
Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

author:Netizens commented on Lele

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Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

Text|Netizens commented on Lele

Editor|Netizens commented on Lele


In the current job market, with the ever-changing employment situation and fierce competition,

College students are starting to show more and more variety and practicality in their career choices.

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Recently, a post-00 college student successfully tried out to become a live-in nanny with a monthly salary of 15,000 yuan.

Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

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This career choice not only reflects the new trends in the market, but also reveals the challenges that young people have to traditional attitudes about employment.

The young college student discovered this high-paying live-in nanny position while exploring employment opportunities.

Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

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While this type of work may not traditionally be considered a top choice for college graduates,

But the high salary and the conditions of food and housing attracted her attention.

Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

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After a series of interviews, evaluations and job trials, she finally succeeded in becoming a live-in nanny.

Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

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This post-00s generation not only opened a new career path for herself,

It also provides an example for peers to consider non-traditional career paths.

Netizen: I'm about to lose my job, and I want to find a job like this, but I don't want to live at home because I also have children at home

Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

A lot of low-paid ones are the amount of two people who do it alone

Netizen: I learned it all from my childcare teacher

Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

Viciousness does not distinguish between people of any age

Netizen: You are not defeating 95%, you are defeating 99.99%

Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

Beat 100% in terms of salary

Netizen: When I saw the salary of 15,000, I suddenly felt that other people's children were too cute

Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

Single woman, I also want to find such a kind nanny

Netizen: Those stay-at-home mothers can ask their husbands for wages according to this standard

Post-00 trial job with a monthly salary of 15,000 live-in nanny, netizen: I will do this when I am unemployed in the future

How do you know that I plan to do this in the future, it's super cool, it's better than marrying someone and being a mother

The incident quickly sparked a heated discussion on social media, with mixed public reactions. Many young people and netizens expressed support and envy for the college student's ability to get a high-paying job, believing that it is a reflection of the diversity of career choices and an affirmation of personal career autonomy. However, there is also an argument that college students may not be taking full advantage of higher education resources when engaging in nanny work, questioning the value and suitability of such work.

Personal opinion

The college student's choice reminds us that career paths should be determined more by individual needs and market conditions than by a single societal expectation. High-paying live-in nanny jobs, while non-traditional, offer a stable financial income and job security, which may be more attractive for young people who are looking for independence and an economic base. We should be more open to the diversity of career choices and encourage young people to make the most appropriate career decisions based on their own circumstances.


In short, the post-00s college students choosing to become high-paying live-in nannies is not only an interesting turning point in their careers, but also an opportunity for us to rethink and discuss the concept of contemporary employment. On the road to career choice, more inclusiveness and openness will help everyone find their own position and achieve a harmonious unity of personal value and social needs.


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