
put sb on the spot用法解析

author:Wings English
put sb on the spot用法解析

put sb on the spot

Embarrass someone, embarrass someone

Generally speaking, it refers to deliberately asking difficult or embarrassing questions or events to embarrass people, embarrass them, embarrass them, embarrass them, or make them unable to cope

to make sb feel awkward or embarrassed by asking them a difficult question

put sb on the spot用法解析

She put me on the spot a bit because she invited me right in front of her mum and I didn't particularly want to go

She embarrassed me a little because she invited me in front of her mother, and I didn't really want to go.

The question put me on the spot.

This question stumped me all at once.

Our question certainly put him on the spot.

Our question will stop him.

The interviewer's questions really put him on the spot.

The interviewer's questions made him uncomfortable.

Even clever people are not terribly clever when put on the spot.

Even smart people don't necessarily appear to be particularly smart when faced with difficult problems.

put sb on the spot用法解析

She wasn't prepared for the question during the meeting, and her boss really put her on the spot.

She wasn't prepared for the questions in the meeting, and her boss's questions were really embarrassing for her.

put sb on the spot用法解析

The surprise announcement put everyone on the spot, as they had to make a decision right then and there.

The unexpected announcement was a dilemma for everyone, as they had to make a decision right away.

When Jane was asked to sing in front of the group, she felt like she was put on the spot and her face turned red.

When Jane is asked to sing in front of everyone, she feels like she's being cornered and her face turns red.

She really put me on the spot. I actually think she could be doing a lot better. 她真的令我很难堪。 其实我觉得她可以做得更好。

Please don't put me on the spot like this. 请不要这样让我为难。

The question put me on the spot ; I couldn't make an excuse or lie.

This question is embarrassing to me, and I can neither excuse nor lie.

put sb on the spot用法解析

You've put me on the spot here I can't answer your question.

You're stumping me, and I can't answer your question.

put sb on the spot用法解析

Mira rather put the boss on the spot by asking him when he was going to give us a pay .

Mira asks the boss when he will give us a raise, which makes the boss very embarrassed.

I’m not trying to put you on the spot, but could you explain why you did that?

I'm not trying to embarrass you, but can you explain why you did that?

She shouldn't have put you on the spot like that.

She shouldn't have kept you off the stage like that.

put sb on the spot用法解析