
The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

author:Zhang tells a story

In the busy Shanghai neighborhood, Li Dawei, a retired teacher, lived like a pool of stagnant water, until one day, a new neighbor broke his peaceful routine. His name is Lin Xiaoqin, a 32-year-old divorced single young woman, and her arrival has brought some waves.

Li Dawei lives on the fourth floor, and whenever the morning light is low, he always walks out of the door on time to go for a walk in the park, and then stops in front of the fixed old friend bookstall to browse a few old books that he likes to read. On such a fresh morning, Li Dawei returned to the community and found a moving company's truck parked downstairs. Several porters were busy, moving some furniture items into the unit next door to him.

"Is this a new neighbor?" Li Dawei asked curiously.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"yes, it seems to be a single lady." The bookstall owner is a person who likes to inquire about news, and he whispered to Li Dawei while tidying up the bookstall.

It was getting late, and Li Dawei was watching the news in front of the TV as usual, when he suddenly heard the doorbell ringing. Opening the door, a lady dressed simply and with a gentle smile stood at the door, "Neighbor, excuse me, I'm Lin Xiaoqin who moved from next to me." ”

"Oh, welcome, welcome, my name is Li Dawei, and I am a retired old teacher." Li Dawei greeted him warmly.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

Lin Xiaoqin smiled shyly: "I moved today, I want to come to recognize the door, bother me, and by the way, how is the environment of this community?" ”

"It's a nice place, everyone gets along harmoniously, and it's especially good to live in. By the way, you moved here alone? Li Dawei asked with concern.

"Yes, after getting divorced, I feel like I need a fresh start." There was a hint of helplessness in Lin Xiaoqin's tone.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

The two gossiped a few words, and Li Dawei introduced the restaurants, supermarkets and amenities in the community to Lin Xiaoqin one by one.

For a few days, Li Dawei noticed that Lin Xiaoqin was in and out alone, and he didn't see relatives and friends helping, so he couldn't help but be a little concerned. One day, when I went downstairs to throw out the garbage, I saw that Lin Xiaoqin was also tidying up the housework in the corridor, so I stepped forward.

"Lin Xiaoqin, you should be very busy in the past few days when you moved here, if you need help, just say it, you're welcome."

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"Li Dawei, thank you, in fact, I have almost done it myself, mainly because some electrical appliances have not yet been studied and understood how to use them." Lin Xiaoqin replied with a smile.

"Well, these little things are not a problem, I'll help you see it later." Li Dawei agreed, thinking that it would be good to be able to help.

In this way, the mutual help between the two neighbors grew, and before they knew it, their relationship became warm. The appearance of Lin Xiaoqin broke the rhythm of life that Li Dawei was accustomed to, and also added some fun and expectations to his dull retirement life.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

As time went by, Li Dawei and Lin Xiaoqin met more and more often. Whether it's a walk in the green space of the community, grocery shopping at the supermarket, or a community event, the two always seem to meet together, and gradually, the topic between them has expanded from the trivial matters of the community to the details of their own lives.

By chance, Li Dawei's daughter Li Ting came home from work in other places, and her encounter with Lin Xiaoqin invisibly shortened the distance between them. Li Ting, a well-informed girl, paid tribute to her brave woman after hearing her father talk about her new neighbor.

"Dad, is that the new neighbor Aunt Lin?" One day, Li Ting and her father noticed Lin Xiaoqin when they were in the community garden.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"Yes, Xiaoqin, come here, this is my daughter Li Ting." Li Dawei beckoned to Lin Xiaoqin.

Lin Xiaoqin walked over and greeted Li Ting: "Hello, Li Ting, I heard your father talk about you before." ”

"Aunt Lin, okay, I heard from my father that you just moved here, if you need help, you can find me." Li Ting said politely.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"Thank you Li Ting, I'm glad to meet you." Lin Xiaoqin responded gently.

Li Ting's arrival gave Lin Xiaoqin another comfort, and she found that she enjoyed spending time with the father and daughter. Especially Li Ting, her experiences about the outside world can always make Lin Xiaoqin's world broader.

In the following days, the three of them had a more in-depth exchange around their daily lives in the community. Whether it is the experience of educating Li Ting or Lin Xiaoqin's story about how to face life independently, the dialogue between them is full of deep meaning.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"Aunt Lin, don't you feel lonely when you live alone?" Li Ting asked curiously one day while drinking tea.

"There will be some moments, but I think it's part of starting over." Lin Xiaoqin said with a smile.

"Yes, Ting'er, people always have to learn to face all kinds of life." David Li also joined the discussion.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

In this way, Li Ting often accompanies Lin Xiaoqin when she is not busy, and the two either go to the supermarket or chat about the trivial matters of work and life. Lin Xiaoqin gradually gained a place in Li Ting's heart, and her intelligence and independence made Li Ting admire her very much.

One day, Lin Xiaoqin found that there was a problem with the gas stove when she was preparing dinner, and she could only ask her neighbor Li Dawei for help. Li Dawei didn't say a word, picked up the toolbox and came to her home.

"This gas stove is always like this, and there are problems at every turn." Lin Xiaoqin said anxiously and pointed to Li Dawei.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"It's okay, maybe it's just blocked somewhere, I'll see." Li Dawei comforted while inspecting.

