
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

author:Great discoveries of knowledge

#"College Entrance Examination Nail Household" Liang Shi prepares for the 28th exam#

In this fast-paced era, people always like to say that "time is not forgiving", as if after a certain age, dreams have to be obediently packed and stored in the corners of their hearts.

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

However, Liang Shi from Chengdu, Sichuan, a 57-year-old "the most nailed household in the college entrance examination", does not believe in this evil. He tells us with his actions: as long as there is fire in the heart, age is just a number!

The spark of dreams has never been extinguished

Liang Shi's story has to start in 1983. At that time, he set foot on the battlefield of the college entrance examination for the first time, and the first battle was nearly forty years.

27 exams, 27 falls, 27 stands, this persistence, can you and I not be moved?

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

You know, not everyone can laugh in the face of setbacks again and again, pat the dust on their bodies, and continue to run forward.

Liang Shi, he did it, and he did it admirably.

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

"Different" in daily life

In May this year, when you and I were leisurely drinking tea in the teahouse and chatting about our parents, Liang Shi was in the same teahouse, immersed in hard study.

On his desk, except for the teacups, there were stacks of thick review materials.

This picture, don't you think it's strange?

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

In the eyes of others, he may be a "weirdo", but in my opinion, he is a true warrior.

He is using practical actions to combat the stereotype of "what age should you do".

Liang applied his daily life and shouted silently: "Who said that there is an age limit for chasing dreams? My dreams, I protect myself! ”

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

The cusp of reform, the final battle?

The college entrance examination in 2024 may be of great significance to Liang Shi.

He revealed that with the reform of the college entrance examination system, as a "social candidate", he feels that the road ahead is more difficult.

He said: "If there is no drama this time, then maybe it is really time to let go." ”

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

Listening to this, I was sad and helpless.

You see, this is the reality, sometimes, it's not that you don't work hard, it's that the rules are changing.

But Liang Shi, even if he knows that the road ahead is bumpy, he doesn't plan to give up easily, this stubbornness, I accept it!

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

The weight of dreams, priceless

Liang Shi's goal has always been Sichuan University.

Last year, he was only one step away from his dream, with 424 points, a difference of more than 100 points.

Sounds miserable, right? But if you think about it carefully, how many days and nights of hard work and sweat are behind this!

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

This score is obtained bit by bit by Liang practical time.

It didn't help him cross the threshold, but it was the brightest mark on his dream.

Liang Shi's story reminds me of the sentence: "Dreams still have to be had, what if they come true?" ”

This is not only an encouragement to Liang Shi, but also a spur to each of us.

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

The mirror image of society, you and I empathize

The voices of netizens are a warm stroke in this story.

"Dreams don't stop because of age, I wish him success!" This sentence is simple, but it hits the hearts of people.

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?
Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

Those of us who eat melons may have a lot of dissatisfaction with life and various complaints about the society, but here in Liang Shi, we see a common emotion - that is, respect for dreams and awe of perseverance.

Yes, we may not be able to be like Liang Shi, but at least, we can choose not to ridicule and not despise those who are still chasing their dreams.

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

Conclusion: Dreams never stop

In this impetuous world, Liang Yong's own story gave us a resounding slap in the face.

He shows us that age is never a reason to give up on dreams, and the real obstacle is often the hesitation and fear in our hearts.

Liang Shi, the "most bullish nail household in the college entrance examination", no matter whether this year is his last battle, his spirit is enough to inspire each of us.

Let's move forward with this touch, regardless of what others say, and be the guardian of our dreams!

Chasing dreams, regardless of age - the last fight of the 57-year-old "college entrance examination nail household" in 2024?

I want to say, Brother Liang Shi, no matter what the result is, you have already won!

Your persistence has lit up the beacon in the hearts of countless people.

Come on, Liang Shi, come on, every one of us who is still chasing our dreams!

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