
My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

author:Zhang tells a story

In the alleys of Shanghai, there is a restaurant called "Shuangwei Little Kitchen", where Li Jian, his wife Suna, and her twin sister Su Ping work together to manage this warm little world. Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight penetrate the curtains, Li Jian will jump up from the bed and shuttle between the pots and tables to start the busy day.

"Boss, what are you going to prepare today?" Su Ping hurriedly set up the tables and chairs while asking Li Jian.

"Our signature 'Double-Flavored Grilled Fish' has to be made, along with some seasonal vegetables." Li Jian waved the kitchen knife as he spoke, and the sound of cutting vegetables was crisp and powerful.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

"Sister, what do you think of the color of this tablecloth? Isn't it a little dark? Su Ping picked up a corner of the tablecloth and asked Suna, who was welcoming guests at the door.

"It's nice and gives a cosy feel. Customers come to us, in addition to eating, more to enjoy the feeling of home. Suna replied softly as she sorted out the menu at the door.

Although the small restaurant is small, it has gained many repeat customers, and everyone is attracted by the attentive service of the three people, as well as the homely but original dishes. At seven o'clock in the evening, when the restaurant was filled with smoke, Li Jian stood in the middle of the kitchen, spooning oil in one hand and stir-frying the food in the pot with the other. Suna and Su Ping were busy greeting customers, and the store was lively.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

The guests were often amazed by the similar looks of Suna and Su Ping, and the two of them listened happily to the guests saying, "Oh my God, I really can't tell who is who!" The exclamation. And Li Jian is always smiling on the side, but he knows in his heart that his wife and sister-in-law, one of them is the harbor of the family, and the other is the soul of the family.

"Hostess, didn't you say yesterday that you were going to adjust the prices on the menu? Come on, let's get it while there's no one now. Li Jian came out of the kitchen and shouted at Suna.

"Wait, wait, I'll help Pingping write down the order for this table first." Suna was too busy ordering food to pay attention to him.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

"I'll come, sister, you go get the menu, I can do it." Su Ping wiped her hand and took the order menu from her sister.

In this way, day after day, in this inconspicuous small restaurant, Li Jian and the twin sisters weave their lives together. Their story slowly unfolded in fireworks and oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and no one would have thought that on an ordinary day, a glass of wine would almost disturb the tranquility of the world of these three people. The anniversary of "Double Flavor Kitchen" is coming over the weekend, and for this reason, Li Jian and twin sisters Suna and Su Ping, who have been working hard, decided to celebrate. They invited regular customers and friends, prepared exquisite dishes and wines, and the whole restaurant was set up in a joyful atmosphere.

"What do you think of these lanterns? Isn't it festive? Su Ping ran up and down, running around, making sure that every corner was properly decorated.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

"It's beautiful, and I'm sure the guests will love it." Suna nodded with satisfaction, her eyes revealing infinite love for this small family.

On the day of the celebration, guests arrived one after another, and the sound of blessings came and went. There was laughter and laughter in the restaurant, and everyone raised their glasses to celebrate. The reputation of "Double Flavor Kitchen" is not only because of its dishes, but also because of the careful management of Li Jian's family.

Unconsciously, after three rounds of drinking, Li Jian gradually relaxed his usual tension. He has always been modest, but this time he drank a few more glasses amid the persuasion of the guests.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

"The boss is too good to drink, let's have another round!" Uncle Wang, a regular customer, raised his glass happily and touched his glass with Li Jian.

Su Ping frowned on the side and looked at Li Jian worriedly: "Brother-in-law, have you drunk too much?" Would you like to take a break first? ”

"No, it's okay, come on, everyone continue!" Li Jian still wanted to continue drinking with everyone, but his words were already a little unclear.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

Finally, after a toast, Li Jian felt that the world in front of him began to spin, and the faces of the twin sisters were intertwined and blurred in his eyes, and he even began to lose the distinction between Suna and Su Ping.

"Oh, can't you even tell the difference between me and my sister now?" Su Ping looked at Li Jian half-jokingly, trying to relieve him in the tense celebration performance.

Li Jian thought that it was Suna standing in front of him, and said vaguely: "Nana, you are so beautiful today, come, let's have another drink."

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

The guests next to her couldn't help laughing, and Su Ping was also amused, but there was a trace of uneasiness in her heart, because she knew that her sister Suna was watching all this from the side.

Sure enough, when I returned home that night, the noise of the hotel had been replaced by the silence of the night, and the atmosphere began to become a little heavy.

"Can't you really tell Pingping and me apart tonight?" Suna sat on the sofa and asked Li Jian in a low voice.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

Li Jian felt a little guilty in his heart, but the alcohol did not disappear, and his words were still clumsy: "I... Of course I can tell you, but if you drink too much, don't take it to heart. ”

"Then tell me, which dress am I wearing, and which one is Pingping wearing?" Suna asked, trying to confirm if Li Jian could really tell.

In hesitation, Li Jian's expression showed embarrassment, and he found that he really couldn't remember clearly.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

"You see, you can't even remember this, why don't I take it to heart?" Suna's tone revealed disappointment.

