
My son, who hadn't been in the house for five years, blocked my phone and heard a message that he suddenly returned home

author:Love-hate emotion

As always, in the early morning, Li Hua was busy in the kitchen as usual. On the fragrant breakfast table, Li Gang's eyes fell on the vacant corner, and he felt infinite emotion in his heart. "Mom, the soy milk I made today tastes so strong." Li Gang picked up a piece of steamed bun and praised it with a smile. Li Hua replied softly, but the smile on his cheeks failed to reach the bottom of his eyes.

On the coffee table after the meal, there are still photos of Li Ming when he was a child, and his smile is bright and innocent, every time he passes in Li Hua's heart, it will arouse a burst of sourness. It's been five years, and since Li Ming ran away from home, there has been no news of him on the phone except for cold voice prompts.

On this day, Li Hua tried to call the familiar and unfamiliar number, only to hear the ruthless response of "I'm sorry, the user you dialed has enabled call restrictions" again. She withdrew her hand weakly, and the pain on the tip of her heart was still the same.

My son, who hadn't been in the house for five years, blocked my phone and heard a message that he suddenly returned home

"Husband, do you say that your son will come back suddenly?" During the banquet, Li Hua suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Gang, his eyes full of expectation. "Wife, don't think too much, the child is older and has his own ideas. We do ours, at least we give him the freedom to choose. Li Gang comforted softly.

Although time has sharpened the edge of pain, every time night falls, there are always some ripples in the hearts of the two. Li Gang sat beside Li Hua and gently held her hand, "Mom, no matter what, we will be fine." His voice was low, but firm enough.

The long-awaited news crossed the sky like a meteor, and they all knew that it might never land.

In the middle of the night, Li Hua still habitually looked at Li Ming's old objects, and those traces of growth could only be gently touched in his memory. "Son, where are you? How are you doing? She muttered to herself, and the silence of the four walls was the only response.

My son, who hadn't been in the house for five years, blocked my phone and heard a message that he suddenly returned home

As the days passed, Li Hua and Li Gang's lives gradually entered a stable pace, and the two learned to rely on each other in the pain of losing the news of their son. Although Li Ming was hardly mentioned to each other, they both knew that in each other's hearts, that figure was always the most lingering absence.

And in this peaceful life, Li Ming's news was like a small stone, thrown into the calm lake, disturbing the already calm heart lake. But no matter what changes this wave will bring, Li Hua and Li Gang are ready to meet them. Without saying a word, they hugged each other, and in this silent night, it seemed to be back to the time when Li Ming was still a child, and the whole family was full of laughter.

Day after day, although Li Hua and Li Gang's lives are peaceful, there is always a blank space in their hearts. They silently hoped in their hearts that Li Ming would be able to turn back one day, but reason told them that it was almost impossible.

Until that night, when it seemed that he had no contact with them, Li Gang received a call from an old friend, "Gang, I was on the street today and seemed to see Li Ming." The voice on the other end of the phone made Li Gang's heart suddenly tighten, and he reluctantly calmed down and asked, "Are you sure?" How is that possible..."

My son, who hadn't been in the house for five years, blocked my phone and heard a message that he suddenly returned home

The friend on the phone had a muffled voice and seemed a little hesitant, but it was enough to make him unable to sit still, and the hope in his heart suddenly seemed like a lit flame. But he didn't rush to tell Li Hua, he was afraid of bringing her more disappointment.

In the dead of night, Li Gang checked Li Ming's things from his childhood alone, each of which contained deep love and memories. Silently, he decided to start his own investigation.

Every time he goes out, Li Gang pays close attention, hoping to find clues about his son. The vague information given by friends is like a torn net, and it is difficult to capture the truth.

However, no matter how he searched, it seemed that Li Ming seemed to disappear into the ocean of the city, leaving no trace at all. "Dad, why have you been so absent-minded lately?" Li Hua noticed her husband's abnormality.

My son, who hadn't been in the house for five years, blocked my phone and heard a message that he suddenly returned home

One day, the two walked together in the afterglow of the sunset, Li Gang held Li Hua's hand, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Wife, if Ming is really still in this city, do you want to know the truth?" Even though... It can be painful. ”

Li Hua stopped, his deep eyes always staring at Li Gang, "I want to know, no matter what, it's news about my son after all." We have lost him for so many years, and no amount of pain can erase the heart of wanting to see him. ”

During this time, Li Gang's whereabouts became more frequent, and Li Hua did not ask too much. Inadvertently, both husband and wife become more emaciated. Every time he left home, Li Gang secretly hoped that he could see a familiar figure in the crowd, even if it was just a glance.

Remorse and expectation are intertwined in their hearts, and every silent night, Li Hua and Li Gang always recall the bits and pieces related to Li Ming. Tears slipped quietly in the night, and the occasional insomnia and flickering silhouette kept their hearts at ease.

