
Chuanhua develops domestic memory, and innovation once again ignites the power of "core"!


The advent of Huawei's Mate 60 Pro mobile phone marks a major breakthrough in China's independent chip innovation, but there is still a gap with the international advanced level, and it needs to continue to make efforts in the future.

The emergence of Huawei's Mate 60 Pro mobile phone has attracted global attention and is regarded as a major progress in China's independent chip innovation. The phone is equipped with Huawei's self-developed 7nm Kirin 9000S chip, which is comparable in performance to Apple's latest iPhone, and supports satellite calling for the first time, showing a leap in China's chip design and manufacturing strength. Compared with international giants such as TSMC and Samsung, there is still a certain gap in China's chip industry, and in the future, it is necessary to make efforts in talent training and industrial chain improvement in order to truly achieve independence and control.

Chuanhua develops domestic memory, and innovation once again ignites the power of "core"!

1. Highlights of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro phone

It is equipped with Huawei's self-developed 7nm Kirin 9000S chip, which is comparable in performance to Apple's A16 processor. The chip is produced by SMIC, and the advanced technology is in a leading position in China.

The 5G network transmission rate reaches 7.5Gbps, which is comparable to flagship phones in the same class, ensuring a smooth network experience.

It supports satellite calls and SMS functions, becoming the world's first civilian mobile phone to support satellite communication, effectively expanding the communication coverage.

Chuanhua develops domestic memory, and innovation once again ignites the power of "core"!

The image system has been newly upgraded, the main camera supports variable aperture, and the ultra-macro telephoto lens shoots more detailed to meet the needs of professional-grade images.

Second, the status quo of China's chip industry

The strength of leading enterprises has been continuously enhanced, and the design capabilities have approached the international advanced level. In addition to Huawei HiSilicon, the chip design strength of companies such as Unigroup and GigaDevice has also been continuously improved.

The manufacturing process lags behind international giants such as TSMC and Samsung. SMIC's 14nm process is in mass production, and 7nm is in the late-stage R&D stage, but it still lags behind TSMC's 3nm process.

Chuanhua develops domestic memory, and innovation once again ignites the power of "core"!

Key equipment and materials still need to be imported, and the shortcomings of the industrial chain restrict development. Core equipment and materials such as lithography machines and electronic special gases lack domestic substitution, and are highly dependent on foreign countries.

Third, the future development needs attention

Increase investment in basic theoretical research and cultivate high-end chip talents. At present, there is a shortage of advanced chip design and process research and development talents, and it is urgent to increase investment from the source.

Accelerate the introduction of talents and build an international talent team. Through the "Talent Recruitment Plan" and other methods, we will attract overseas chip talents to return to China and improve the overall strength.

Chuanhua develops domestic memory, and innovation once again ignites the power of "core"!

Improve the upstream and downstream supporting facilities of the industrial chain to form a complete ecology. Accelerate the process of localization and build an independent and controllable industrial chain from design to manufacturing.

Strengthen international cooperation and exchanges to achieve complementary advantages. In insisting on independent innovation, we should also take the initiative to integrate into the global industrial division of labor system.

4. Impacts and challenges

It is conducive to improving the country's ability to innovate independently in science and technology, enhancing the supply guarantee capacity of the industrial chain, and safeguarding national security and core interests.

It may trigger the United States to further increase sanctions on Huawei and China's chip industry, intensifying the Sino-US technology game.

Chuanhua develops domestic memory, and innovation once again ignites the power of "core"!

As international competition in science and technology intensifies, the global industrial landscape is being reshaped, and China needs to be fully prepared.

The launch of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro demonstrates China's great progress in independent chip innovation, but there is still a gap between China and the international advanced level. In the future, it is necessary to increase investment in basic research and talent training, improve the upstream and downstream supporting facilities of the industrial chain, and actively integrate into the global division of labor system, so as to truly realize the independent and controllable chip industry, so as to effectively safeguard national security and core interests, and enhance comprehensive national strength.

Chuanhua develops domestic memory, and innovation once again ignites the power of "core"!

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