
Students' grades are modified by "noisy"? The latest report from the universities involved!

Students' grades are modified by "noisy"? The latest report from the universities involved!


Teachers from Xi'an University of Science and Technology reflected

The student fails the subject and "makes trouble" to revise the grade

Arouse attention and heated discussions

Students' grades are modified by "noisy"? The latest report from the universities involved!

Dialogue between the student's parents and Qin Feng (screenshot of media reports)

Qin Feng (pseudonym) is an associate professor and master's supervisor of Xi'an University of Science and Technology, and his main research areas involve GNSS geodetic data processing, GNSS precision positioning, GNSS integrity performance evaluation, and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses such as "GNSS Positioning Principles and Applications" and "Frontiers of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology".

According to CCTV, in January this year, after the final results of Qin Feng's course came out, the parent of a student surnamed Chen who had failed the grades asked the teacher to revise the grades on the grounds of "affecting the child's future" and "causing stains", and verbally threatened Qin Feng. The relevant personnel of the school's School of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology also mentioned many times that the parent "has a background" and asked the teacher to revise the grades.

According to Qin Feng, the student's parents claimed to be a researcher at a research institute, and because the child was a bachelor's and master's student, failing the grades would affect his future, and asked to revise the child's grades.

The parent once said to Qin Feng, "I'll make the actual situation clear, if you can't do it, I will definitely go to the school to make trouble with you." "I have something to do with a teacher at your school."

Qin Feng said that for a while, he was worried about the safety of himself and his family. On Chinese New Year's Eve last year, he received another text message from the student's parents, questioning him for being too difficult to write questions and grading papers at will, saying that he would go to the Education Department to sue him.

Students' grades are modified by "noisy"? The latest report from the universities involved!

Investigation letter (screenshot of media report)

Qin Feng said that on February 26 this year, 19 students jointly went to the school's academic affairs office to request a review of their results, while 72 students had previously taken the exam for the course and 38 students had failed to achieve results. The above-mentioned college set up a supervision team to review the examination papers, "The result of the review is that the questions I put out meet the requirements of the syllabus, the difficulty level is moderate, and there is no problem in grading." ”

Students' grades are modified by "noisy"? The latest report from the universities involved!

The Faculty set up a supervision team to review all examination papers (photo provided by the interviewee)

On March 5 this year, the parents of the above-mentioned students came to the school to report that there were problems in Qin Feng's teaching, and for this reason, the school's Academic Affairs Office issued a special investigation letter. Qin Feng said, "After a day of investigation, it proved that I have no problems in teaching. ”

Students' grades are modified by "noisy"? The latest report from the universities involved!

Feedback from students (photo provided by the interviewee)

At the end of March, the college arranged a make-up examination, and the make-up examination of Qin Feng's teaching course was written and graded by another research group leader, and Qin Feng was only responsible for entering the final results. In this make-up examination, the above-mentioned students surnamed Chen passed the make-up examination.

Students' grades are modified by "noisy"? The latest report from the universities involved!

On April 28, the teacher's system showed that the make-up test results of "GNSS Principles and Applications" were in the system (photo provided by the interviewee)

Students' grades are modified by "noisy"? The latest report from the universities involved!

The make-up examination results of the course "GNSS Principles and Applications" are no longer in Mr. Qin Feng's grade entry system (photo provided by the interviewee)

On April 26, Qin Feng learned that in this make-up examination, there was another student surnamed Wang who failed the make-up examination, which may affect his undergraduate graduation and graduate studies. Qin Feng said that this time, the student still asked for a revision of his grades and threatened to jump off the building. A few days later, he found out that the student's make-up test score had been revised to 60 points.

Qin Feng admitted frankly that since January this year, he has been exhausted, and has not received a fair answer and a trace of comfort from the relevant departments, "I have become an alternative and negative teaching material, what did I do wrong?" ”

Students' grades are modified by "noisy"? The latest report from the universities involved!

Handwritten instructions for the revision of students' grades signed by the faculty instructor (screenshot of media report)

In the past few days, related topics about the revision of student grades of Xi'an University of Science and Technology have rushed to the hot search. On the 11th, the Jimu News reporter repeatedly called the relevant departments of the School of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology of the university, as well as the relevant person in charge of the propaganda department of the school, to learn about the progress of the disposal, but did not receive a reply.

Subsequently, the staff of another department of the school responded to reporters that the school attaches great importance to this matter and set up a special working class as soon as possible to carry out a comprehensive and in-depth investigation and verification; In response to the reflected problems, the school will strictly investigate to the end in an attitude of not evading or covering up; For violations of discipline and regulations, the school will seriously investigate the responsibility of the relevant responsible persons based on the investigation results, and will not tolerate it.

Yesterday (May 14)

Xi'an University of Science and Technology issued a briefing

The contents of the circular are as follows


After investigation, students Chen Moumou and Wang Moumou both participated in the make-up examination of the course "Principles and Applications of Navigation Satellite Systems" on April 8, 2024, and Chen's score was 89 points, which was true; Wang's score was 56 points, which was later changed to 60 points by the faculty member Zhang and the course leader Chen.

It was determined that the teaching clerk Zhang had a teaching accident at a certain level, and was given a demerit punishment and transferred from his original post; It was determined that the course leader Chen had a third-level teaching accident and was removed from the position of the course leader; It was determined that the vice dean in charge of teaching had a third-level teaching accident and was given a warning; gave the dean Li Moumou a warning; Yin Moumou, secretary of the party committee of the hospital, was given a demerit sanction.

Students' grades are modified by "noisy"? The latest report from the universities involved!

Source: Jimu News (reporter: Shu Longhuan), Xi'an University of Science and Technology

Editor: Xu Lulu

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