
Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

author:Zhong Haoqi

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Text: Zhong Haoqi

Editor: Zhong Haoqi

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!


The eyes are the windows to the soul.

But when this window is shrouded in darkness, what kind of light can life shine in?

Blind singer Liu Sai used her story to give the answer.

She touches the world with her singing voice and illuminates her life with love.

This is a legend of courage, hope and true love, which is worth listening to and feeling.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

A test of fate: childhood blindness, difficult schooling

Liu Sai was born in 1987 in a loving military family.

The love of her parents made her childhood like a cheerful nursery rhyme, quietly flowing in happiness.

However, fate played a cruel joke on her.

When she was 4 years old, a sudden eye disease was like a ruthless hand, which strangled the little girl's hope and plunged her world into endless darkness.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

The doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue, and the parents' hearts seemed to be torn in half.

But they didn't give up, but turned their grief into strength and vowed to hold up a clear sky for their daughter.

Since then, they have become Liu Sai's strongest support and warmest comfort in the dark world.

Liu Sai's childhood was groping in the dark, and every step was extremely difficult.

She had to learn how to survive in a world without light, how to perceive everything around her with her other senses.

In order to prevent her classmates from discovering her eye disease, she was cautious at school, but she still often fell and injured herself.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

Every pain was like a sharp knife, cutting scars on her young heart.

When the eye disease finally could not be concealed, the shadow of school dropping out of school hung over her, and it seemed that her future would be swallowed up altogether.

Fortunately, at the behest of his parents, the school gave Liu Sai a one-year trial opportunity.

This year is the most critical year in Liu Sai's life, and she wants to use her own efforts to prove that a blind child also has the right to receive education and can also create miracles.

With amazing perseverance and tenacious will, Liu Sai proved himself with excellent results.

The completion of her homework was an uphill battle, and she had to spend several times more time and energy than ordinary people.

But she never flinched because she understood that knowledge was the key to the light.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

Gradually, she not only became the first blind student in the school, but also became a role model for her classmates.

Her story is like a ray of light, illuminating the hearts of many people.

At the age of 20, she held a solo concert in Changsha and declared with her singing: darkness cannot hide the light of life.

At this moment, all the suffering turned into musical notes and converged into a shocking hymn to life.

"Avenue of Stars": Accidental fall, bravely chasing dreams

The 24-year-old Liu Sai stepped on the stage of "Avenue of Stars", which is a new starting point for her music dream.

The moving singing voice is like a heavenly sound, making her pass all the way and become the darling of the audience.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

However, during a drum dance, she was seriously injured by an accidental fall, and her dream seemed to be shattered.

Pain tormented her body, despair consumed her soul.

But Liu Sai did not fall down there, and in the most difficult moments, it was music that gave her strength.

She understands that the stage is her battlefield, and she must bravely face every challenge and prove herself with strength.

Liu Sai made a difficult but courageous decision: she opened up for the first time in the competition that she was blind and called for equal opportunities.

At this moment, the audience was in an uproar.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

It's hard to believe that the girl who conquered them with her singing couldn't see the world.

But Liu Sai did not flinch, she looked directly at the questioning gaze, and proved with her actions that everyone has the right to chase their dreams, whether they are blind or not.

To prove her strength, she wrapped her hands in adhesive tape and threw herself into training like a warrior.

Sweat soaked through her clothes, pain tortured her body, but none of it could stop her.

Three months later, Liu Sai successfully advanced to the finals from the monthly champion to a bigger stage.

Along the way, she fell and cried, but never gave up.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

Because she understands that the road of dreams is never smooth sailing, and only after experiencing the baptism of wind and rain can she reach the other end of the rainbow.

In the finals, Liu Sai's "Filial Piety to Parents" moved the audience.

The song is like a cry, telling a daughter's endless love and gratitude to her parents.

In the audience, the father who watched the game for the first time burst into tears, he remembered his daughter's difficult journey over the years, and remembered her strength and courage along the way.

