
The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

author:Health records
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"Doctor, I've been feeling tired lately, and I'm always suffering from back pain, what's going on?" In the hospital consultation room, young Xiaoli asked the doctor anxiously.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

After asking her about some of her daily habits and physical condition in detail, the doctor arranged a series of tests.

After a few days of anxious waiting, the test results came out, like a thunderbolt from the blue, Xiaoli was diagnosed with uremia.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

"How so? Doctor, I've always been in good health, why did I suddenly get such a serious illness? Xiaoli's voice was full of despair and incomprehension.

The doctor looked at her and said in a heavy tone: "The formation of uremia does not happen overnight, it is often the result of the long-term action of many factors. Your eating habits may be an important factor. ”

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

The doctor then admonished: Especially the following 6 high-purine foods, you must touch them sparingly.

The first type: animal offal

Animal offal, such as pork liver, pork kidney, chicken heart, duck intestines, etc., are often extremely high in purines.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

Many people like to eat stir-fried pork liver, braised chicken heart and other delicacies, but they don't know that these foods may be quietly damaging our kidneys.

Purines are metabolized into uric acid in the body, and if uric acid is too high for a long time, it will cause a burden on the kidneys, which may lead to kidney disease over time.

Animal offal is highly nutritious, but for the sake of kidney health, we do have to limit the amount we eat. It's okay to have a little craving once in a while, but you can't use them as a staple food in your daily life.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

The second type: seafood

Seafood is arguably a favorite of many people, especially in coastal areas, where seafood is a frequent servant at the table.

Seafood such as shellfish, shrimp and crabs, and marine fish are mostly high-purine foods. For example, sardines, anchovies, shrimp, crabs, etc., are not low in purines.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

Behind these delicacies, there is a hidden threat to the kidneys.

There was a patient who was very fond of seafood and ate it almost several times a week. Later, I found out that I was suffering from gout, and my kidney function was gradually declining.

Seafood is good, but it is also important to know how to stop in moderation. Especially for people who have kidney problems or high uric acid, they should be careful about choosing the type and amount of seafood.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

The third: broth

Many people think that the broth is nutritious and the soup is thick and delicious. In fact, broth is the "hidden master" of high-purine foods.

During the process of simmering meat, the purines in the meat will dissolve in large quantities into the soup. Drinking this high-purine broth regularly will increase the level of uric acid in the body and increase the burden on the kidneys.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

There is a family that is used to making a pot of broth every day, and the whole family loves to drink it.

Later, the elderly in the family developed high uric acid and kidney problems, and the doctor found that it had a lot to do with their frequent consumption of broth.

We can drink some light soup once in a while, but avoid drinking thick broth for a long time. If you really want to drink soup, you can choose some vegetable soup or soup made with low-purine ingredients.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

Fourth: legumes

Although legumes such as soybeans, mung beans, and red beans are rich in nutrients such as protein, their purine content should not be underestimated.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

Especially for people who already have kidney disease, consuming too much legumes may aggravate the condition. For the average person, it is beneficial to consume legumes in moderation. But if you already have kidney problems, you need to adjust your intake of legumes according to your doctor's recommendations.

The fifth: shiitake mushrooms

As a common mushroom ingredient, shiitake mushrooms are delicious and loved by everyone. Shiitake mushrooms are also one of the high-purine foods.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

Many people like to add shiitake mushrooms to enhance the flavor when stewing soups and stir-frying, but they don't know that this may unknowingly ingest too many purines.

There is a patient who usually eats a light diet, but he especially likes to eat shiitake mushrooms, and he eats some almost every day.

Later, during the physical examination, it was found that the uric acid was high, and after the doctor's inquiry and analysis, it was believed that it had something to do with his frequent eating of shiitake mushrooms.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

While enjoying the delicious taste of shiitake mushrooms, we should also pay attention to the amount of food. Don't eat it without moderation just because it's delicious.

Sixth: Alcohol

Alcohol, especially beer, is higher in purines. Moreover, drinking alcohol will affect the excretion of uric acid, leading to the accumulation of uric acid in the body. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can cause great damage to the kidneys.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

There was once a young man who often drank alcohol for work reasons, and after a few years, he was diagnosed with kidney problems and hyperuricemia.

Try not to drink if you can't drink, and if you really can't shirk it, drink it in moderation, and pay attention to the body's reaction after drinking.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

Xiaoli listened to the doctor's words and regretted it. She remembered that she used to eat these foods regularly, but never realized that they could be so harmful to her health.

It was already too late, and half a year later, Xiaoli still passed away.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

This experience is a wake-up call that we cannot ignore the health impact of what we eat in our daily lives. For high-purine foods, we should be vigilant and control our intake reasonably.

We should also develop good living habits, regular physical examinations, and timely detection of physical abnormalities.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

If you already have kidney disease or high uric acid, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment and dietary modifications.

Let's cherish our health, pay attention to our diet and take care of our kidneys from now on. Don't let Xiaoli's tragedy repeat itself on us.

The woman suffered from uremia and died half a year later, and the doctor warned: these 6 high-purine foods should be touched less

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