
Train attendants are enthusiastic and passengers are also expected to follow these rules

author:Haihe River bells

During the "May Day" holiday, many people travel by Beijing-Tianjin intercity train. On the train, the crew of the Tianjin passenger section guards the safety of the train and serves the majority of passengers with their carefulness, love and enthusiasm, and Liu Xin, who is 30 years old this year, is one of them.

Train attendants are enthusiastic and passengers are also expected to follow these rules


Bear down

 The passenger transport work during the May Day holiday is one of the key tasks of the railway passenger transport department in a year. At this time, the attendants of the Tianjin passenger section are full of energy, full of strings, and stick to the train.

Liu Xin usually has to go back and forth between Beijing and Tianjin on the train for 8 times a day, and during the "May Day" holiday, he has to add a round trip. This means that when she was about to get off work and was most tired, she had to "run" back and forth between Beijing and Tianjin.

Train attendants are enthusiastic and passengers are also expected to follow these rules

  "As flight attendants, we are meant to stay on the train when passengers need it most, and provide enthusiastic and caring service to passengers."

  On the day of "May Day", Liu Xin had to get up at 3 o'clock in the morning. After packing up, she rushed from her home in Dongli District to the West Station. "We have to get to the West Station before 5 o'clock because we still have a lot of preparations to do before the train departs, both in terms of service and safety."

  At 6:01, the C2608 intercity train from Tianjin West Railway Station to Beijing South Railway Station departed that day. This simple, enthusiastic and quiet Tianjin girl, as always, patrols the carriage, guards the safety and serves the passengers.

Train attendants are enthusiastic and passengers are also expected to follow these rules


Make every passenger satisfied

 The two went back and forth, and the number of passengers gradually increased. "There are more commuters among the passengers who usually take the Beijing-Tianjin intercity train, and the number of people traveling during the small and long holidays has increased significantly." Some of these travelers are traveling as a family, or some are a group of relatives or several families, and the noise that comes with it is almost inevitable.

 "Flight attendant, the gang in front of me is arguing too much, and they are also eating snacks, which has affected us, I hope they can stop immediately." A young couple was a little impatient to "report" to Liu Xin, who happened to walk to the carriage. At this time, the two children in this "big family" were having a good time.

  Liu Xin received the "report" from the little couple, stepped forward, and said to the leader of the "big family": "Hello, the high-speed rail train is forbidden to make loud noises, your voice has affected other passengers, I hope you and your children are quieter." Faced with this smiling flight attendant, the leader of the "extended family" hurriedly dissuaded the child and other family members. Soon, calm returned to the noisy carriage.

  There are no rules prohibiting snacking on high-speed trains, but this little couple still can't stand the sound of other people eating snacks. In order to let every passenger have a happy riding experience, Liu Xin first brought a cleaning bag and asked the people in the "big family" to put the snack packaging in the cleaning bag. She then adjusted the seats for the young couple in the back until they were satisfied.

Train attendants are enthusiastic and passengers are also expected to follow these rules

  Take care of key passengers

  "As a flight attendant, it's our duty to serve our passengers well. As long as it is a reasonable need of passengers, we will try our best to meet them. On May 4, Liu Xin received a work order from "12306", a minor boy wanted to take a bus to Beijing, and his parents could not accompany him and needed help.

  In order to ensure the safety of the child, Liu Xin was waiting for the child at the door of the train before the train started. After picking up the child, she led the child to the seat and told him the precautions for riding the bus. Along the way, Liu Xin went to take care of the child many times until he got out of the car safely.

  There are a lot of passengers who need to be taken care of on the train. On the same day, a blind couple took a train from Beijing South Railway Station to Tianjin. Before the ride, they also called "12306" to ask for help. After Liu Xin picked them up on the train, he took care of them carefully. "The drinking water provided to passengers on the train is boiled water. If you turn on the water for them, you can burn them if you are not careful. So we got warm water on the train and gave it to drink. Along the way, Liu Xin and the "attendant" kept an eye on the couple's situation until they were safely picked up by the station staff after getting off the train.

Train attendants are enthusiastic and passengers are also expected to follow these rules

  During the entire "May Day" holiday, Liu Xin served the majority of passengers diligently, showing the demeanor of an excellent flight attendant in Tianjin. When I got home every day, it was already early in the morning. "Tired and happy" has become a true portrayal of Liu Xin.

Liu Xin's colleague Sun Baoran, the conductor of another Beijing-Tianjin intercity train, has been fighting on the line for 12 years, 11 of which were as conductors. She told reporters with feeling: "The crew of our Tianjin-Beijing intercity team is quite hard, but we are particularly pleased to see that the Beijing-Tianjin intercity train has served so many passengers and that our work has contributed to regional development." ”

  What are the rules for taking the train?

(1) Abide by the order of the station. Enter the station with a valid certificate, follow the guidance of the staff, do not break in, do not cut in line, do not cross the seat, do not cross the station, do not dominate, do not make noise, take good care of the accompanying children, and do not affect others waiting for the bus.

(2) Maintain public safety. Do not bring prohibited items into the station and board the train, do not block the train doors, do not smoke in EMU trains and other non-smoking areas, do not open the train doors and manipulate the train emergency facilities without authorization.

(3) Maintain environmental hygiene. Do not spit, do not litter, do not sit on the ground, do not litter cigarette butts, and do not eat odorous food during the ride.

(4) Take care of equipment and facilities. Proper use of station and train service equipment, no damage to public facilities, and conservation of water and paper.

(5). Pay attention to treating people with courtesy. Pay attention to personal words and deeds, civilized language, respect the old and love the young, and be courteous to each other; Dress neatly and appropriately in public settings.

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