After a short time, Li Dawei successfully solved the problem. Lin Xiaoqin didn't know how to express her gratitude, and finally decided: "Dawei, why don't you stay with Ting'er for dinner." ”

The dinner ended in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. After that, whether it was Lin Xiaoqin or Li Dawei, a little warmth was quietly buried in their hearts. And Li Ting also began to pay more attention to this hardworking and independent neighbor, and their relationship was as comfortable as family.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

Casual gatherings in the community always make people relax, but this gathering has become a watershed moment for Li Dawei and Lin Xiaoqin.

It was a warm evening, and the community residents gathered under the pavilion in the community park, some were playing guitars, some were singing, and in the hustle and bustle of laughter, Li Dawei and Lin Xiaoqin also joined in the fun.

"Lin Xiaoqin, look at how beautiful the night is in this community, if only I could have a companion." Li Dawei smiled and looked at the twinkling stars in the night sky.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"Yes, but life sometimes needs some alone time." Lin Xiaoqin sighed softly, but she didn't lose her appreciative gaze.

"Ha, then the two of us who are alone are better ... Hey, you marry me! Li Dawei suddenly said it half-jokingly, and he smiled slightly, trying to defuse the sudden proposal in a relaxed tone.

Lin Xiaoqin was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then laughed as well: "Li Dawei, you old naughty boy, you can still say such things." ”

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"Haha, I'm just talking about fun, marriage can't be casual." Li Dawei hurriedly added.

After the party, the two walked back to the hallway together. Although what he said just now was a joke, Li Dawei's heart was a little turbulent. And Lin Xiaoqin, although she prevaricated with a smile, her heart also set off layers of thoughts.

"Thank you for your company tonight, Lin Xiaoqin." Li Dawei said softly before parting.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"No thanks, I'm happy too." Lin Xiaoqin responded, but looked at Li Dawei with complicated eyes, "Your joke... Actually, it's not impossible. ”

"Huh?" Li Dawei was stunned for a moment, surprised by Lin Xiaoqin's reaction.

"I mean, life is still long, and it's good to have someone to keep you company when you're lonely." Lin Xiaoqin's eyes glowed with subtle brilliance, "But we are not young anymore, and any decision must be made carefully." ”

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"Of course, prudence is a must." Li Dawei nodded, but the ripples in his heart became more and more revealed.

Since then, both Li Dawei and Lin Xiaoqin have begun to pay more attention to each other's existence. Li Dawei found that he was looking forward to every encounter with Lin Xiaoqin more and more, and Lin Xiaoqin would inadvertently show her care for Li Dawei.

Li Ting saw it in her eyes, and also felt a little puzzled and curious. "Dad, I think the relationship between you and Aunt Lin..."

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"Ting'er, there are always some variables in life, so that there will be new possibilities." Li Dawei replied to his daughter with a smile, but he knew in his heart that his feelings for Lin Xiaoqin were no longer just as simple as friendship between neighbors.

In the following days, the relationship between Li Dawei and Lin Xiaoqin grew quietly, but both of them were people who had experienced ups and downs, and they knew that emotional matters could not be hasty. They continue to support each other in life, and they face difficulties together.

One day after dinner, Li Ting looked at her father and Lin Xiaoqin, "Dad, Aunt Lin, I see that you are very good together." ”

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

Li Dawei and Lin Xiaoqin looked at each other and smiled, "Life always has to look forward, Ting'er." Li Dawei replied.

"I also think it's really not easy for you to find each other." Li Ting was full of joy.

However, not all problems are so easy to solve, the merger of two families, the beginning of a new life, is a process that needs to be run-in. Just as Li Dawei and Lin Xiaoqin were preparing to further develop their relationship, their decision attracted some doubts and criticism.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"Teacher Dawei, everyone is talking about you and Lin Xiaoqin, is this really appropriate?" An old friend asked with concern.

"Friend, thank you for worrying, but only we know the emotional things." Li Dawei replied calmly and firmly.

Lin Xiaoqin also faced questions from relatives and friends, "Xiaoqin, are you sure you have thought it through?" This step goes out, but you can't come back. ”

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"I know, but everyone has the right to pursue happiness." Lin Xiaoqin was gentle, but she also showed determination.

In the end, with Li Ting's support and the affirmation of his heart, Li Dawei revealed his heart to Lin Xiaoqin. Lin Xiaoqin also bravely accepted this feeling.

"Xiaoqin, I know we're not young anymore, but I want to have a companion." Li Dawei said sincerely.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"I thought so too." Lin Xiaoqin's eyes flashed with determination.

Their words finally dispelled all doubts and criticism, and the two lonely hearts found each other and started a new life.

Life is not always smooth sailing, just like the story of Li Dawei and Lin Xiaoqin, who experienced misunderstandings, faced challenges, overcame difficulties, and then moved forward together. And Li Ting, in the process, learned a deeper level of understanding and support.

The young woman in the neighborhood is 32 years old, very beautiful, divorced and single, and I joked that she would marry me

"Perhaps, a new beginning does not require courage, but the strength of mutual understanding and support?" In the new life, Li Dawei, Lin Xiaoqin and Li Ting, they started a new chapter with such questions.