
Why is it that poplar catkins are flying all over the sky now, but there is no one to govern them?

author:Xiao Zhu, who loves to talk

Whenever May comes, many cities will face the problem of willow trees flying. These white fluffs scattered in the air not only turn the sky into a "snowy scene", but also make it difficult to breathe, especially for people with allergies. So why haven't we been able to address the root cause of this problem?

Why is it that poplar catkins are flying all over the sky now, but there is no one to govern them?

As a way of dispersal of plant seeds, although willow catkins can add a bit of romance to nature, it has also caused many adverse effects on human life. The most direct is air pollution, these tiny hairs are scattered in the air, which not only blurs the vision, but also easily blocks the airways and aggravates the symptoms of patients with respiratory diseases such as asthma.

On the other hand, a large amount of catkins may also cause damage to power equipment, block pipelines and mechanical equipment, and bring many inconveniences to life and production. To make matters worse, catkins can also pose a fire hazard. Due to its extremely flammable nature, it is easy to cause a fire once it encounters an ignition source.

Why is it that poplar catkins are flying all over the sky now, but there is no one to govern them?

A fire accident in 2019 was caused by catkins, causing serious economic losses, with a loss of 30 million. Also in 2022, 40 vehicles were burned due to cigarette butts igniting catkins. It can be seen that this "beautiful" plant seed is not harmless, but has brought a lot of trouble to the lives of the people. So why hasn't this problem been completely solved until now? First of all, due to the characteristics of the poplar itself.

Why is it that poplar catkins are flying all over the sky now, but there is no one to govern them?
Why is it that poplar catkins are flying all over the sky now, but there is no one to govern them?

As a widely planted street tree, willow trees have strong vitality and fast-growing characteristics, which makes them difficult to remove completely. On the other hand, local governments have not made this problem a priority. Although some cities have taken measures such as restricting the planting of willow trees and regularly cleaning up poplar catkins, the results are not ideal, and they face the problem of poplar catkins outbreaks every year.

Why is it that poplar catkins are flying all over the sky now, but there is no one to govern them?

What's more, we must recognise that willow trees not only add greenery to the city, but also play an important ecological function. As a fast-growing, hardy tree species, willow plays an indispensable role in urban greening. Not only do they purify the air, absorb carbon dioxide, but they also provide habitat for many wildlife and are an important part of urban ecosystems.

If willow trees are cut down, it will not only affect the greening of the city, but also cause a series of ecological problems. Therefore, we should not simply treat poplars as "pest trees", but seek a balance between protecting the ecology and improving the quality of life. In the long run, a multi-pronged approach is needed to solve the catkins problem.

Why is it that poplar catkins are flying all over the sky now, but there is no one to govern them?

We need to strengthen the management and control of willow trees. Consider planting flocculent-free varieties with no buds or hairless fruits, or pruning regularly to reduce the production of catkins. At the same time, local governments should also include this problem in the scope of key governance and formulate more powerful response measures, such as mobilizing community residents to participate in clean-up and strengthening supervision.

We should raise the environmental awareness of the whole society and guide the public to correctly understand the role of willow trees. It should not simply be regarded as a "pest tree", but it is necessary to understand its important position in the urban ecology. Only by participating together can we minimize the troubles caused by catkins.

Why is it that poplar catkins are flying all over the sky now, but there is no one to govern them?

We also need to take a long-term view and constantly explore new technological means. For example, efficient poplar wool removal equipment can be developed, or alternative street tree species can be found. Only continuous innovation can finally solve this historical problem, so that the green development of cities and the quality of life of people can truly achieve a win-win situation.

Why is it that poplar catkins are flying all over the sky now, but there is no one to govern them?

In short, the problem of poplar catkins seems simple, but in fact it implies many complex social, economic and ecological factors. We must fundamentally understand the crux of the problem and take systematic measures to achieve a harmonious coexistence of urban and rural environments. It is believed that through the joint efforts of the whole society, the problem of willow catkins flying all over the sky will be gradually alleviated and solved.


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