
What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it

author:Great discoveries of knowledge

#高校 "Ascend or Walk" observation#

In this fast-paced era, even institutions of higher learning are not immune to the "Fast and Furious" chase. A word that countless college teachers love and hate - "either promote or leave". These four words sound like a war without gunpowder, what secrets are hidden behind them?

What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it

What is "Lift or Go"?

To put it simply, "go or go" is an unwritten rule in universities: if you, a young teacher who has stepped into the academic hall with enthusiasm, fail to successfully upgrade your job title within a few years, such as from lecturer to associate professor, sorry, you may have to pack your bags and find another job. This policy, to put it bluntly, is a kind of survival rule of "if you don't advance, you will retreat".

What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it
What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it

What is its original purpose?

The original intention, it sounds good. The management of the university hopes that through such a system, the vitality of the teaching staff will be stimulated, so that everyone will work hard to publish papers and engage in scientific research, so that the school ranking will go up and the quality of education should also rise. Ideally, this would also screen out teachers who are really talented and can produce results, and weed out those who are "messing around".

What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it
What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it

The positive effect of "either up or go".

Indeed, some teachers have become academic supermen because of this policy. They spend their days and nights in the lab, or publish papers like crazy, and some even make remarkable results in just a few years. For universities, this undoubtedly enhances the overall scientific research strength and international influence, and the resources are more concentrated in the hands of those "capable".

What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it
What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it


Here's the problem! In such a stressful environment, how many teachers can calm down and teach well? The quality of teaching has declined, and it is the students who ultimately suffer. In addition, young teachers are forced to enter the "crash mode" when they first start, ignoring the depth and breadth of academic research and pursuing short-term projects, which is a fatal blow to academic innovation.

What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it

What's even more distressing is that some teachers with great potential but need time to precipitate are ruthlessly eliminated because they failed to "meet the standard" within the time limit. This is a waste of talent! They may have a lot of money with them, but they have to change careers, or they may travel across the ocean in search of a more tolerant academic environment. What we have lost is not only a talent, but also a possibility for the future!

What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it
What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it

Where is the gap between domestic and foreign comparisons?

Looking at foreign countries, such as the tenure system in the United States, although it also has its drawbacks, at least it gives teachers a greater sense of stability and security. They can do long-term research without sacrificing academic purity for short-term goals. On the other hand, "either rising or leaving", blindly pursuing speed, but forgetting that the essence of education is to work slowly and carefully.

What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it
What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it

"Either ascend or leave", these four words carry the sweat and tears of too many teachers. We cannot deny its positive effects in some respects, but we cannot also turn a blind eye to its negative effects. Education is a long-term investment, not a short-term speculation. We call for a more humane evaluation system, an academic environment that encourages competition and embraces failure.

What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it
What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it

Is the "either promotion or leaving" policy really suitable for the soil of Chinese education? Is it really thinking about the long-term development of education? Do you really respect the dedication and efforts of every teacher? What we want is a campus where every faculty member can teach and concentrate on research with peace of mind, rather than an arena full of anxiety and unease.

What does it mean for colleges and universities to "go up or leave"? Let's take a look at it

Let's work together to build a healthier and more harmonious higher education environment, and don't let "promotion or departure" become the last straw that crushes our dreams. Education should be warm sunshine, not a biting cold wind.