
Awesome! A hospital has a monthly salary of 800 "sky-high" to recruit all-round designers

author:Love Notes

Workplace game under sky-high monthly salary: the thinking behind the 800 yuan monthly salary of a hospital to recruit all-round designers

Recently, a recruitment information has aroused heated discussions and questions among the majority of professionals. A certain institute actually openly recruited all-round designers with a "sky-high" monthly salary of 800 yuan, and this seemingly ridiculous salary standard quickly made waves on social media. What kind of workplace rules and routines are hidden behind this? This article will take you to find out.

On a well-known job site, this job posting stands out. Job seeker Xiao Wang stumbled upon the position, his eyes widened in disbelief at what he was seeing. "800 yuan a month? How is this possible? Xiao Wang muttered to himself suspiciously. He couldn't help but click on the details page to find out.

In the recruitment details, the requirements of a certain institute for all-round designers can be described as harsh. It is necessary not only to have professional skills in graphic design, UI design, web design and other aspects, but also to have good communication skills and teamwork skills. Such a requirement is obviously unreasonable for a position with a salary of only 800 yuan.

Xiao Wang couldn't help but contact the recruiter to find out more. On the other end of the phone, the voice of Xiao Li, the person in charge of recruitment, was quite calm. "Yes, our monthly salary is indeed 800 yuan." Xiao Li admits frankly, "But we believe that a true all-round designer will not be bound by such a salary." They value platforms and opportunities more. ”

Awesome! A hospital has a monthly salary of 800 "sky-high" to recruit all-round designers

Xiao Wang couldn't help but ask curiously: "Then how is such a salary standard formulated?" Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to recruit people? ”

Xiao Li explained: "The reason why we set such a salary standard is mainly due to two considerations. First of all, we want to take this opportunity to screen out designers who are truly capable and passionate. In their opinion, salary is not the most important thing, they are more interested in what kind of growth and gain can be obtained in this position. Secondly, we also hope to draw attention to the issue of salary in the workplace in this way. After all, in reality, many designers are not paid at a high level, and they face great pressure in life. ”

Xiao Wang fell into deep thought after hearing this. He realized that behind this recruitment information was not only the harsh requirements of a certain institute for designers, but also a reflection and appeal for the current salary level in the workplace.

In fact, this job posting is not unique. In the current workplace, similar pay levels are not uncommon. Many start-ups and small organizations often struggle to offer competitive salaries when hiring, but they often place excessive demands on candidates. To a certain extent, this phenomenon reflects the fierce competition in the current workplace and the limitations of the concept of employing people.

So, how should job seekers cope with such a workplace environment?

Awesome! A hospital has a monthly salary of 800 "sky-high" to recruit all-round designers

First of all, job seekers need to be clear about their career plans and goals. In the process of job hunting, don't just be attracted by the salary, but also pay attention to the development prospects of the position itself and the improvement of your own ability. Only by finding a position that really suits you can you achieve better results in your future career.

Second, job seekers need to learn to communicate and negotiate with the recruiter. During the interview process, you can take the initiative to ask the recruiter about the expectations and requirements for the position, and express your expectations and reasons for the salary. Through communication and negotiation, both parties can reach a more reasonable salary agreement.

Finally, job seekers also need to maintain a positive mindset and a spirit of continuous learning. In the workplace, competence and experience are often more important than salary. Only by constantly improving their abilities and skill levels can they stand out in the fierce competition.

Back to the recruitment information of a certain hospital, although the setting of a monthly salary of 800 yuan has caused widespread controversy and questioning, it also allows us to see the severity and complexity of the salary problem in the workplace. For companies and job seekers, how to achieve a win-win situation while ensuring their own interests? This is a question worth pondering.

On this issue, we may be able to get some inspiration from the recruitment information of a certain hospital. Although the salary level is not high, a certain institute has attracted a group of capable and enthusiastic designers through a unique recruitment method. This also reminds us that in the process of job hunting, we should not pay too much attention to the salary level, but also pay attention to the development prospects of the position itself and the improvement of our own capabilities. At the same time, enterprises should also adjust and innovate in the concept of employment, and provide more reasonable and fair salary and development space for job seekers.

Awesome! A hospital has a monthly salary of 800 "sky-high" to recruit all-round designers

In short, although the recruitment information of a certain institute with a monthly salary of 800 yuan to recruit all-round designers has caused widespread controversy and questioning, it also allows us to see the severity and complexity of the salary problem in the workplace. Only through the joint efforts of both parties and continuous exploration and innovation can we achieve a fundamental solution and win-win development of the salary problem in the workplace.

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