
The calories are super low, and the difficulty of raising blood sugar is full of points! These 6 sugar-stabilizing dishes make you happy and assured!

author:99 Health Net

Many diabetics understand that eating more vegetables is good for their health, but if the amount of oil is properly controlled when stir-frying, the taste will be greatly reduced. So, how do you ensure a healthy intake of vegetables while keeping food delicious and at the same time controlling blood sugar spikes?

The calories are super low, and the difficulty of raising blood sugar is full of points! These 6 sugar-stabilizing dishes make you happy and assured!


How to eat vegetables is not nutritious and does not raise blood sugar

Adopt healthy cooking methods

Minimize frying and stir-frying, and you can choose steaming, boiling, stewing, roasting, etc. For example, instead of frying vegetables in oil, vegetables can be seasoned with a small amount of olive oil and herbs after they have been cooked in water.

Cook on low temperature

Cooking vegetables at a lower temperature can reduce vitamin loss while controlling fat intake. For example, use an open oven or air fryer instead of traditional frying.

Mix it up

Pairing vegetables with other ingredients such as lean meats, beans, nuts, etc., can enhance the taste while ensuring a balanced nutrition.

Control the amount of oil

Even healthy oils, such as olive oil, should be in moderation. Spray bottles can be used to control the amount of oil, which allows for more precise control of oil intake.

Increase dietary fiber

Choose vegetables that are high in dietary fiber, such as broccoli, bean sprouts, spinach, and kale, which can help slow the rate at which blood sugar rises.

Try the salad

After the vegetables are washed, they are soaked in cold water, then blanched in cold water, and finally seasoned with a small amount of olive oil, vinegar, and salt to make a salad that is both healthy and delicious.

The calories are super low, and the difficulty of raising blood sugar is full of points! These 6 sugar-stabilizing dishes make you happy and assured!


We recommend 6 ultra-low-calorie vegetables

Sugar friends can also eat with confidence

For people with diabetes, choosing low-calorie and nutritious vegetables is an important part of the diet. Here are the 6 recommended vegetables that are not only low in calories, but also suitable for diabetics:


Broccoli is a very low-calorie vegetable rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber and minerals. It has a low glycemic index (GI) and is suitable for diabetics.


Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins A, C and potassium, and are very low in calories, making them suitable for diabetics as a daily vegetable.


Cucumbers are very low in calories, contain almost no sugar, and are rich in dietary fiber, which helps diabetics control their blood sugar.


Carrots are rich in β-carotene, vitamins C and E, and dietary fiber, making them a great vegetable choice for diabetics.


Celery contains more dietary fiber, which can help diabetics improve digestion, and it has a low glycemic index, which helps control blood sugar.


Spinach is a low-calorie vegetable rich in iron, calcium, vitamins A and C, which can help strengthen the body of diabetics without causing a large spike in blood sugar.

The calories are super low, and the difficulty of raising blood sugar is full of points! These 6 sugar-stabilizing dishes make you happy and assured!


Which condiments are suitable for diabetics

soy sauce

Soy sauce is a commonly used condiment that contains amino acids, a small amount of sugar, and salt. Choosing low-salt soy sauce or light soy sauce can reduce sodium intake, but be careful not to overdo it.


Vinegar is a healthy condiment that adds flavor to food and contains acetic acid, which helps control blood sugar. Be careful not to overdo it when using it, so as not to affect the stomach acid balance.


Sichuan pepper has a good flavoring effect, can enhance the aroma of food, and is low in calories and has little effect on blood sugar.

Chili sauce

Chili sauce can add spiciness to food, but choose products that don't contain sugar and use them in moderation to avoid excessive calorie intake.


Wasabi can help control blood sugar, especially in Wasabi, which contains a substance called isothiocyanate, which has been shown to help lower blood sugar.

olive oil

Olive oil is a healthy source of fat that can be used in cooking and cold dressing, helping to reduce the total number of calories in food.

Diabetics should also pay attention to reading product labels when choosing condiments and avoid products that contain added sugar or high sodium. At the same time, condiments should be used in moderation according to personal taste and health status to maintain a diverse and balanced diet.