
No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

author:Xiao Xuan watched the game
No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

In recent years, the urban drama market has shown a phenomenon of aesthetic fatigue, and audiences are tired of trivial plots and clichés.

In this turbulent market, a series called "The Old Guy" suddenly rose to prominence and became the focus of attention.

This article will give you an in-depth look at the story behind the show and what makes it so successful.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

In the past few years, although many works such as "Fearless" and "City within a City" have appeared, they have not been able to attract the audience's sustained attention and cannot get rid of the dilemma of "similar differences".

The audience gradually lost patience with such dramas, and the urban drama market fell into a downturn.

The appearance of "Old Guy" has given people new hope, and this drama has become a dark horse in the market with its unique creativity and wonderful performance.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

A netizen complained on social media: "These urban dramas look like a routine, changing the soup without changing the medicine, and everyone is sleepy when they see it." ”

Similar reviews can be seen everywhere on the Internet, and many viewers say that their expectations for urban dramas are getting lower and lower.

It was at this time that "The Old Guy" appeared.

This drama is different from previous urban dramas in many ways, it is based on the theme of elderly entrepreneurship, which is very rare in urban dramas.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

Some netizens said in the discussion on the forum that this idea made their eyes shine.

A netizen commented: "Finally, there is a drama that focuses on the lives of the elderly, and it is also a business, this idea is really interesting." ”

Some viewers also sighed after watching the drama: "I didn't expect the story of elderly entrepreneurship to be so interesting, and I was completely attracted." ”

In addition to the novel subject matter, the cast of "Old Guy" is also a highlight.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

Zhang Guoli, Wang Gang, and Zhang Tielin, the three old actors, cooperated again, and many audiences came for them.

The character creation in the play is very successful, Xiao Changqing played by Zhang Guoli is an honest little old man, Sun Qiancheng played by Wang Gang is a shrewd old fox, and Zhang Tielin's Chen Xincheng is a domineering boss.

The performance of the three was both funny and touching, which made the audience say that they "enjoyed watching it".

An audience commented on the Internet: "These three are really a golden combination, and every time they are in the same frame, it is a pleasure." ”

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

The plot setting of "Old Guy" is very eye-catching, with the theme of elderly entrepreneurship, presenting a vivid picture.

The story revolves around three old friends, Xiao Changqing, Sun Qiancheng and Chen Xincheng, who ushered in a new entrepreneurial opportunity in their later years.

Xiao Changqing was forced by his family to pay for a house, while Sun Qiancheng experienced a pyramid scheme, and finally the two and Chen Xincheng jointly planned a plan for a pension center.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

This setting is not only original, but also close to reality, which has aroused widespread resonance.

is different from traditional urban dramas, "Old Guy" not only has a compact plot, but also adds a lot of humorous elements, which makes people watch it lightly and happily.

A viewer who followed the drama left a message: "I usually have a lot of pressure at work, and watching this drama is simply a good medicine for relaxation, which can make people smile." ”

Moreover, the family relationships and intergenerational conflicts involved in the play are also very real, which has resonated with many audiences.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

Some netizens sighed: "Seeing Xiao Changqing being forced by his family to pay to buy a house, I remembered my own experience, it was so real." ”

In addition to the attraction of the plot and actors, "Old Guy" has also put a lot of effort into production.

Whether it is the scene layout or the shooting technique, it seems to be very careful.

These details enhance the texture of the whole drama and make the audience feel the sincerity of the production team.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

An audience member wrote in a drama review: "Many of the current dramas are shoddy, but "Old Guy" can obviously see the intentions, and the details are handled in place. ”

Of course, the success of "Old Guy" is also inseparable from the word-of-mouth communication of the audience.

Many people took the initiative to recommend it to their friends after watching it, and there are more and more discussions about this drama on social media.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

A netizen shared his feelings about watching the drama in the circle of friends: "This drama is so good-looking, I recommend that you must watch it, and I promise that you will not be disappointed." ”

This word-of-mouth effect further boosted the popularity of the series, allowing more people to pay attention to and love the show.

Zhang Guoli, Wang Gang, and Zhang Tielin's performance in "Old Guy" is superb.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

Xiao Changqing played by Zhang Guoli is honest and amiable, Wang Gang's Sun Qiancheng is shrewd and capable, and Zhang Tielin has created a domineering Chen Xincheng.

They interpret the characteristics of their respective characters vividly and vividly, which makes the audience fall in love with them.

In addition, other supporting characters in the play, such as Zhou Tao and Wang Zijian, also have excellent performances, adding a lot of highlights to the entire series.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

Zhang Guoli is really amazing in acting! You see when he plays the emperor, he is majestic and domineering, just like he really rules the world, and everyone has to obey him.

As soon as he spoke, it was as if he was formulating major national policies, which made people involuntarily admire.

However, when he played ordinary people, it was completely different.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

Just like the big brother next door, he is very busy, busy for his livelihood, and sometimes has a war of words with his family, you see the strength of his face, he is simply a stubborn guy, but he also often shows the side of the bag, which is really changeable and dazzling!

Some netizens said in the discussion that Zhang Guoli's acting skills are really amazing.

It is really commendable that a person can play the two roles of the emperor and the common people so convincingly.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

A netizen commented: "Zhang Guoli's acting skills are simply impeccable, he is majestic when he plays the emperor, and he is so down-to-earth when he plays a commoner, it is completely two people." ”

Another netizen also praised: "He deserves to be an old drama bone, his acting skills are really nothing to say, watching his drama is simply a pleasure." ”

Some people also joked that Zhang Guoguo went from emperor to commoner, as if he had crossed over.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

One time he was still wearing a dragon robe, and the next moment he became a big brother on the streets, this transformation is really amazing.

Someone joked: "Zhang Guoli is simply the protagonist in the time-traveling drama, and he can easily deal with any era he travels to." ”

Another netizen also joked: "Watching Zhang Guoli's drama is like watching a collection of all kinds of life, from palace politics to family trivialities, he can act well." ”

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

The reason why "Old Guy" can stand out and successfully attract the audience's attention is mainly due to its novel plot setting and superb actors' performances.

The success of this drama not only injected new vitality into the urban drama market, but also pointed out a feasible path for future development.

We can expect more excellent works with innovative spirit and high-level production to appear and bring more surprises to the audience.

No. 1 in the ratings! Douban has received rave reviews, and Zhang Guoli's "Old Guy" makes me want to stand up and applaud

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