
The ninth day of April is the "Murder Day"? Remind everyone: no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't make taboos?

author:Who blurred the time


Behind everyone's growth, it is inseparable from the edification of some traditional cultures, which carry rich philosophical connotations and wisdom crystallization. With the continuous development of society, some ancient customs gradually fade out of people's field of vision, and at a certain moment, these customs will be re-noticed, triggering people's thinking and inheritance of traditional culture. With the high development of information, the communication between people has become more convenient, and some traditional customs have a new way of transmission, which has attracted more and more people's attention and love.

The ninth day of April is the "Murder Day"? Remind everyone: no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't make taboos?

1. The crystallization of wisdom reflected in traditional customs

The ninth day of April is the "Murder Day"? Remind everyone: no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't make taboos?

The life of the ancients is inseparable from the dependence on and reverence for nature, and many traditional customs were formed and developed in this context, which contains rich wisdom crystallization, reflecting the deep understanding and respect of the ancients for nature and the laws of the universe. According to the laws of observing the movement of the sun, moon and stars, the ancients formulated a rich and colorful lunar calendar, in which each day has a different auspicious and bad fortune, and people will plan their lives according to these taboos.

The ninth day of April is the "Murder Day"? Remind everyone: no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't make taboos?

Tomorrow is the ninth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, according to the ancient calendar, this day is called the "closed day", the closed day is considered a bad day, it is not suitable for some important activities, moving, breaking ground, opening a business, etc., on this day, people should be extra cautious to avoid committing some taboos, quarrels and big fights.

The ninth day of April is the "Murder Day"? Remind everyone: no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't make taboos?

2. The origin and cultural connotation of the closed day

Why did the ancients designate the ninth day of the first lunar month as a "closed day"? The reckoning of the ancients is based on the unique understanding and observation of the universe, they believe that all things in heaven and earth are spiritual, in the lunar calendar, each day has a different "build" and "removal", "build" is considered auspicious, "except" represents unlucky, the ninth day of the first month, it happens to be the day of "building and excepting" each other, it is considered to be a "closed day", "closed" means not passable, not smooth, prone to some obstacles and stagnation.

The ancients believed that on such days, the yin energy between heaven and earth would be heavier, and it was easy to bring some troubles to people's lives, so on this day, it was best to be quiet and quiet, not to make some big changes, move and break ground, so that it is easy to attract some bad things, which is not conducive to one's luck and health.

The ninth day of April is the "Murder Day"? Remind everyone: no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't make taboos?

3. The Enlightenment of Modern Society

Nowadays, society has entered the fast lane of informatization, and many people may no longer be like the ancients, who are convinced of these traditional customs, and proper respect and understanding can bring some inspiration and help to our lives.

Closed days are not suitable for moving and breaking ground, containing the awe and compliance of the ancients to nature, reminding modern people to maintain humility and awe in the interaction with nature, not to destroy the laws and rhythms of nature at will, in modern society, all kinds of natural disasters and environmental problems emerge one after another, it is because of the excessive development and destruction of human beings that has led to all this.

In the eyes of the ancients, it contains a kind of "rebirth" and "renewal" of family and life, such "rebirth" and "renewal" need to go through some careful preparation and thinking, in this process, people can find back the original beauty and touch.

The ninth day of April is the "Murder Day"? Remind everyone: no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't make taboos?


Is the traditional customs of the ancients, or the development and progress of modern society, each existence has its unique meaning and value, what we have to do is to continue to learn and explore, find the softest place in the heart, understand where you are, maybe at a specific moment, an ancient custom, can give us a guide to the direction of the way, can let us deeply understand the true meaning of life.

I hope that on the closing day of tomorrow, everyone can be safe and smooth, in the busy life, slow down in a timely manner, to feel the beauty and warmth around you, perhaps, that beauty, hidden in ordinary life.

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