
Comparison of potato production between China, India and Russia: 50 million tons in India, 21 million tons in Russia, how much in China?

author:Allison the Wise 6g3


Potato, as an important food crop, has always been loved by people. It is not only delicious and delicious, but also has rich advantages in nutrition, and is known as the "second bread". Recently, the topic of potatoes has once again become a hot focus, and many people have conducted in-depth discussions on the cultivation and utilization of potatoes. It is understood that China, as one of the origins of potatoes, has always ranked among the top in the world in potato production, which also provides important support for the mainland's food security and rural economic development.

Comparison of potato production between China, India and Russia: 50 million tons in India, 21 million tons in Russia, how much in China?

1. Cultivation and utilization of potatoes

Potato, a year-round herbaceous plant, is also one of the important food crops. The main part of the potato is the tuber, and this is the part that people eat. In addition to being eaten directly, potatoes can also be deeply processed to produce a variety of foods such as potato chips, potato flour, and shredded potatoes, which greatly enrich people's tables.

(1) The nutritional value of potatoes

Potatoes, known as the "second bread", are very rich in nutritional value. Potatoes are rich in starch, protein, vitamins and minerals, which can provide comprehensive nutrition for the human body. In addition, potatoes also contain polysaccharides, dietary fiber and other components, which have a good health care effect on human health.

(2) Potato planting

Potatoes are cultivated in a wide range of places almost all over the world. In China, the main potato producing areas are concentrated in the northwest region, especially Qinghai, Gansu, Xinjiang and other places. The climate and soil conditions in these places are very suitable for the growth of potatoes, so they also form a relatively large planting scale.

(3) Utilization of potatoes

Potatoes are widely used and can be eaten not only directly, but also further processed to produce a variety of potato products. At present, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the demand for food is becoming more and more diversified, and potato products have gradually entered people's lives and are loved by more and more consumers.

Comparison of potato production between China, India and Russia: 50 million tons in India, 21 million tons in Russia, how much in China?

Second, what are the advantages of potato planting

Compared with other food crops, potato cultivation has unique advantages, which is why more and more people are beginning to pay attention to potato cultivation.

(1) Strong adaptability

Potatoes are very adaptable and can be grown in both alpine and hot and arid regions. Moreover, potatoes do not have strict requirements for soil, and have moderate requirements for pH and fertility, and can grow normally in general soil.

(2) Stable output

Compared with grain crops such as wheat and rice, potato yields are more stable. On the one hand, potatoes have a short growth cycle, which can flexibly adjust the planting time to cope with the impact of climate. On the other hand, potato tubers grow underground and are less susceptible to natural disasters, which can better guarantee the stability of yields.

(3) Improved soil

Potatoes have a well-developed root system that can grow deep into the soil and improve the soil. In the planting rotation of potato, it can effectively reduce the continuous cropping obstacle of the soil, improve the fertility of the soil, and create a good growth environment for the growth of subsequent crops.

Comparison of potato production between China, India and Russia: 50 million tons in India, 21 million tons in Russia, how much in China?

3. How potato planting can help rural revitalization

At present, rural revitalization has become an important strategy for the economic and social development of the mainland, and the planting and utilization of potatoes can provide new development opportunities for rural revitalization.

(1) Enrich the channels for farmers to increase their income

Potato cultivation and further processing can provide farmers in rural areas with new sources of income. On the one hand, the cultivation of potatoes can increase the planting income of farmers, and because the deep processing of potatoes has a lot of imagination, it can produce a variety of high value-added products and create more economic benefits for farmers.

(2) Promote the development of rural industries

The deep processing industry of potatoes is a very promising industrial field, which can bring new impetus to the development of rural industries. In the potato industry chain, it involves planting, purchasing, processing, sales and other links, which can form a complete industrial chain, drive the development of related industries, and promote the integrated development of rural industries.

(3) Improve the rural ecological environment

Potato cultivation can effectively improve the ecological environment of rural areas. On the one hand, potatoes can replace rice, wheat and other food crops to a certain extent, reduce the continuous cropping pressure of these crops on the land, and help the land to recuperate. On the other hand, the cultivation technology of potatoes does not require a large amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which can reduce environmental pollution and protect the safety of the ecological environment.

Comparison of potato production between China, India and Russia: 50 million tons in India, 21 million tons in Russia, how much in China?

4. How potato cultivation affects food security

Food security has always been a concern of many people, but what impact will the cultivation and utilization of potatoes have on the food security of the mainland?

(1) Diversification of food crops

The cultivation of potatoes can enrich the varieties of grain crops on the mainland and realize the diversification of grains. At present, the mainland's grain is mainly rice, wheat, and corn, and appropriately guiding the cultivation of potatoes can alleviate the planting pressure of these crops to a certain extent, protect the diversity of grain crops, and provide more guarantees for food security.

(2) Increase the number of alternative varieties of staple foods

Potato, as a staple grain substitute, can provide strong support for the mainland's staple grain restructuring. At present, the mainland's staple grain consumption is mainly rice and wheat, and appropriately increasing the supply of potatoes and other staple food substitute varieties can better meet the diversified grain needs of the masses and realize the diversification of staple grain consumption.

(3) Increasing grain production capacity

The cultivation of potatoes can further enhance the mainland's grain production capacity and provide a more solid foundation for food security. At present, grain production on the mainland is confronted with constraints in land resources, climatic conditions, labor, and other aspects, and the proper development of potato cultivation can make full use of the idle land resources in some border areas, expand the space for grain production, and increase the total grain output and the ability to stabilize production.

Comparison of potato production between China, India and Russia: 50 million tons in India, 21 million tons in Russia, how much in China?

V. Conclusion

Potato, as a green, healthy and sustainable food crop, has broad prospects for planting and utilization, and has positive significance for economic development, rural revitalization and food security in rural areas. At present, the mainland is in a critical period of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and all undertakings are advancing in an all-round way, and the planting and utilization of potatoes also need the attention and support of all sectors of society, and it is believed that in the near future, potatoes will certainly be able to make greater contributions to the mainland's agricultural and rural undertakings.

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