
Eat Healthy Blood Vessels, Five Delicacies, Your Blood Vessel "Patron Saint"

author:The food life encyclopedia of the baby gecko

Hello dear friends, I'm a little gecko. It's my habit to use simple words to introduce delicious food. Today we will not talk about anything else, but how to protect our vascular health through food. Whether the blood vessels are good or not, in fact, you can know by touching your own pulse, and a strong and powerful pulse often suggests a good state of blood vessels. Of course, a more scientific way is to have regular health check-ups. But today, I'm going to tell you a little secret: on your dining table, there are "scavengers" hiding five blood vessels!

Eat Healthy Blood Vessels, Five Delicacies, Your Blood Vessel "Patron Saint"

There is an old Chinese saying, "Medicine is not as good as food", implying that food is the best medicine. So, what foods can help us clear our blood vessels? Next, let me take you into the world of food and explore those foods that can make our blood vessels more open!

Eat Healthy Blood Vessels, Five Delicacies, Your Blood Vessel "Patron Saint"

The first course: hawthorn and red date soup

Hawthorn, which has the effect of invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, is known as "natural aspirin". Red dates are a good product for nourishing blood. Combining the two not only tastes sweet and sour, but also protects blood vessels.


1. Prepare 10 slices of hawthorn, 10 red dates, and an appropriate amount of rock sugar.

2. Clean the hawthorn and red dates and put them in a pot.

3. Add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook for 20 minutes.

4. Add rock sugar and stir until dissolved.

Eat Healthy Blood Vessels, Five Delicacies, Your Blood Vessel "Patron Saint"

Second course: scrambled eggs with black fungus

Black fungus has the reputation of "black gold", which can reduce blood viscosity and prevent thrombosis. Cooked with nutritious eggs, it's delicious and healthy.


1. Prepare an appropriate amount of black fungus, 3 eggs, a little green onion, ginger and garlic.

2. Soak the black fungus in advance, clean it and tear it into small pieces.

3. Beat the eggs and set aside, finely chop the green onions, ginger and garlic.

4. Heat the oil in a pan, fry the chives, ginger and garlic, pour in the egg mixture and fry until solidified.

5. Add the black fungus, stir-fry evenly, add salt to taste.

Third course: Kelp pork rib soup

The iodine and alginic acid in kelp help lower blood pressure and blood lipids, and are one of the "scavengers" of blood vessels. Stewed with pork ribs, it is nutritious and has a light taste.


1. Prepare an appropriate amount of kelp, 500 grams of pork ribs, and a little ginger.

2. Soak the kelp in advance, clean it and cut it into long strips.

3. Clean the pork ribs, blanch them in a pot under cold water and remove them for later use.

4. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and add the pork ribs, kelp and ginger slices.

5. After the heat boils, turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour, add salt to taste.

Fourth course: Stir-fry celery until fragrant

Celery is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which can lower blood pressure and blood lipids. Dried incense is a source of high-quality protein and calcium. The two go together to be both delicious and nutritious.


1. Prepare an appropriate amount of celery, 4 pieces of dried fragrant vegetables, a little green onion, ginger and garlic.

2. Wash the celery and cut it into sections, cut it into strips for later use.

3. Finely chop the green onion, ginger and garlic and set aside.

4. Heat the pan with cold oil, stir-fry the chives, ginger and garlic, add the celery segments and stir-fry until broken.

5. Add the dried fragrant strips and continue to stir-fry, add salt and light soy sauce to taste.

Fifth course: Garlic roasted eggplant

Garlic is known as a "natural antibiotic" that can lower blood lipids and prevent arteriosclerosis. Eggplant is rich in vitamins and minerals. The combination of the two creates dishes that are both delicious and helpful for vascular health.


1. Prepare 2 eggplants, 1 head of garlic, appropriate amount of bean paste, light soy sauce, sugar, and a little salt.

2. Cut the eggplant into long strips and mince the garlic for later use.

3. Heat oil in a pot, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add bean paste and stir-fry the red oil.

4. Add the eggplant strips and stir-fry until soft, then add light soy sauce, sugar and salt to taste.

In addition to the above five dishes, I would like to recommend three teas that are suitable for summer drinking, which also have the effect of protecting blood vessels.

The first: green tea

The tea polyphenols in green tea can reduce blood lipids and blood pressure, making it one of the best drinks in summer. Brew an appropriate amount of green tea leaves with hot water and then drink. If you like sweetness, you can add an appropriate amount of honey to taste.

The second: chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, brightening the eyes and lowering blood pressure. Brew an appropriate amount of dried chrysanthemums with hot water and then drink. If you like sweetness, you can add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste.

The third: hawthorn tea

Hawthorn tea has the effect of eliminating food and accumulation, invigorating blood and removing blood stasis. Brew an appropriate amount of hawthorn slices with hot water and drink. If you like sweetness, you can add an appropriate amount of brown sugar to taste.

Friends, while enjoying the food, we can't neglect our health! Through a reasonable diet and moderate exercise, we can make our blood vessels more healthy and elastic! Pay attention to the little geckos, and the delicious recipes will not be endless. Let's pursue a better life together!

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