
How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

author:Yuyu loves yoga

Yin yoga can be a great tool to relieve hip tension and release tension that may affect the sciatic nerve. The yin yoga exercises below focus on lengthening, rather than stretching, the musculature and connective tissue around the hips.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

While stretching and relaxing the muscles and connective tissue of the hip is essential for relieving discomfort, overstretching any part of the body can lead to an overreaction – possibly even contracting and creating more discomfort. So move slowly, stay in touch with your breath, and listen to your body in each pose.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Please note that everyone's body is different, and all exercises and stretches should be individually tailored to your own body.

Meditation and pranayama (5 minutes)

Sit in a comfortable position: simple or heroic pose; Choose a pose where you can completely relax and release muscle tension.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Close your eyes and draw your attention inward. Listen to the natural rhythm of your breathing. Make an effort to deepen each inhale and exhale. Sit quietly and allow yourself to live in the moment and be aware of the moment.

Pterodactyl (hold each side for 5 minutes)

Start in a four-legged kneeling position with your right foot between your hands and your right knee above your right ankle. Elongate the spine and extend in the opposite direction to the top of the head and tailbone. Left knee on the ground. Move your right hand to the inside of your right foot and place it on the floor or on the yoga block, stay there or place your elbow on the block or floor to stretch your spine.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Bend the knee to the right and externally rotate the femur. If possible, place your right hand on your right thigh and gently apply pressure to increase external rotation while twisting your torso to the right.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Hold for five minutes, then exit the side-switching exercise.

Marić C (hold for three minutes on each side)

Sit upright, bend your right knee, place your foot on the ground, and raise your left hip in preparation for twisting. This will allow your sacrum and pelvis to twist together, removing unnecessary pressure on your sacroiliac joint, with your right hand behind your right hip and your palm flat on the ground, spreading your fingertips. Elongate the spine as you inhale. Rotate your entire torso to the right as you exhale. Wrap your left arm around your right leg.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

You can either leave it as it is or place your right foot on the ground on the outside of your left leg. You can also bend your left knee and pull your left foot toward your right outer hip.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Hold for three minutes before switching sides. Maintain the length of the spine.

Shoelace style (hold for five minutes on each side)

Return to a comfortable sitting position with your legs stretched forward. Elongate the spine. Place your left leg crossed over your right leg.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

You can choose to stay here, or bend your right knee and pull your right heel toward your left outer hip, trying to keep your knees stacked.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

If there is a large gap between the knees, you can elevate your hips (with a yoga block, blanket, or mat) or put a support between your knees. Keep your breathing intact and steady. Become passive in stretching and allow your muscles and connective tissues to yield to the yin energy of your body and practice. Bend forward if you can.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Assistive devices can be used to support the body as needed. Hold for five minutes and switch sides.

Sleeping Swan Pose (hold on each side for five minutes)

Return to the seated position and then to the four-legged kneeling position, with your right knee on the ground and your tibia parallel to the top of the mat, and dorsiflex your ankle by pulling your toes in the direction of the right side of the mat. With your left knee back, slowly relax the front side of your left thigh toward the floor. You can place a yoga block and blanket under the right hip so that the pelvis will remain level. Fingertips touch the ground, elongating the spine.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

You can leave it as it is, or you can slowly lower your torso towards the floor. Can be supported with assistive devices. Allow yourself to be soft.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

If you have sciatica or knee discomfort, the needle-eye pose may be more comfortable. Lie on your back, bend your knees and raise your right foot over your left knee to form a figure-4. Lift your left foot and pull your left knee towards your chest, carefully pulling your legs towards your chest while pressing your right knee away from your body.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Hold for five minutes and then switch sides.

Block (hold for 5 minutes on each side)

Sit cross-legged with the right tibia in front of the left tibia, elongating the spine and sinking the ischial bones into the ground.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Lift your right leg so that you can slide your left tibia forward so that it is parallel to the top of the mat and place your right tibia on top of it: your right knee over your left ankle, your right ankle above your left knee, and if you can, bend forward. Can be supported with an assistive device.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Hold for five minutes, then switch sides.

Deer Pose (hold for three minutes on each side)

Start in the square pose, stretch your legs, then bend your knees, separate the balls of your feet the width of the mat, and relax your knees to the right (your right foot should be touching your left thigh). This causes your right leg to enter external rotation of the femur, your left leg to internal rotation of the femur, your left hand on your right knee, and your right palm or fingertips behind your right hip. Inhale, lengthen the spine, exhale, and rotate the torso to the right.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

You can keep it as it is, or move your hands clockwise to the right to continue the rotation (deepen the twist).

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Hold for three minutes before switching sides.

Cat tail pull (hold each side for five minutes)

Lie on your back and lift your right leg or wrap a strap around your foot and spread your left arm. It is possible to keep the left knee bent or straightened. Gently pull your right leg towards your chest and then straddle your body to the left. The right arm is relaxed and straightened. Place your right leg on the yoga block and let your shoulders relax towards the mat.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

If you want to turn into a cat pulling its tail, bend your left knee, pull your left heel towards your hip, grab your foot with your right hand, and stretch your quadriceps and gluteal flexors.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Relax for five minutes, then switch sides.

Supine twist hawk pose (hold on each side for five minutes)

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your right leg crossed over your left leg, either as it is, or you can put your legs together and wrap your right foot around your left calf in Eagle Pose. Lift your hips and move to the right. Keeping the shape of your legs in the same shape, relax your knees to the left. You can place your right knee on the device and twist it so that your right shoulder is relaxed towards the mat.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Hold for five minutes, then switch sides.

Zombie pose

Relax into the corpse pose. Immerse yourself in the floor. Let go of muscle control, let go of control of your thoughts. Simply surrender to the status quo and enter into this state of stillness.

How do I open my hips? It's enough to practice this set of yin yoga (collectible)!

Practicing simple stretches can help reduce discomfort and even relieve pain! Even spending just 5 to 10 minutes a day doing any of the above asanas can make a big difference.

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