
The contest between Qin Taoyu and Wang Yuyan is novel and unreasonable

author:Talk about poetry and words

The scenery in the natural world is diverse, the world is impermanent, people wander in the mountains and forests, will sigh and fall leaves everywhere; Walking on the bank of the stream, and pity the remnants of the flowers flying.

Life is full of sorrow and pain, people's hearts often feel depressed, in order to dispel the depression, the talented people will use the scene to lyrical, the meaning of things, to express a sense of melancholy and grievance.

The contest between Qin Taoyu and Wang Yuyan is novel and unreasonable

Swallows are a common image in poetry, and these cute little creatures are usually in pairs, they are light, free, and very industrious, and they are extremely loyal to each other.

The literati and writers liked its liveliness and loveliness, and were pleased that it added vitality to the world, so they wrote poems to praise it. The following shares two seven unique songs, the contest between Qin Taoyu and Wang Yuyan, the idea is novel, and it seems unreasonable and wonderful.

The contest between Qin Taoyu and Wang Yuyan is novel and unreasonable


Don · Qin Taoyu

I don't know if the building is perched, and the mud has been connected to the corner.

I once talked with a beautiful woman, and I threw away the embroidery work several times.

Qin Taoyu was a famous poet in the late Tang Dynasty, and his "Poor Girl" is a household name. The poet was in troubled times, and he wandered from time to time. Once, during a trip to prison, the poet saw a pair of swallows flying towards his house, so he stopped to watch.

The contest between Qin Taoyu and Wang Yuyan is novel and unreasonable

The gist of the poem is that the poet sees the swallow making a nest in the mud in a corner, but he is worried about whether the owner of the mansion will drive it away. The couple whispered from time to time, and several times forgot to continue building the nest.

The author is adrift, and the swallows don't always find a place to roost, so the poet looks at things from me and begins to worry about the predicament of the little cutie. But after a while, when the psalmist saw that they were "talking together," the anxiety in his heart immediately disappeared.

The contest between Qin Taoyu and Wang Yuyan is novel and unreasonable

The word "beauty" adopts anthropomorphic techniques, and "embroidery work" is a metaphor. The poet praised the swallow's ability to build a nest and to be as delicate as embroidery. This is the end of the full text, and as for whether the swallow can finally settle down smoothly, it is left to the reader's imagination. The full text is skillful and full of poetry, showing the lively posture of the swallow, and also conveying the poet's praise and love for it.

Life is uncertain, and the road ahead is tortuous and difficult, but there are often unexpected surprises and gains along the way. Therefore, when encountering difficulties, we should not blindly complain and be sad, but find ways to forget the pain and find happiness, so that we can travel lightly and create brilliance.

The contest between Qin Taoyu and Wang Yuyan is novel and unreasonable

Spring residence miscellaneous

Northern Song Dynasty • Wang Yuyan

Write more than a dozen new poems, Xiaolai spread out in front of the bamboo window.

Unprovoked swallows deceive people to sleep, so the spring mud stains the colored notes.

Wang Yuyan once served as a Dali commentator, and during this period, he encountered the fact that the talented Xu Xuan was falsely accused, and later angered Song Taizong, so he was demoted to the deputy envoy of Shangzhou regimental training. The author's life in Shangzhou is very leisurely, and when he feels lonely, he passes the time by reading and writing. This poem was written during this period, and it is very intriguing to describe a small thing in life.

In the evenings, when the poet had nothing to do, he gathered inspiration, recited new poems, and then transcribed them. At dawn the next day, perhaps the paper had been accidentally wet, so the poet took the manuscript outside to dry, and then went back to sleep. The word "leisure" does not mean leisurely, but conveys a boring mood.

The contest between Qin Taoyu and Wang Yuyan is novel and unreasonable

The last two sentences are unreasonable and wonderful, expressing the author's feelings. The swallow is lively and cute, and it flies to the colored paper from nowhere and leaves some claw marks on it. The poet seems to be complaining about his "bullying" himself, deliberately doing it, but in fact, the author is just using the topic to express a kind of loneliness caused by being degraded to another country, and at the same time, he also euphemistically expresses the grievances caused by his own predicament.

Wang Yuyan is worthy of being a famous poet in the early Northern Song Dynasty, and the author only used four sentences to portray the lovely image of the swallow, and also implicitly expressed a sad feeling that is difficult to resolve. The full text is vivid and unique, which is unforgettable.