My son, who hadn't been in the house for five years, blocked my phone and heard a message that he suddenly returned home

The days passed quietly, and the lives of Li Hua and Li Gang were shrouded in this fog, until the news pierced the long-term silence like a beam of light that discharged the flood, and everything seemed to have the possibility of turning around.

One afternoon a week later, Li Gang received an unexpected phone call from the police, telling him that Li Ming had an accident and was in critical condition. At that moment, Li Gang's heart seemed to be tightly gripped, and he told himself countless times on the way to the hospital to be strong.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor's words hit his heart like a hammer, and Li Ming was in a coma because of an accident. Looking at his increasingly haggard son, Li Gang's heart was like a knife at the moment, but he also strengthened his determination, he needed to tell Li Hua the truth.

That night, Li Gang took Li Hua to the hospital. "Wife, child, he... Something went wrong. His words choked up, and he no longer hid the heavy truth. The nurse pushed open the door of the ward, and the moment Li Hua saw Li Ming lying on the hospital bed, tears broke down and fell to his knees, sobbing silently.

My son, who hadn't been in the house for five years, blocked my phone and heard a message that he suddenly returned home

"Son, how did you make it like this, my mother's heart hurts so much..."Li Hua held Li Ming's hand, and between the words was his mother's deep self-blame and grief. In front of the hospital bed, Li Gang and Li Hua glanced at each other, and all their dissatisfaction and resentment turned into silent support and understanding.

And Li Ming, who was in a coma, repeatedly replayed in his mind the days with his parents, and the warm scenes were intertwined with the voice of self-blame. He felt a deep sense of guilt and remorse, and the love and concern for his parents came like a tidal wave.

A few days later, Li Ming woke up, and when he saw Li Hua and Li Gang standing by the bedside, tears flowed uncontrollably. "Dad, Mom, it's me who is bad, it's me who is too selfish." Li Ming choked up, trying his best to express his guilt.

"Child, we just hope that you can be well, and the family can be together, and that's enough." Li Hua held Li Ming's hand tightly and stroked his face. "Don't say it, son, home will always be your safe haven, no matter what happens, mom and dad will always be here for you." Li Gang's voice was calm and full of emotion.

My son, who hadn't been in the house for five years, blocked my phone and heard a message that he suddenly returned home

At that moment, the family of three hugged each other tightly, and the warmth of tears washed away the estrangement and pain in their hearts. The edge of life and death made Li Ming abandon the selfishness and stubbornness of the past, and the strength of the family seemed extremely strong and warm at this moment.

In the midst of shared tears and hugs, the Li family was reconciled. After a period of cultivation, Li Ming's body gradually recovered, and the scars on his soul began to heal. The ordeal seemed to be part of their family's emotional bridge, making the home more solid and welcoming.

The moonlight was like water, sprinkled on the way home, Li Ming dragged his tired footsteps, and his heart was full of honesty and determination after the lead was washed away. The door opened slowly, echoing through his knocking. Li Hua and Li Gang saw their mature and stable son, and their eyes instantly reddened.

"Mom, Daddy, I'm back." Li Ming's voice was choked. All kinds of self-blame and thoughts converged into the river and sea at this moment. Li Hua quickly stepped forward and hugged his son tightly into his arms, and the relief and tears, like the warm winter sun, melted the snow in his heart.

My son, who hadn't been in the house for five years, blocked my phone and heard a message that he suddenly returned home

Li Ming put down his bags and sat on the sofa in the living room, the heavy atmosphere slowly dissipating with the words. "Over the years, I have experienced a lot and figured out a lot of things." He whispered about those wandering years, and every sentence was full of emotion and insight after growth.

"Son, no matter how far you go, this will always be your home." Li Gang came from behind, with a relieved smile on his face, and there was self-evident understanding and acceptance in his tone. The warmth of home brews in the night, flowing through every corner.

The three of them sat around the dining table, and this time, Li Ming took the initiative to take on the task of making dinner. On the table, it is no longer just the aroma of food, but also the smell of home, with endless past and future.

Li Hua looked at Li Ming, and the bitterness and incomprehension of the past had been replaced by the ordinary and sincere happiness in front of him. "Mom is also old, in the future, let our family be together." Li Hua's words are peaceful, but they can penetrate the heart.

My son, who hadn't been in the house for five years, blocked my phone and heard a message that he suddenly returned home

Conflicts and misunderstandings are like clouds of smoke that have gone away, leaving behind that tenacity and tolerance, which are the profound teachings given by life. There is no longer escape in Li Ming's eyes, his return is like a lost child who has finally found his way, just like a long wind and waves, hanging straight to the clouds and sailing into the sea.

And the Li family at this moment is complete, warm, and hopeful. Generous love, like a river running to the ocean, flows on the road ahead, calmly washes away the dust, and gives birth to new life.

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