
$25 at a time


In the deep alleys of Luzhou, Sichuan, there is a jaw-dropping secret hidden. There seemed to be an indescribable heaviness in the air, as if every corner was hiding a secret that no one knew. And 81-year-old Uncle Liu is one of the protagonists in this secret.

$25 at a time

The elder, who was once known for his industriousness and integrity in his neighborhood, is now embroiled in a shocking "twilight deal". At a mere 25 yuan, he and a 57-year-old woman were trading in a dark room. This can't help but make people curious, what made this old man, in the twilight of his life, abandon all his scruples and bottom lines?

$25 at a time

When the police knocked on the door, the entire residential building seemed to fall into a brief silence. Uncle Liu's face instantly lost its blood, and his eyes were full of horror and helplessness. He is not afraid of the law, but he is worried that once this secret is exposed, how will he face the family and neighbors who once loved him?

$25 at a time

The names in the police report are like cold blades, cutting the bottom line of society. Zhao, Zhang, Chen, Yan...... These elders, who were once considered proud by their families, are now involved in prostitution. Although the price of their transactions is not high, each one is like a deep scar on the moral bottom line of society.

$25 at a time

We can't help but ask, what made these old people embark on this road of no return? Is it the stress of life that they can't bear, or is it the emptiness of their hearts that makes them seek temporary solace? Perhaps, everyone has an answer in their hearts, but the truth is often much more complicated than we think.

$25 at a time

Thousands of miles away in Jiangxi, an old man over 100 years old is lying on a hospital bed, his life like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time. This old man was also the breadwinner of the family and the pride of the children. But now, he is terminally ill because of the indulgence of his youth, and the story behind this is embarrassing.

$25 at a time

It is not difficult to imagine that this old man may have been high-spirited and suave when he was young. But as time passed, he gradually lost his way and indulged in those fleeting pleasures. Now, lying on the hospital bed, looking back at the past, is his heart full of remorse and helplessness?

$25 at a time

And in another corner, in a dilapidated hut in Daqing, Heilongjiang, an absurd farce was also staged. An 85-year-old man and a middle-aged woman linger in a small room. Their laughter and gasps echoed in the silence of the night, making them particularly harsh. When the police suddenly broke in, the old man was terrified, and his body trembled, as if he was going to fall down at any moment. The woman, on the other hand, hid in a corner in a panic, not daring to look the police in the eye.

$25 at a time

These stories are like thrilling movies that allow us to see the complexity of human nature and the dark side of society. These old people, they used to be the backbone of society and the backbone of the family. But now, they have embarked on this road of no return for various reasons. This begs the question: what's wrong with our society? Should we give them more love and attention?

$25 at a time

It seems to me that these old people did not embark on this path entirely out of their original intentions. They may have compromised because of the pressures of life, or they may have sought temporary solace because of the emptiness of their hearts. But in any case, we should give them more understanding and tolerance. After all, everyone has their difficulties and struggles.

$25 at a time

At the same time, these stories also make us reflect on ourselves. In this materialistic society, have we ever lost our way? Have you ever given up your dreams and pursuits in pursuit of short-term pleasures? If so, then we should also be brave enough to face our past and try to find our own path.

$25 at a time

Although the stories of these old people are shocking and embarrassing, they also let us see the warmth and strength of society. As long as each of us can give them more love and companionship, I believe that they will be able to regain their dignity and pride. At the same time, we should also cherish every day in front of us and strive to pursue our dreams and happiness. Because in this uncertain world, we never know what will happen tomorrow. But as long as we stick to our beliefs and pursuits, we will be able to go through those difficult moments and meet our own bright future.

$25 at a time
$25 at a time
$25 at a time
$25 at a time
$25 at a time
$25 at a time
$25 at a time