
1 trillion special treasury bonds are coming, ready to meet the era of great inflation, what will ordinary people do in the future?

author:Yang Tsai said finance

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China has decided to issue a batch of special government bonds! You may ask, what happens when the treasury bonds are issued? Don't underestimate this action, it's about the money in our pockets! To put it simply, the state is fighting a "reinforcement war" of liquidity, with the aim of easing the financial constraints in the market. But the story behind this is not simple, the impact may be far greater than you and me can imagine, are you ready to face a possible "era of great inflation"? Let's find out!

1 trillion special treasury bonds are coming, ready to meet the era of great inflation, what will ordinary people do in the future?

This year, the Chinese government suddenly announced the issuance of special treasury bonds, which caused quite a stir in the financial circles. Why did you choose to issue treasury bonds at this time? The reason is actually quite straightforward: the market is illiquid, and economic growth needs to be "watered". The double drop of social finance and M1 is undoubtedly a wake-up call for us. Without sufficient liquidity, the market is like a machine that is short of oil, unable to turn.

1 trillion special treasury bonds are coming, ready to meet the era of great inflation, what will ordinary people do in the future?

The issuance of government bonds is like injecting a shot in the arm into the economic system. In particular, the central bank has also begun to buy government bonds through the secondary market, which is not just a simple increase in market liquidity, but also paves the way for future economic transformation. The problem now is that there will be more and more money on the market, but that means that our consumer costs may rise gradually, which is what we call inflation.

1 trillion special treasury bonds are coming, ready to meet the era of great inflation, what will ordinary people do in the future?

When it comes to inflation, you might be thinking, isn't rising prices a good thing? At least pork is cheaper. But the problem is that behind the cheapness is the huge loss of pig enterprises, which will lose more than 20 billion in total in 2023, and even the giants in the industry have gone bankrupt. This is not just an industry-wide crisis, its ripple effects could touch the nerves of the entire economy.

1 trillion special treasury bonds are coming, ready to meet the era of great inflation, what will ordinary people do in the future?

And the pace of inflation is approaching, as can be seen from the quiet increase in the price of public services. High-speed rail fares, natural gas, and even water prices are all ultimately reflected in every aspect of our daily lives. It's not just a consumer issue, asset prices are also affected. Housing prices and stock markets will rise driven by inflation.

1 trillion special treasury bonds are coming, ready to meet the era of great inflation, what will ordinary people do in the future?

For us ordinary people, how can we stay stable in the wave of inflation? If you don't have a lot of money on hand, you may want to consider a principal-protected investment option, such as a fixed deposit or Treasury bonds. Although the interest rate may be reduced in the future, there is still a certain guarantee in the preservation of the value of the funds. Keeping your job and increasing your source of income is especially important in times of inflation.

1 trillion special treasury bonds are coming, ready to meet the era of great inflation, what will ordinary people do in the future?

However, it is not without good news. With the gradual recovery of the global economy, economies like Europe and the United States have begun to consider cutting interest rates, which will have a positive impact on boosting market demand and increasing our exports. Domestically, although income growth is not obvious now, the government is already looking for solutions and striving to promote the transformation of the economy to high-quality development. This may lead to new jobs and new sources of income.

1 trillion special treasury bonds are coming, ready to meet the era of great inflation, what will ordinary people do in the future?

Another issue that should not be overlooked is that while inflation presents many challenges, it also presents opportunities for astute investors. Real estate and the stock market tend to perform well in an early inflationary environment. This requires considerable market insight and risk control capabilities. For most ordinary households, they may need to pay more attention to asset diversification, such as investing some of their funds in gold or other assets that are more resistant to inflation.

Inflation is a double-edged sword, both as it has the potential to erode our cost of living and as an opportunity for value investing. It's all about how we respond. In these unpredictable times, staying vigilant and planning our finances wisely may allow us to find our own opportunities in the volatility.

1 trillion special treasury bonds are coming, ready to meet the era of great inflation, what will ordinary people do in the future?


The issuance of special treasury bonds is not just a simple financial operation, but also reflects the challenges and coping strategies facing the mainland economy at present. In the next few years, as the market capital increases, we are likely to enter a new "era of great inflation". In the face of such a situation, what ordinary people need to do is not only to be careful about daily expenses, but more importantly, to manage and allocate their assets wisely to cope with possible risks and challenges. We should also be keenly aware of the investment opportunities that arise from them, so that we can move forward more steadily in the future economic fluctuations. Are you ready for this test of everyone's money bag?

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