The anniversary celebration was supposed to be a moment full of laughter, but it was a question mark over the confusion after a glass of wine. The couple, who used to rely on each other and support each other, now seem to be standing at a delicate crossroads. In the days following the anniversary celebration, the atmosphere at Lee's house became a little eerie and silent. The warmth and harmony of the former home seems to be overshadowed by misunderstanding. Li Jian pondered in silence, and he began to realize that this problem was not just a small confusion after drinking, it touched the uneasiness in the bottom of Suna's heart.

One day after dinner, only Li Jian and Su Na were left in the kitchen, and Su Ping had already gone back to her room. Li Jian decided to break the silence: "Nana, I know I made a mistake that night, but I can really tell you and Su Ping apart. ”

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

"Just tell our faces? Do you really know our respective hearts? Suna's eyes were a little sad.

"I..."Li Jian muttered, he found that he had not yet truly understood the difference between Suna and Su Ping's inner worlds.

Suna continued: "Li Jian, what I have always wanted is not only a partner who runs a restaurant together, but also a husband who can understand my emotional needs. Do you know? In fact, although Pingping and I are twins, we have different dreams and aspirations. ”

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

Li Jian finally realized that he had never deeply inquired into the world in Suna's heart, and he knew very little about her worries and expectations.

"That's... Can you tell me what your anxiety is? Li Jian looked at Suna seriously and sincerely asked for guidance.

Suna took a deep breath and slowly began to share her thoughts with Li Jian: "I'm always worried that you'll accidentally confuse me with Pingping because we look the same... I'm afraid that one day, you won't be able to distinguish even the most basic emotions. ”

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

Li Jian listened, his heart full of guilt. He walked over and hugged Suna tightly: "I promise that I will pay more attention in the future, work harder to understand you and Pingping, and distinguish the difference between you." I love you, Nana, you are unique in my heart. ”

At this time, Su Ping was standing at the corner of the stairs, she eavesdropped on their conversation, and her heart was also full of complex emotions. The next day, she found Li Jian: "Brother-in-law, I overheard your conversation last night, and I want to say that I am also responsible." We've always shared everything together because we're twins, but I also have my own dreams and crave recognition. ”

Li Jian looked at Su Ping in front of him, this sister-in-law who was always willing to help others, "Pingping, I'm sorry, I also ignored your feelings, are you willing to tell me, what is your dream?" ”

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

The light in Su Ping's eyes flashed instantly: "Actually, I've always wanted to open my own dessert shop, and I like that sweet feeling." ”

This misunderstanding eventually became an opportunity for sincere communication, and Li Jian was forced to face it, and he was willing to understand the differences and needs in everyone's hearts. The misunderstanding not only exposed the truth of Suna's uneasiness, but also gave Su Ping a chance to pursue her dreams bravely. And Li Jian must also know and love every individual in this family more deeply. With that profound night talk, the misunderstanding and distance between Li Jian, Suna and Su Ping gradually shortened, and their relationship became stronger in confession and understanding. The daily life of "Double Flavor Kitchen" has also returned to its former liveliness and harmony.

On a sunny weekend, Li Jian proposed a family trip to relax the long-tense mood. The three of them went to the countryside to play, and the beauty of nature and fresh air seemed to bring them more laughter.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

"Nana, Pingping, shouldn't we go out and walk around like this more and relax?" While Li Jian was driving, he looked at the twin sisters in the rearview mirror and said with a happy smile.

"yes, I feel much better, we can come back more often in the future." Suna looked at the scenery outside the window and was in a happy mood.

"Yes, in fact, sometimes the mood can really change when you change the environment." Su Ping added on the side.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

After a pleasant day, Suna also began to support Su Ping's dream of a dessert shop more, and even helped test new dessert recipes. Li Jian also respects and understands the two more and encourages them to pursue their dreams, rather than just focusing on "double flavor kitchen".

One night, Li Jian said to Suna: "Look, although we have experienced ups and downs, everything has made us stronger, hasn't it?" ”

"Yes, I'm feeling the misconceptions right now because they give us the opportunity to sit down and really communicate."

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

"It also gave us a chance to get to know each other again." Li Jian held Suna's hand, his heart full of gratitude.

The atmosphere in the home has become warm and harmonious again, everyone is thinking about each other, and there is a deeper care and understanding for each other. Because of this harmony among family members, the business of "Twin Chefs" has become prosperous, and guests have felt this happiness and come back more often.

Life has returned to peace, but Li Jian knows in his heart that this peace is a precious treasure after experiencing twists and turns, and it needs to be carefully maintained. He began to think that maybe this little misunderstanding was the only way for them to grow up, and maybe this was an opportunity for them to get to know each other on a deeper level and forge a closer relationship.

My sister-in-law and my wife are twins, and once when I got drunk, I couldn't tell the two of them apart

After dinner, the family sat together and discussed some specific matters about Su Ping's future dessert shop, and everyone showed great interest and enthusiasm. Li Jian looked at the warm smile of his family, and his heart was warm, does this imply a deeper meaning of life?