
Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

author:Health records
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"Why is my chest so stuffy?" Uncle Zhang was beating his chest with his hands while frowning and muttering.

Uncle Zhang is 68 years old this year, and his body has always been quite tough. In the past few days, I always feel that something is not right, and from time to time I feel flustered and tightness in my chest.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

Seeing this, Uncle Zhang's wife, Grandma Li, hurriedly urged him to go to the hospital to have a look. "I said old man, let's not take it seriously, let's go to the hospital for a check-up."

Uncle Zhang didn't want to go at first, thinking that maybe the weather was too hot and a little uncomfortable. But he couldn't stand Grandma Li's repeated persuasion, so he still came to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, after a series of examinations, "Uncle, your condition is not very good, and the preliminary judgment may be a precursor to a heart attack." The doctor said solemnly.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

"What? Heart attack? No, I've been in good health. Uncle Zhang's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears.

The doctor patiently explained: "Summer is indeed the high incidence of heart attack, and many people tend to ignore it. Uncle, have you been active in the heat a lot lately, or you don't drink much water? ”

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

Uncle Zhang thought about it, it's really like this, the weather has been hot recently, he always feels very thirsty, but he is too lazy to drink water.

The doctor continued, "That's the problem. In summer, the human body sweats a lot, the blood viscosity increases, and if you don't pay attention to replenishing water, it is easy to induce cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction. ”

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

Uncle Zhang and Grandma Li suddenly realized that there are still so many things to pay attention to in summer. The doctor reminded: "For the elderly, the following 6 points should be prepared in summer to get through the summer smoothly and avoid the occurrence of heart attack. ”

The first point is to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling.

High temperature weather can easily cause the body's blood vessels to dilate, blood pressure to drop, and the burden on the heart to increase.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

Older adults try to avoid going out during hot hours, especially between 11 p.m. and 3 p.m.

If you must go out, be sure to take sun protection measures, wear hats, parasols, apply sunscreen, etc., and pay attention to timely hydration.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

Just like Uncle Zhang, it is because he is active in high temperatures and does not pay attention to hydration that he gives a chance to have a heart attack.

The second point is to eat reasonably.

In summer, many people like to eat cold drinks, chilled fruits, etc., but for the elderly, these raw and cold foods should be in moderation.

Excessive consumption may cause gastrointestinal discomfort and even induce heart disease. The diet should be mainly light, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and control the intake of salt and oil.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

Grandma Li nodded hurriedly when she heard this: "Yes, yes, you have to pay attention in the future, you can't let the old man eat indiscriminately." ”

Third, get enough sleep.

In summer, the daylight hours are long and the nighttime hours are short, and many people are prone to sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep can lead to decreased immunity, endocrine disruptions, and an increased risk of heart disease.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

The elderly should develop good sleeping habits, keep the bedroom ventilated and cool, take a warm bath before going to bed, relax and improve sleep quality.

Uncle Zhang remembered that he had always slept badly at night recently, and he felt a little regretful.

Fourth, exercise moderately.

It's hot in the summer, but it's not a complete exercise away. Moderate exercise can enhance cardiopulmonary function and promote blood circulation.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

However, it is necessary to pay attention to choosing the appropriate time and method of exercise, avoid exercising in high temperature periods, and the exercise intensity should not be too large.

You can choose to do soothing exercises such as walking, tai chi, etc., in the early morning or late afternoon.

The doctor then said, "Uncle Zhang, you have to pay attention to your exercise in the future, and you can't be as reckless as before." ”

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

Fifth, control your emotions.

In summer, people are prone to irritability, irritability, and mood swings. Emotional agitation can lead to an increase in blood pressure and a higher heart rate, increasing the burden on the heart.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

Older people should maintain a calm mind and avoid great joy and sorrow. You can regulate your emotions by listening to music, reading books, etc.

Uncle Zhang nodded: "I know, I must pay attention to controlling my emotions in the future." ”

Sixth, regular physical examinations.

The elderly should have regular physical examinations to detect and treat various chronic diseases in a timely manner.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

In particular, patients with underlying diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes should pay close attention to their physical conditions and follow the doctor's advice for treatment and medication.

"Doctor, what should my wife do now?" Grandma Li asked anxiously.

The doctor said: At present, the uncle's condition is not too serious, but it should not be taken lightly. Hospitalization for a period of observation is required for further testing and treatment.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

We must follow what I just said and do a good job of prevention.

Uncle Zhang and Grandma Li nodded again and again, saying that they would definitely do what the doctor asked. After staying in the hospital for a period of time, Uncle Zhang's physical condition gradually stabilized.

When he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor told him again: "Uncle, you must pay attention when you go back, you can't be sloppy in summer." ”

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

Uncle Zhang said gratefully: "Doctor, thank you, if you hadn't come, I wouldn't have known that there were so many things to pay attention to in summer." ”

From Uncle Zhang's experience, we can see that summer is indeed a season that requires special attention for the elderly.

Cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction can threaten their health at any time.

As children, we should also pay more attention to the physical condition of our parents and remind them to take preventive measures.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

In life, we often overlook details that may seem insignificant, but which can have a crucial impact on our health.

Just like the summer heatstroke prevention and cooling, reasonable diet, adequate sleep, etc., are all places that we tend to ignore.

The prevention of myocardial infarction and other diseases is not only a matter for the elderly themselves, but also for the whole family.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

Each of us should be aware of disease prevention, start from the little things of daily life, and take responsibility for the health of ourselves and our families.

I hope that everyone can keep in mind the doctor's reminder and prepare for summer, so that you and your family can get through this hot season smoothly and stay away from the threat of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack.

Is summer the time for heart attack to be high? The doctor reminds the elderly to prepare for 6 o'clock and spend the summer smoothly

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