" guardian of the "southeast forest sea".

Wuyishan City discipline inspection and supervision cadres visited households to understand the implementation of relevant policies to benefit the people. (Photo by Yang Shuai)

"If there is such a problem in the city and village, what about the other villages?" In view of other similar problems that may exist, the Wuyishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision combined with Fujian Province to rectify the problem of "missing insurance" and "missing rescue" for the people in difficulty, carried out a special action to ensure the basic livelihood of the difficult groups, and promoted the city's township (town) and street discipline inspection (work) committees to carry out a comprehensive survey of 135 villages (communities), so as to realize the positive transformation from "people looking for policies" to "policies looking for people". Up to now, a total of 6,887 people have been screened, 659 new recipients of the subsistence allowance, 47 people have been given special poverty support, and 9 orphans have been protected.

With honesty and integrity, we strive to build a "clean and honest Wuyi"

"Great Confucianism governs the country, and the people are the most important. Zhu Xi has always emphasized that the people are the foundation of the country, and the interests of the people should be put first...... "under the hidden screen peak, on the bank of Jiuqu River, the patchwork Zhu Xi Garden has ushered in a wave of tourists who come to "check in".

In recent years, the Wuyishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has based on the cultural advantages of "Zhuzi's hometown", deeply excavated and sorted out the ideological core of Zhuzi's culture of people-oriented, honest and self-controlled, and upright, integrated Zhuzi-related cultural sites such as Zhuxi Garden, Wufu Ancient Town, and Confucian Temple Park, created a new style for the old site, educated the present with ancient training, and launched the Zhuzi incorruptible cultural route, which attracted many party members and cadres to come to "check in".

The "ecological" guardian of the "southeast forest sea".

The young discipline inspection and supervision cadres of the Wuyishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision recorded a video of the integrity culture demonstration base in Zhu Xiyuan. (Photo by Sun Kaiyan)

Ask the canal to be as clear as promised, for there is a source of living water. In order to further activate the "pool of spring water" of integrity culture, a group of young discipline inspection and supervision cadres took the lead in the trial, went from offline to online, and turned into young "anchors", recording Zhu Zi's clean government stories and clean government practice audio, and shooting vlogs of integrity culture demonstration bases from a VR perspective, so that integrity culture education is more diversified, younger and popular.

The journey is strong


Looking back

Wuyishan Discipline Inspection and Supervision Officer

handed over a heavy answer sheet

Looking to the future

They are unswerving, and their original intentions are like a rock

Will be consistent

It is full of unlimited loyalty to the party and the people

Infinite love for discipline inspection and supervision

The big pen is written loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility

Source | Wuyishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision

Edit | Ye Jingling

The "ecological" guardian of the "southeast forest sea".

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