
She fell in love with her teacher and got married, and both pregnancies were dragon and phoenix fetuses, and her daughter's name was known to everyone


The moonlight is hazy, and the city is still bustling at night. Xiaoli was walking home alone after work when her mobile phone suddenly rang, and a text message from an unknown number jumped into her eyes: "You know too many secrets, be careful of your life." Her heart tightened, and a chill rushed from the soles of her feet to her heart.

Xiaoli is an ordinary white-collar worker, except for work, she goes shopping and chats with a few girlfriends on weekdays, and has never offended anyone. This text message made her feel inexplicably frightened, and she quickened her pace, wanting to get back home as soon as possible. However, whenever she turned, she always felt that someone was peeping in secret, and the feeling of being targeted made her shudder.

She fell in love with her teacher and got married, and both pregnancies were dragon and phoenix fetuses, and her daughter's name was known to everyone

Xiaoli plucked up her courage and called a friend's phone to tell him about the strange situation she had encountered. A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, Xiaoli was about to speak, suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps behind her, she turned back sharply, only to see a dark shadow quickly disappear around the corner. She was so frightened that she quickly hung up the phone and quickened her pace.

When she got home, she locked herself in her room, her heart beating like a drum. She thought back to the text message, and a wave of unease welled up in her heart. She knew she had to figure out the truth behind this, or the fear would stay with her forever.

She fell in love with her teacher and got married, and both pregnancies were dragon and phoenix fetuses, and her daughter's name was known to everyone

The next day, Xiaoli decided to report the incident to the police. She went to the police station and described to the police in detail what she had experienced last night. The police frowned and said they would investigate the matter as soon as possible. However, Xiaoli is not reassured by this, she knows that there must be a bigger conspiracy behind it.

In the following days, Xiaoli began to pay attention to everything around her. She discovers that whenever she passes somewhere, someone always follows her; She also frequently received harassing messages from unknown numbers on her phone and email. She felt as if she was being held in by an invisible net, unable to break free.

She fell in love with her teacher and got married, and both pregnancies were dragon and phoenix fetuses, and her daughter's name was known to everyone

In order to uncover the truth, Xiaoli decides to launch her own investigation. She recalls her recent work and life, trying to find possible clues. She noticed that something strange had happened in the company recently: some important documents had disappeared, and the attitude of her colleagues had become extremely strange. She began to suspect that it all had something to do with that text message.

In order to confirm her suspicions, Xiaoli decided to investigate deeply. She uses her ingenuity to skillfully gather evidence and gradually get closer to the truth. It turned out that all this was done by a colleague with bad intentions in the company. Because he is jealous of Xiaoli's talent and beauty, he decides to take revenge on her. He hired people from the underworld to harass and intimidate Xiaoli in an attempt to get her to leave the company.

She fell in love with her teacher and got married, and both pregnancies were dragon and phoenix fetuses, and her daughter's name was known to everyone

Xiaoli was furious when she learned the truth. She decided to take action to protect her own interests and that of the company. She approached the colleague and confronted him. The colleague looked panicked when he saw that the matter was revealed. He begs Xiaoli for mercy, but Xiaoli insists that he take his due responsibility.

After receiving the call, the police quickly arrived at the scene and took the colleague away for investigation. Although Xiaoli successfully uncovered the truth, the fear in her heart did not completely dissipate. She knows that there are still many unknown dark corners of the world that she needs to face bravely.

She fell in love with her teacher and got married, and both pregnancies were dragon and phoenix fetuses, and her daughter's name was known to everyone

However, at this time, another bizarre thing happened. Xiaoli finds herself receiving a mysterious package containing a diary. She flipped through her diary and found a shocking secret about the company's founder. It turned out that the founder of the company had sacrificed innocent lives for profit. This secret has been hidden by the company's top management, but now it has unexpectedly appeared in Xiaoli's hands.

Xiaoli realizes that this secret could bring ruin to the company, and she must handle it carefully. She decides to investigate again and look for more evidence to support the authenticity of the secret. In the course of her investigation, she met Xiao Zhang, a journalist who was also passionate about the truth. Zhang sympathizes with Li's plight and decides to help her uncover the shocking secret.

She fell in love with her teacher and got married, and both pregnancies were dragon and phoenix fetuses, and her daughter's name was known to everyone

The two team up to launch an in-depth investigation, and they gather a large amount of evidence to gradually uncover the crimes of the company's founder. They found that the founder of the company was not only suspected of murder but also of embezzlement, money laundering and other crimes. Once these crimes are exposed, they will cause irreparable damage to the company.

However, just as they were about to hand over the evidence to the police, they were attacked by unknown forces. They were besieged by a group of people and knocked unconscious, waking up to find that all the evidence was gone. Xiaoli and Zhang realize that they have been caught in the middle of a huge conspiracy that is far more complicated than they imagined.

She fell in love with her teacher and got married, and both pregnancies were dragon and phoenix fetuses, and her daughter's name was known to everyone

In order to uncover the conspiracy, they decide to venture into the tiger's den again. They found a former employee in the know and learned more information from him. It turned out that the mastermind behind this conspiracy was the current senior management of the company, and in order to cover up the crimes of the company's founder, they did whatever it took to cover up the crimes of the company's founder, including attacking and hunting down Xiaoli and Xiaozhang.

Li and Zhang realize that they must act quickly or the plot will be covered up forever. They decided to use the power of the media to make this secret public so that everyone could know the truth. They wrote a long report detailing all the evidence and the investigative process, and contacted a number of media outlets to publish it.

As soon as the report was released, it caused an immediate uproar. The company's senior management saw that the matter was exposed, and they fled one after another. The police also quickly intervened in the investigation and arrested the people involved one by one. The company's founders were also brought to justice and duly punished.

Xiaoli and Xiaozhang finally uncovered this shocking secret, sought justice for the victims, and cleared a cancer for the company. Their bravery and wisdom have won admiration and praise from the people. They became the heroes of the city and will always be remembered.

However, Xiaoli was not satisfied with this, she knew that there were still many unknown dark corners in this world that she needed to face bravely. She decided to continue her investigative career for more people


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