
The price of the "king of fruits" has "dived", and the price of Ta has also dropped......

author:i Gold Mountain
The price of the "king of fruits" has "dived", and the price of Ta has also dropped......

The warm breeze is pleasant, and the melons and fruits are fragrant. Entering May, a variety of seasonal fruits are on the market one after another. Among them, durian and watermelon, which are popular among the public, have also entered the ripening season and have begun to be listed in large quantities, and the price has dropped significantly.

In the morning, the reporter came to a fruit shop on Shihua Street and saw that the huge durian was placed in a conspicuous position at the entrance, and Mr. Ma, a citizen, was carefully selecting durian.

The price of the "king of fruits" has "dived", and the price of Ta has also dropped......
The price of the "king of fruits" has "dived", and the price of Ta has also dropped......

Citizen Mr. Ma

Durian used to cost more than 200 yuan a piece, but now it only costs more than 100 yuan, which is much cheaper, so I thought about buying it and tasting it, which is more cost-effective.

The price of the "king of fruits" has "dived", and the price of Ta has also dropped......

According to the owner of the fruit shop, the main durian variety currently sold on the market is Thai Golden Pillow durian. As May is the ripening season of durian, a large number of durians are on the market, so their selling prices have dropped significantly. Compared with April, the price of durian has dropped by nearly 60%.

Subsequently, the reporter visited several fruit stores in the area and found that the retail price of durian was generally stable in the range of 25 to 29.8 yuan a catty. The staff of the fruit store said that although the price of durian has dropped compared with before, the quality and taste are still excellent, and consumers can buy with confidence.

The price of the "king of fruits" has "dived", and the price of Ta has also dropped......

In addition to durian, sweet and crisp watermelons are also on the market one after another, entering the peak sales season. At present, the market is mainly dominated by unicorn melon, 8424 and Jinshan small crown, among them, the wholesale price of 8424 has also dropped from 3.7 yuan a catty last week to 3.3 yuan a catty, and the retail price has also dropped from the original 5 yuan a catty to 4 yuan a catty. It is understood that with the gradual increase in the number of watermelons on the market, it is expected that the price of watermelons will continue to fall.

Reporter | Chen Yiwen Yang Jifeng

Correspondents | Pei Yuanhuan

Edit | Cheng Jiayu

Editor-in-charge | Pantene Chen Weiting

The price of the "king of fruits" has "dived", and the price of Ta has also dropped......

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