
Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

author:Saving the army is like a smile
When we gaze at the sun from the Earth, it seems to exhibit a calm and gentle posture. However, once we dig deeper, we will find that it is actually extremely violent on the surface, and sometimes even earth-shattering energy releases. These intense energy releases, once reached in sufficient intensity, can even have a profound impact on our daily lives. This shocking natural phenomenon is what we call a solar storm.
Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

Solar magnetic storm AI creation diagram

Solar storms release their power in three main forms: the enhancement of electromagnetic radiation, the surge of high-energy charged particle streams, and the diffusion of plasma clouds. When these powerful substances and energies reach the Earth's immediate vicinity, they violently disturb the Earth's magnetic field, ionosphere, and mid-upper atmosphere, causing a series of far-reaching effects.

Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

In 1859, a solar storm called the Carrington event shook the Earth. This is the largest solar storm on record. A solar storm refers to a large number of energetic particles and magnetized plasma released during solar activity, and when these particles and plasma reach the vicinity of the earth, they interact with the earth's magnetic field and cause a geomagnetic storm

Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

The geomagnetic storm intensity of the Carrington event is estimated to be between -1600 and -1760 nanotesla. The solar storm produced a strong geomagnetic effect that caused telegraph systems to malfunction around the world, and there were even reports of spontaneous combustion. In March 1989, a geomagnetic storm paralyzed Quebec's power grid with an intensity of about -480 nanotesla.

Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

Astronomers have made an interesting discovery: our Sun is expected to reach its peak of activity in 2024, which means that Earth will face more frequent solar storms. At this time, many people may be full of questions: why will solar storms occur so frequently in 2024?

Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

All of this is closely related to the unique cyclical activity of the Sun. It is well known that the sun's cycle of activity goes through a complete cycle approximately every 11 years. During this 11-year period, the level of activity of the Sun goes through a process of change from low to high and then from high to low. Whenever a new solar cycle begins, the number of sunspots is relatively small, but over time, about 5 to 6 years later, the number of these sunspots reaches a peak. Then, over the next five years, their numbers will gradually fall back to extremely low levels.

Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

We are now in the 25th solar cycle recorded since 1755. According to careful observations by astronomers, 2024 is expected to usher in the peak of sunspot activity, which indicates that the probability of solar storms will increase significantly. Similarly, our planet is at increased risk of solar storms. So, what are the potential threats when such a solar storm sweeps in?

Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

When a solar storm erupts, it bears the brunt of powerful electromagnetic radiation. This radiation will violently disturb the Earth's ionosphere, causing it to increase its density dramatically, which in turn will cause significant attenuation of radio signals, seriously affecting or even disrupting communications. After the frenzy of electromagnetic radiation recedes, high-energy particles followed, violently bombarding satellites in Earth's orbit. These particles not only continue to impact the satellite, but also penetrate its internal electronics, causing serious damage to the satellite's control system. At this time, if the astronaut is working outside the capsule, he must quickly return to the capsule to avoid the deadly radiation damage caused by these high-energy particles.

Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

The final finale will be the onslaught of plasma clouds. Once it reaches the Earth, it will first interact with the Earth's magnetic field, resulting in the compression and deformation of the Earth's magnetic field, and then triggering a strong geomagnetic disturbance, which is commonly known as a geomagnetic storm. At the same time, the charged particles carried in the plasma cloud will flow along the Earth's magnetic field lines to the north and south poles. When these charged particles collide violently with molecules in the atmosphere, they will trigger a dazzling aurora phenomenon, bringing us a feast for the eyes.

Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

Despite the beauty of the aurora, the onslaught of plasma clouds poses a huge threat to our facilities. Such an attack would not only cause the navigation system of aircraft and ships to malfunction, but could also completely disrupt the mobile phone signal and, more seriously, the power grid system could be paralyzed or even burned down.

Scientists speculate that there is a high probability of a solar storm this year! The sun is in an extremely active state

It can be seen that the potential harm caused by solar storms should not be underestimated. Therefore, scientists have been intensifying their observation of the sun, in order to be able to warn in advance of future solar storms, so as to take effective preventive measures to reduce possible damage.

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