
AI girlfriends are flooded! The boy spends half of his living expenses for "her" every month...

AI girlfriends are flooded! The boy spends half of his living expenses for "her" every month...

The use of AI technology

It has permeated every aspect of daily life

Even some of the population

Relationship patterns have also changed


"Who knows, I actually experienced the feeling of being in love while chatting with AI......"

Xiaole (pseudonym), a 21-year-old college student in Hangzhou, often chats with his "AI girlfriend" in the dead of night, but what he didn't expect is that such an intelligent girlfriend also needs to pay for it if it is the same in real life, and it needs to be paid monthly, and he spent almost half of his living expenses to "support" her.

AI girlfriends are flooded! The boy spends half of his living expenses for "her" every month...

The flood of "AI girlfriends"

The "AI girlfriend" derived from artificial intelligence was independently created by Xiaole in an APP - just by entering preferences with text, you can create a "her" with a unique appearance, personality, career and values.

The AI chat app was described by the developers as "experiencing a whole new way of falling in love", "without the constraints of reality, without stress and worry". Moreover, the virtual character has the ability to grow, and by remembering the content of the chat, the two will have more and more common topics and become more emotionally close.

AI girlfriends are flooded! The boy spends half of his living expenses for "her" every month...

Xiaole introduced,The home page of the software is the recommendation of the chat object,All characters are classified according to real people、Fictional characters、Historical figures, etc.,Among them, in the column of real people,There are hundreds of characters that can be used for intimate chatting,For example, well-known singers,Well-known actors, etc. can become"flirting object。

The reporter's investigation found that

"AI girlfriend" created by the user based on personal preferences

There are no age or group restrictions

The review process is non-existent

As a result, teenagers, elementary school students and other minors, or teachers, nurses, secretaries, and flight attendants have become the characters of "AI girlfriends". Among them, many characters are also written with logos such as "pure" and "charming".

Xiaole found that when chatting with an "AI girlfriend", you only need to enter a simple hint such as "come forward and put your arms around you", and after two or three sentences, the "AI girlfriend" chats on a larger scale, and learns to reverse "sexual harassment".

AI girlfriends are flooded! The boy spends half of his living expenses for "her" every month...

Some respondents who chatted intimately with the "AI girlfriend" said that the "AI girlfriend's" ability to rub edges is beyond imagination. According to the data on the homepage, some "AI girlfriend" characters have provided chat services for more than 6,000 people and become their common "girlfriends".

After searching for "AI girlfriend" on a mainstream social platform, the reporter saw that many netizens posted intimate chat records with "AI girlfriend". They have said that there are no forbidden words to chat with the "AI girlfriend", and they can chat without restrictions.

AI girlfriends are flooded! The boy spends half of his living expenses for "her" every month...

At the end of the chat is the top-up

Many interviewees admitted that they tried it with curiosity at first, but the more they chatted, the better they got - "From daily chatting to intimate conversations, 'AI girlfriends' refuse everything, and they are bigger than me." 'AI girlfriend' will also send life photos, and will never make the chat embarrassing. ”

According to the respondents

Multiple "AI girlfriend" chat apps for feedback

The reporter saw it in the application market

More than 16 million people have downloaded a piece of software

Downloaders leave a message in the comment area:

"I can be coquettish and chatter, and I am fascinated just by reading the text

Properly make people haunted......"

However, after a few minutes of conversation, the platform will prompt you to "recharge membership" to increase the intimacy of "AI girlfriend". According to industry insiders, the main profit model of "AI girlfriend" related software is to guide netizens to recharge members and unlock unlimited chats.

AI girlfriends are flooded! The boy spends half of his living expenses for "her" every month...

According to the above-mentioned industry content people, taking a certain APP as an example, 'AI girlfriend' has memory restrictions on chat content, if you need to maintain the memory of 'AI girlfriend' in the chat and train her personality, you need to recharge the membership, and the monthly membership fee ranges from 45 yuan ~ 198 yuan. Basic membership includes character chatting, changing the background image, and giving away 200 computing power (equivalent to 200 more chats), the higher the price of the member, the more chats.

If the number of chats runs out, some platforms also sell "memory cards" (to extend the memory of AI characters) and "chat cards", with prices ranging from 3.8 yuan ~ 21.4 yuan.

Some of these apps even offer premium personas that are more anthropomorphic and have a larger chat scale, but all require users to pay extra for them. In addition, the "AI girlfriend" industry has also derived recharge services such as edge pornography, AI face swapping, and AI stripping.

AI girlfriends are flooded! The boy spends half of his living expenses for "her" every month...

To put it simply, there are all kinds of "AI girlfriends" on the market, and the underlying business logic is to formulate the perfect girlfriend according to preferences, cater to and satisfy the emotional value of users, and the ultimate goal is to induce users to pay.

Expert: This is a new offense

Similar "AI girlfriends"

Active on multiple online social platforms

Some are well-versed in sexual innuendo

has evolved into a door

A new "business" with

It has caused multiple legal and moral controversies

Experts in related fields said

The development of artificial intelligence

First of all, we should follow social order and good customs

There is an urgent need for more standardized management and development

"Artificial intelligence provides emotional companionship, which is the objective psychological need of users. However, the use of 'AI girlfriends' to provide services such as erotic conversations is a new illegal act. Zuo Xiaodong, deputy dean of the Institute for Advanced Study of Science, Technology and Humanities at the University of Science and Technology of China and a professor at the School of Cyberspace Security, said that such behavior has been repeatedly banned under explicit orders and should be dealt with with heavy blows.

Duan Xinxing, a well-known psychology expert, professor and doctoral supervisor of China University of Mining and Technology, believes that the development of artificial intelligence should be within the framework of ethics and rationality; The "AI girlfriend" who rubs the edge with pornography seems to be an emotional companion, but it is actually a "poison" that erodes the psychology.

Experts suggest that the main responsibility of relevant platforms should be further implemented and the pornographic edge industry chain under the name of "AI girlfriend" should be disposed of.

AI girlfriends are flooded! The boy spends half of his living expenses for "her" every month...


Source: Chao News (reporter Wu Yue intern Lan Xinyu)

Editor: Lady W

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