
Gongyan recipes, blood and beauty, the secret of "frozen age" in food

author:The food life encyclopedia of the baby gecko

Hello dear friends, I'm a little gecko. It's my habit to use simple words to introduce delicious food. Today, I'm going to share with you a recipe secret for beauty and warmth, which is to stick to three special foods that are not only delicious, but also help you maintain a youthful appearance, leaving your skin and body deeply nourished. We often say that "medicine is not as good as food", and it is the most natural and healthy way to regulate the body through daily diet.

1. Red jujube white fungus soup - a good product for beauty

Gongyan recipes, blood and beauty, the secret of "frozen age" in food

In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded: "Jujube is sweet in taste, warm in nature, can replenish the middle and nourish qi, nourish blood and nourish the body." Jujube is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, and is a good product for nourishing beauty and blood. Tremella is known as "common bird's nest", which has a good moisturizing and beauty effect.


1. Prepare a dried white fungus and soak it in cold water the night in advance.

2. 10 red dates, wash and set aside.

3. Remove the sparkled white fungus, tear it into small pieces, and put it in a pot with the red dates.

4. Add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour.

5. Simmer until the white fungus is soft and glutinous, the red dates are ripe thoroughly, and add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste.

A bowl of red dates and white fungus soup every day can not only moisturize the skin, but also replenish qi and nourish blood, so that your complexion will improve from the inside out.

2. Brown sugar ginger tea - invigorating blood and warming the uterus

Gongyan recipes, blood and beauty, the secret of "frozen age" in food

"Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, and don't work for doctors to prescribe medicine." Ginger has the effect of dissipating cold in the middle of the temperature and invigorating the blood circulation, while brown sugar is rich in minerals and trace elements, which has a special tonic effect on women.


1. Prepare a piece of ginger, wash and slice.

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add ginger slices and bring to a boil.

3. Add an appropriate amount of brown sugar and stir until completely dissolved.

4. Simmer for 10 minutes to allow the ginger to be identified.

On those days every month, a cup of hot brown sugar ginger tea can not only relieve menstrual cramps, but also invigorate the blood and warm the uterus, making your body more comfortable.

3. Peach gum snow swallow soaphorn rice soup - nourishing and nourishing

Gongyan recipes, blood and beauty, the secret of "frozen age" in food

Peach gum, snow swallow and saponaria rice are all natural nourishing ingredients, which are rich in collagen and a variety of nutrients, which have a good nourishing and repairing effect on the skin.


1. Prepare an appropriate amount of peach gum, snow swallow and soaphorn rice, and soak them in water one night in advance.

2. Wash the soaked ingredients and put them in a pot.

3. Add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes.

4. Simmer until the ingredients are soft and glutinous, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste.

This soup has a smooth taste, which can not only nourish the skin, but also moisturize the lungs and stomach, and is a beauty product for female friends.

Fourth, angelica stewed chicken soup - nourish blood and qi

Angelica sinensis is a commonly used blood-tonifying herb in traditional Chinese medicine, stewed with chicken, which can not only replenish qi but also blood, which is of great benefit to the female body.


1. Prepare a local chicken, wash it and cut it into pieces.

2. Appropriate amounts of angelica and wolfberry, soak them in water for later use.

3. Put the chicken in a pot, add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat, and skim off the foam.

4. Add angelica and wolfberry and simmer for 1.5 hours.

5. Simmer until the chicken is cooked and salted to taste.

This soup has an excellent effect on replenishing blood and invigorating qi, and is suitable for female friends who are deficient in qi and blood.

5. Longan red date glutinous rice porridge - nourishing beauty and blood

Longan and red dates are good products for nourishing blood, and they are cooked into porridge with glutinous rice, which can not only nourish the face but also nourish the stomach.


1. Prepare 100 grams of glutinous rice and soak it for 2 hours in advance.

2. Appropriate amount of longan and red dates, wash and set aside.

3. Put glutinous rice, longan, and red dates into a pot and add enough water.

4. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes until the porridge is thick.

5. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste.

This porridge is sweet and delicious, which can be used as breakfast or snacks, and is a good beauty product for female friends.

6. Rose tea - soothing the liver and relieving depression

Roses have the effect of soothing the liver and relieving depression, invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, and drinking rose tea often can improve skin tone and regulate mood.


1. Prepare a few dried roses and rinse them with water.

2. Place the roses in a teacup and add boiling water to brew.

3. Cover the cup and simmer for a few minutes to allow the ingredients of the roses to fully release.

4. Add an appropriate amount of honey to taste according to personal taste.

A cup of fragrant rose tea can not only beautify the face but also regulate emotions, and is a good choice for female friends to drink daily.

7. Black bean walnut soy milk - nourishing and nourishing

Black beans are rich in protein and a variety of trace elements, while walnuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.


1. Prepare 50 grams of black beans and 3 walnuts and soak them overnight in advance.

2. Put the black beans and walnuts into the soymilk maker and add an appropriate amount of water.

3. Select the soy milk mode to start the production, and filter out the okara after the production is completed.

4. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste according to personal taste.

This soy milk has a fragrant and delicate taste, which can be used as both breakfast and snacks, and is a good beauty product for female friends.

8. Ejiao stewed egg - nourishing yin and nourishing blood

Ejiao is a commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine to nourish yin and nourish blood, stewed with eggs, which can not only nourish the beauty but also replenish protein.


1. Prepare an appropriate amount of ejiao, boil it with rice wine and set aside.

2. Beat 2 eggs and set aside.

3. Mix the boiled ejiao with the egg mixture.

4. Add an appropriate amount of water and rock sugar to taste, then put it in a pot and steam for 15 minutes.

This dessert has a sweet and delicate taste, which can not only nourish yin and blood, but also nourish the beauty and beauty, and is a good beauty product for female friends.

Dear friends, beauty needs to be cultivated both internally and externally, and diet is an important part of it. Eating these delicacies consistently will not only keep you looking younger, but also make your body healthier. Pay attention to the little gecko, the delicious recipes are endless, let's find the secret of beauty in the food together!

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