
A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

author:Dr. Wang of Health Science Popularization
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7-year-old Mengmeng is a lively and cute little girl who has always been in good health. However, in recent times, Meng Meng has always said that she has a stomachache and is still a little uncomfortable underneath.

Mengmeng's parents didn't take it too seriously at first, thinking that it might just be that the child had a bad stomach or a little inflammation, so they gave her some medicine.

However, Mengmeng's symptoms did not ease, but became more and more serious.

A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

She began to bleed irregularly, which frightened the family. So, they hurriedly brought Mengmeng to our hospital.

In the consultation room, the cute parents anxiously told the doctor about the child's symptoms, their eyes full of worry and fear.

The doctor carefully inquired about Mengmeng's living habits, daily diet, etc., and also conducted a series of examinations.

A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

During the examination, Meng Meng looked scared and held her mother's hand tightly. Looking at the child's pitiful appearance, the cute mother couldn't help but shed tears and kept blaming herself, feeling that she didn't take good care of the child.

After a detailed examination and diagnosis, the result surprised everyone - Mengmeng actually suffered from cervical cancer!

This news was like a bolt from the blue, making Mengmeng's parents almost collapse to the ground.

A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

"How is that possible? She's only 7 years old, how could she get this disease? Mengmeng's father couldn't believe his ears, and his voice trembled a little.

"Cervical cancer is usually more common in adult women, but in recent years, it has also occurred occasionally in children. After our understanding and analysis, Mengmeng's illness is likely to be caused by a family's underwear washing. ”

Mengmeng's parents widened their eyes, looking dazed and confused.

A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

The doctor continued, "There may be various bacteria, viruses and secretions left on the underwear, and if the underwear of the family is mixed and washed, it is easy to cause cross-infection. In particular, some viruses that can cause cancer, such as human papillomavirus (HPV), can be transmitted to children in this way. Meng Meng is likely to be infected with this virus in her daily life, which has accumulated for a long time, and eventually led to the occurrence of cervical cancer. ”

A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

Hearing this, Mengmeng's parents regretted it. They never thought that a small habit of their own would bring such a huge disaster to their children.

"We really don't know, we've been washing like this all along, thinking it doesn't matter." The cute mother couldn't cry.

A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

The doctor sighed and said, "This is what a lot of people tend to overlook." We always think that some small things don't matter, but in fact, there may be huge risks hidden behind these small things. When it comes to children's health, we must be extra careful and cautious. ”

A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

This incident is a wake-up call for us.

In our daily lives, we cannot ignore any detail that can affect our health. Especially for children, their immune systems are not yet perfect and they are more susceptible to various diseases. We need to develop good habits, such as washing underwear separately and maintaining personal hygiene. At the same time, it is also necessary to take the child for regular physical examinations to detect problems and treat them in time.

A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

Cases like Mengmeng's are not unique. After reviewing the relevant literature and materials, I found that in recent years, there has been an increase in the incidence of various adult diseases among children. This is closely related to our living environment, lifestyle, etc.

Some children who live in heavily polluted environments for long periods of time or are exposed to chemicals for a long time may have an increased risk of cancer.

There are also some children who like to eat fried foods and sweets because of their unhealthy eating habits, which leads to an increase in the incidence of obesity, diabetes and other diseases.

A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

For the sake of children's health, each and every one of us should take action.

Parents should strengthen the attention and management of children's health, not only to pay attention to children's learning and growth, but also to their physical health.

Schools should also strengthen health education so that children can establish a correct concept of health from an early age.

Society should also create a healthy environment for children to grow up. It is our bounden duty to reduce environmental pollution and strengthen food safety supervision.

A 7-year-old girl suffered from "cervical cancer", and the family's underwear was mixed and caused a big disaster! What a sin

I hope that Mengmeng's story can attract everyone's attention, and I also hope that every child can stay away from disease and have a better future.

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