
Wake up! The land area has increased by 39.4 million square kilometers, what is the experience - Guanghan Special Zone

author:Brother Li said anecdotes


Recently, a piece of news about China's aerospace has caused a heated discussion on the Internet, that is, China's plan to build the first municipality of mankind on the moon, named "Guanghan City". As soon as this news was exposed, it immediately attracted the attention of the world, and many people expressed great interest and anticipation for it.

China's aerospace industry has always attracted much attention, and the construction of the lunar base is considered to be a new milestone in China's aerospace industry, demonstrating China's ambition and strong strength in the aerospace field. The construction of the lunar base is not only a simple technical project, but also involves many major issues related to the future of mankind, such as the development and utilization of space resources, the survival and development of human beings in deep space, and so on.

Wake up! The land area has increased by 39.4 million square kilometers, what is the experience - Guanghan Special Zone

So, what does China's space program mean by building a "Guanghan City" on the moon? What kind of scientific problems and future challenges are hidden behind this? Let's dive into this exciting topic.

Wake up! The land area has increased by 39.4 million square kilometers, what is the experience - Guanghan Special Zone

1. China's space program to build a "Guanghan City" on the moon

Since ancient times, human beings have been full of infinite curiosity and yearning for the stars and seas in the universe, and the moon has always been regarded as one of the important destinations for human exploration of space. And now, with the continuous advancement of space technology, it seems that the dream of human landing on the moon is no longer out of reach.

Recently, a bombshell news about China's aerospace has once again pushed the mysterious planet of the moon into the spotlight. It is reported that China's aerospace industry has begun to prepare for the construction of a lunar scientific research station, and the location of this scientific research station is located in the south pole region of the moon.

What is unexpected is that the scale of China's aerospace construction on the moon is so large that it even directly announced that it will establish a municipality directly under the central government, and this municipality will be named "Guanghan City".

Wake up! The land area has increased by 39.4 million square kilometers, what is the experience - Guanghan Special Zone

For a time, the news about China's establishment of a municipality on the moon immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, and many people expressed great surprise and excitement about it. After all, before this, people often stayed in a relatively vague concept of the construction of the lunar base, and now, China's aerospace industry is actually going to establish a municipality on the moon, which undoubtedly gives mankind a richer imagination for lunar exploration.

According to relevant sources, the reason why China's aerospace industry wants to establish a "Guanghan City" on the moon is actually to further promote human in-depth exploration and scientific research on the moon. It can be said that China's aerospace move this time is not only to show its strength in the aerospace field, but also to contribute to the cause of human space exploration.

Wake up! The land area has increased by 39.4 million square kilometers, what is the experience - Guanghan Special Zone

2. The scientific problems and challenges behind the construction of the lunar base

China's space program to build a "Guanghan City" on the moon has indeed brought new hopes and challenges to mankind's space exploration. As a major project involving deep space exploration and habitation, the difficulties and challenges faced by the construction of the lunar base are obviously unprecedented.

1. Site selection and construction

In order to establish a "Guanghan City" on the moon, it is first necessary to solve the problem of site selection and construction of the base. It is understood that China's aerospace chose to build a base in the south pole region of the moon this time, mainly because the temperature difference here is relatively small, which is conducive to daily life and the development of scientific research.

In addition, in order to better protect the base, China Aerospace also deliberately chose to build in the underground cave of the moon, which undoubtedly added many difficulties and challenges to the site selection and construction of the base.

In addition to China's aerospace, there are also some international scientific research teams that have also put forward their own unique construction plans. For example, Harbin Institute of Technology proposed that the lava pipelines in the underground karst cave can be used to build a lunar base, while Northwestern Polytechnical University plans to use 3D printing technology to realize the rapid construction of a lunar base.

It can be said that how to successfully establish a fully functional base in such a special environment as the moon is an extremely challenging project in itself.

2. Livelihood support and resource supply

Unlike the International Space Station, the construction of the lunar base means that human beings will have to carry out long-term deep space survival and exploration on a completely unfamiliar planet. In such an environment, how to solve the problem of living security and resource supply is undoubtedly one of the major challenges that need to be solved urgently.

First of all, oxygen, drinking water and other necessities on the base need to be effectively recycled, and all of this is inseparable from the abundant resources on the moon. According to the preliminary survey results of scientists, the south pole of the moon not only contains a large amount of water resources, but also contains abundant helium-3 and other rare elements, which provides a valuable guarantee for the resource supply of the base.

In addition, in order to better protect the ecological environment of the moon, all the energy used by the base also needs to be "demanded" from the outside world, which requires us to use clean energy such as solar energy and nuclear energy to achieve the sustainable development and operation of the base.

It can be said that the construction of the lunar base is not only for the exploration of outer space by human beings, but also hopes to explore a new mode of survival and development path through practical actions.

3. Psychological adaptation and long-term residence

In addition to the technical and engineering challenges, the construction of the lunar base also needs to overcome many problems of adaptability to life. After all, long-term survival and work in deep space places extremely high demands on the physical and mental health of astronauts.

On the International Space Station, astronauts are often limited to short-term scientific expeditions and experiments, and once humans establish a long-term living base on the moon, astronauts need to face months or even years of loneliness and isolation.

In such a special environment, astronauts' mental health and teamwork skills will face unprecedented challenges. Therefore, while building a lunar base, China's aerospace industry also needs to increase research in the fields of life sciences and human behavior, so as to provide strong guarantee and support for the long-term stay of astronauts.

It can be said that the construction of the lunar base is not just a simple technical project, and all aspects involved will have a far-reaching impact on the scientific, technological, and social development of mankind.

Wake up! The land area has increased by 39.4 million square kilometers, what is the experience - Guanghan Special Zone

3. China's aerospace industry is embarking on a new journey of deep space exploration

China's space plan to build a "Guanghan City" on the moon is undoubtedly a major event in China's space industry and a milestone in the history of human space exploration. Behind this, it is inseparable from the hard work and unremitting exploration of Chinese astronauts, and even more inseparable from the country's firm support for scientific and technological innovation and aerospace industry.

It can be said that such a great breakthrough and progress in China's aerospace industry is inseparable from the country's great attention and support for the aerospace industry. In the days to come, China's aerospace industry will continue to uphold the aerospace concept of "win-win cooperation and peaceful use", and work hand in hand with the international community to jointly promote the space dream of mankind.

At the same time, the technical experience and scientific achievements accumulated by China's aerospace industry in the construction of the lunar base will also explore new possibilities and paths for human deep space exploration and habitation.

It is foreseeable that with the continuous development of China's space industry, China's position and role in the field of space exploration will become more and more important, and may even have a far-reaching impact on international space cooperation and competition.

Wake up! The land area has increased by 39.4 million square kilometers, what is the experience - Guanghan Special Zone


China's space program to build a "Guanghan City" on the moon has undoubtedly injected a strong "Chinese power" into mankind's space exploration cause, and also pointed out a bright way forward for mankind's dream of living in deep space.

Behind all this, there are more Chinese astronauts and scientific research workers, who have paid and persevered in obscurity. It is precisely because of them that China's aerospace industry has made brilliant achievements one after another, and that China's aerospace industry has been able to show its strong "Chinese strength" in the international aerospace field.

It is believed that in the near future, China's Chang'e, Tianzhou, Mars rover, and even the "Guanghan City" will shine in the vast sea of stars in space, writing a new space legend for mankind to explore the unknown universe.