Her singing is the best reward for the nurturing grace of her parents, and it is also the most affectionate praise for life.

In the end, Liu Sai won the championship and realized his music dream.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

At this moment, she stood in the spotlight, tears flashing.

Along the way, she has experienced too many hardships and setbacks, but she has used her strong will and tenacious perseverance to walk step by step to the other side of success.

She declared with victory: darkness will eventually be dispelled by light, and dreams will eventually blossom.

The Miracle of Love: Performance Encounter, Husband Donates Eyes

In Liu Sai's life, there is a warmer miracle, that is, love.

This miracle stems from a seemingly ordinary performance.

On that day, on the stage in Hangzhou, Liu Sai touched the heartstrings of countless audiences with his singing.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

But who would have thought that a small wish would make her reap a lifetime of happiness.

Hunger made her call to the world, and a military brother who was far away heard her voice.

He seemed to see the girl's heart and decided to make her dream come true.

The distance of 100 kilometers could not stop him.

Late at night, when the sweet egg yolk pie was delivered to Liu Sai, her heart was also filled with the boy's warmth.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

At this moment, she felt the magic of fate and the beauty of love.

Since then, Liu Sai has had a special existence in his life.

Knowing each other and staying together, their feelings accumulate in bits and pieces, like a trickle, and converge into an ocean of love.

The boy's love, like a beam of light, illuminates Liu Sai's life.

In his own way, he took her to appreciate the beauty of this world.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

In his eyes, Liu Sai is not a blind person, but a girl with infinite possibilities.

For the sake of his beloved, he is willing to give everything he has, even those bright eyes.

At this moment, Liu Sai burst into tears.

She never imagined that there was such great love in the world.

This love, beyond life and death, beyond the years, makes her feel the meaning of life and the true meaning of happiness.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

The relationship between the husband and wife not only has the sweetness of firewood, rice, oil and salt, but also the tacit understanding of each other.

They are each other's pride and pillars.

Every bit of life is soaked in their love and is extraordinarily warm.

Together, they devote themselves to public welfare undertakings and warm others with love.

Every time they give, they get closer to their hearts.

In the world that Liu Sai can't see, her husband is her eyes, taking her to appreciate the colors of life.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

Their story, like a moving love song, interprets the true meaning of love.

This love, which spans light and darkness, has touched countless people and has become a beautiful conversation after dinner.

The original intention has not changed: "Hearing China", singing the motherland

Although he had a happy marriage, Liu Sai did not forget the original intention of music.

In her heart, singing is not only a hobby, but also a mission.

She wants to use her singing voice to convey positive energy and warm more hearts.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

In 2022, she will launch a new work "Hearing China", pouring her patriotic enthusiasm into it.

This song is her most affectionate confession to her motherland and her most heartfelt blessing to this land.

Every note is full of her fist heart; Every lyric shows her feelings for her family and country.

This is an extraordinary chapter in the life of a blind singer, and it is also a hymn of gratitude to the motherland and dedication to society.

It interprets Liu Sai's persistent pursuit of music and infinite love for life.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

After five years of marriage, Liu Sai and her husband composed a moving movement of life with sincere feelings.

Their story is like a poem, like a painting, witnessing the greatness of love and interpreting the meaning of life.

In the past five years, they have walked through spring, summer, autumn and winter together, tasting the ups and downs together.

Whether it is good times or bad, they always move forward hand in hand and overcome all difficulties with love.

This journey across light and darkness not only belongs to them, but also to thousands of dream-chasing hearts.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

It is like a beacon that illuminates the way forward for countless people and inspires them to never give up and move forward bravely.


Liu Sai's life is a touching song of struggle.

She overcomes difficulties with tenacity and lights up her life with love.

She taught us that the meaning of life is not how much scenery you see, but how much unyielding courage and selfless love you have.

Let's listen to Liu Sai's singing together, and find the strength and direction of life in that moving melody.

Blind singer Liu Sai: Marry 2 villas upside down, and the soldier's husband is willing to donate his eyes!

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