
How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

author:Melon field eats melon man

In this era of information explosion and diversity, our values and belief systems are often put to the test. On a subway trip in Harbin, a conversation about faith and cultural self-confidence became the center of heated discussions on the Internet. An aunt preaches a foreign faith in a public carriage, and a college student's response is not only a refutation of a particular faith, but also a demonstration of Chinese cultural pride and self-confidence.

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

The college student's words were clear and powerful: "You are talking about this thing now as a cultural invasion, our China pays attention to cultural self-confidence and cultural self-improvement, and our Chinese culture has never declined." His remarks point to a central question: how to perceive and maintain the core values of one's own culture in the context of globalization.


The way this college student expresses confidence and self-reliance in his native culture is sensible and powerful. In the face of the rhetoric advocating foreign beliefs, he chose to express his views by expounding China's rich cultural heritage and the history of civilization that has not declined, rather than through fierce rebuttals or catharsis of personal emotions.

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

He mentioned that the continuous development of Chinese civilization for thousands of years, as well as the richness of Chinese myths and stories, hinted at the profound heritage of local culture. This self-confidence comes from an awareness of China's thriving fields such as history, literature, and philosophy, as well as a deep sense of cultural pride.

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

Rather than being xenophobic or rejecting cultural diversity, the young student expressed a deep affection and confidence in the local culture – a self-confidence that stems from a deep recognition of China's 5,000-year-old civilization. He resolutely stepped forward and challenged the aunt on the subway, firmly expressing his belief in Chinese mythology: "Instead of following Jesus, why not respect the wisdom of Nuwa's creation of the world?" The mythological world of China is deep and splendid, and its cultural heritage far exceeds that of the West. Our civilization has been inherited for thousands of years, and it is still brilliant after ups and downs, and China's culture has never really declined. ”

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

Netizen's point of view:

Reading may not be able to soar and become famous. But he can speak with a ruler, frolic to a degree, do more than do things, speak virtuously, and have a correct outlook!

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

My husband's aunt was so obsessed with faith that once he fell and broke his leg while riding out on his bike, and he said that his god had pity on him and let him rest because he was too tired.

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

No matter what you believe, it is a kind of faith, as long as you don't do things that violate morality and harm people, and you are grateful, the country is strong and the people are rich

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

No one who believes in Jesus will go to sweep the tomb, but my house can sweep, but I can't buy incense and paper money.

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

My mother-in-law said every day that God bless her, and I said that God can't even bless Westerners, how can I have time to bless you, and what you eat and use is given to you by your children, and you should thank your children

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

I'm uneducated, even if I don't accept the old woman in the car, I don't know what to say to scold her, so I still read more.

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

Beliefs are different, and beliefs are free as long as they are not illegal, but they cannot be proclaimed in public.

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

This episode on the subway is not only a debate about the choice of faith, but also a vivid lesson in patriotic education. We are deeply aware that adhering to cultural self-confidence and promoting cultural self-improvement is not only the unshirkable responsibility of every Chinese, but also a necessary quality for us to go to the world stage and demonstrate our country's soft power.

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

This also gives us a way to think about how to properly express one's views in public without undue influence on others while respecting one's freedom of belief. This college student used his reason and wisdom to provide us with a valuable sample.

How can China's 5,000-year-old civilization tolerate foreign invasion? The college students angrily reprimanded the aunt for advocating foreign teachers, and the crowd applauded

We can see that this is not only about thinking about faith, but also about how to maintain cultural self-confidence in a pluralistic world, how to express oneself on the basis of respect for others, and how to hold one's inner conviction in the face of oscillating faith.

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