
The woman's real-name report was made in violation of regulations in the local hospital, and 7 people were reduced without being paid, which made her unacceptable!

author:Workplace insights

An anonymous report letter caused an uproar in the medical circle.

The whistleblower pointed out that a local hospital had problems such as illegal enrollment and overstaffing.

What is even more indignant is that the seven staff members have obviously been reduced, but they are still receiving their original salaries and benefits, and they are "eating empty salaries" in a grand manner.

As a hospital administrator, the whistleblower expressed unacceptability for the hospital's approach.

However, what she didn't expect was that the real-name report not only failed to arouse the discipline inspection and supervision to intervene in the investigation, but made her the target of public criticism......

The woman's real-name report was made in violation of regulations in the local hospital, and 7 people were reduced without being paid, which made her unacceptable!

Judging from the information disclosed in the report letter, the hospital's illegal operation is indeed shocking. On the one hand, the hospital handled the registration procedures for a number of unqualified personnel in violation of regulations, which made the number of personnel seriously exceed the standard.

On the other hand, in response to the regulations of the higher authorities requiring the reduction of the establishment, although the hospital has reduced the number of establishment places by 7 through institutional reform and other means, these 7 people have not really withdrawn from the establishment, but have been arranged to subordinate units for temporary posts, and their salaries and benefits are correct.

Such a blatant "empty salary" can't help but make people question where the confidence of the hospital comes from?

Establishment is the carrier for the state to exercise public management functions and provide public services. However, in some localities and units, the establishment has become a "bargaining chip" for personal gain.

Some leaders use the power in their hands to "tailor" the organization for their relatives and friends, and engage in power-for-money transactions and benefit transfers.

The root cause of this is that the chaotic use of illegal staff in hospitals is inseparable from the loopholes in the system and mechanism. Under the current establishment and management system, the allocation standards for the establishment of undertakings are not scientific enough, and the management authority is too centralized.

Some localities and units often regard the establishment as a "capricious" bargaining chip, lacking effective supervision and accountability. Especially in public hospitals, due to the lack of external supervision, various black-box operations are frequently staged.

The woman's real-name report was made in violation of regulations in the local hospital, and 7 people were reduced without being paid, which made her unacceptable!

Some directors hold the personnel power of the hospital, and treat the establishment as a private position, and do whatever they want. In this way, even if the higher authorities ask for a reduction in the number of personnel, these people can take advantage of the loophole of "reducing but not retreating" and take advantage of the convenience of their positions to make the "reduction" a mere formality.

The issue of establishment is a matter of fairness and justice, and it is also a test of the style and ethics of the ruling party members.

In the face of the many loopholes in the establishment of supervision, how can the relevant departments sit idly by and let them go?

Only with the determination of a strong man to break his wrist and scrape his bones to cure poison, and to seriously investigate and deal with such behaviors as using people in violation of regulations and over-staffing, can we sweep away the soil that breeds corruption.

At the same time, it is also necessary to improve the scientific establishment and management system, clarify the boundaries of the rights and responsibilities of various departments, and compress the discretionary space.

The woman's real-name report was made in violation of regulations in the local hospital, and 7 people were reduced without being paid, which made her unacceptable!

While strengthening external supervision, it is also necessary to give full play to the power of internal checks and balances, so that the whistleblowers within the unit dare to be good at reporting the unhealthy tendencies around them.

In response to the hospital's "empty salary", the discipline inspection and supervision department should intervene in the investigation and make amends, before it is too late.

It is necessary to find out whether the establishment and use of funds are in violation of regulations, whether the expenditure of funds is reasonable, and whether those who violate the law and discipline are punished as they deserve. At the same time, it is necessary to protect the rights and interests of whistleblowers and avoid retaliation.

Only in this way can we force the implementation of responsibilities with strong accountability, deter latecomers with strict organizational handling, truly reflect the public nature of the hospital, and live up to the "real money" of taxpayers.

As a taxpayer, what do you think about the irregularities in the establishment of hospitals and the "empty salary" of 7 people? In your opinion, what are the deep-seated institutional and mechanism problems that need to be solved urgently around the establishment of public hospitals? What do you think can be done to better protect whistleblowers? Feel free to talk in the comment section and share your insights! Let's work together to supervise and resolutely say no to the "moths" of public resources!