
I really wanted to take it away, and I saw this stray cat at the subway entrance

author:Extreme speed stream h

At the entrance of the subway, there are always people coming and going, and the lines are in a hurry. However, that day, my eyes were firmly attracted to a stray cat. It lies on the ground intertwined with dead leaves and rubble, like a lonely picture, quietly telling its story.

When I first saw it, its light brown fur was obscured by dirt, and its original color was unrecognizable. The sun poured obliquely from above, gilding its fur with a golden sheen, but also revealing the slightest unkempt in the shadows. Its eyes, bright yellow, like two crystalline ambers, revealed a little wariness and uneasiness.

I really wanted to take it away, and I saw this stray cat at the subway entrance

I crouched in front of it, and an inexplicable emotion welled up in my heart. I called it tentatively, my voice soft and loving. I stretched out my hand, longing to touch its soft fur and feel the warmth of its life. However, its reaction was cold, without calling or moving its body. It just tilted its head and looked at me quietly with those yellow eyes, as if to examine my sincerity and determination.

I gently reached out and tried to touch it. However, as if frightened, it quickly ducked into the bushes. I looked in the direction it had disappeared, and a sense of loss and helplessness swelled up in my heart. I know that it is a stray cat, accustomed to loneliness and freedom, and is always wary and uneasy about the approach of humans.

I stood up, my heart filled with melancholy. I remembered my self yesterday, why didn't I have the courage to take it home? I regret my hesitation and timidity, and I regret not having some food and water for it. I think if I had encountered it sooner, if I had been braver, maybe it wouldn't have wandered around this subway anymore.

I really wanted to take it away, and I saw this stray cat at the subway entrance

I decided that I would definitely bring some cat food tomorrow and hope to see it again. I hope that with my sincerity and patience, I can impress its defensive heart and make it willing to follow me.

However, when I came to the subway entrance again, it was no longer there. I searched everywhere but found no sign of it. My heart was filled with loss and despair, as if I had lost something important. I crouched on the ground, my hands clasped tightly around my knees, tears rolling in my eyes.

I remembered its yellow eyes, its unkempt hair, and its cold reaction. I remembered my hesitation and timidity yesterday, and I remembered my regret that I couldn't take it away in time. My heart was filled with remorse and remorse, as if swallowed up by endless darkness.

However, at this moment, I suddenly understood a truth. This stray cat, although its life is full of hardships and difficulties, it has its own dignity and choices. It does not want to be bound, it does not want to lose its freedom. It chooses to wander, it chooses loneliness, and it chooses to be strong.

And I, as a human being, often forget my inner voice and pursuit in the process of pursuing material things and fame and fortune. We are often driven by desires and forget about true happiness and fulfillment. And this stray cat, with its lonely and strong figure, reminds me to cherish my heart and choices.

I stood up and wiped away my tears. I know that this stray cat has been out of my sight, but it has remained in my heart forever. It has taught me to be brave and strong, but it has also taught me to cherish and choose.

I really wanted to take it away, and I saw this stray cat at the subway entrance

I wanted to take it away, but I knew I couldn't. Because it is a free cat, its life should be chosen and decided by itself. And I, just a passerby, can only silently bless it, hoping that it can find its own happiness and home in the days to come.

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