
"Takeaways and dogs are not allowed to enter" was posted at the entrance of the community, and many riders surrounded and asked for explanations, and the community responded

author:Lao Wang complained

Stickers at the entrance of the community "takeaway and dogs are not allowed to enter"

When people at the bottom are so derogatory, this is already a moral bottomline, and there is no trace of kindness.

"Takeaways and dogs are not allowed to enter" was posted at the entrance of the community, and many riders surrounded and asked for explanations, and the community responded

Recently, a "takeaway and dogs are forbidden to enter the community posted at the door of the community", and many riders surrounded and discussed the law" The news has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

"Takeaways and dogs are not allowed to enter" was posted at the entrance of the community, and many riders surrounded and asked for explanations, and the community responded

It is understood that on May 14, a netizen in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province broke the news on social media that a notice suddenly appeared at the gate of a community in Jiaxing that "takeaways and dogs are not allowed to enter", which immediately caused strong dissatisfaction among many takeaway riders, who gathered at the gate of the community to block and protest.

"Takeaways and dogs are not allowed to enter" was posted at the entrance of the community, and many riders surrounded and asked for explanations, and the community responded

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In response to the incident, the community staff responded that the notice was posted by a new employee of the community property without authorization. According to community workers, the new employee lost control of his emotions after several small frictions between the delivery rider and the residents of the community, and posted a ban on the door of his own without the approval of the property leader.

"Takeaways and dogs are not allowed to enter" was posted at the entrance of the community, and many riders surrounded and asked for explanations, and the community responded

After the incident, the property leaders of the community quickly intervened in the investigation. Upon learning of the situation, the property management decided to take the employee seriously and has already fired him.

"Takeaways and dogs are not allowed to enter" was posted at the entrance of the community, and many riders surrounded and asked for explanations, and the community responded

The newcomer has been expelled, and you can't always let the newcomer take the blame.

In this regard, a local takeaway brother revealed: this security guard is not the first day of work, it has been several months, this security guard often scolds the delivery man, the expression and tone are very arrogant, yesterday the property manager came out, said that it has nothing to do with them, it is a personal behavior, just to educate it, it is our collective request to fire him, the property was forced to agree, and the property manager also scolded us delivery man.

"Takeaways and dogs are not allowed to enter" was posted at the entrance of the community, and many riders surrounded and asked for explanations, and the community responded

The video went viral on social media and attracted the attention and discussion of netizens.

Netizen comments: It's not a leadership rule, the security guards won't care about you if you at the gate.

Netizen comments: Everything is done by newcomers, doesn't the leader stipulate that newcomers can do this? Is this how a leader manages his subordinates?

"Takeaways and dogs are not allowed to enter" was posted at the entrance of the community, and many riders surrounded and asked for explanations, and the community responded

Netizen comments: Most communities just don't let takeaway people ride in, express delivery can ride in, Dingdong can buy groceries can ride in, Sam's delivery can also ride in, just don't let takeaway riders ride in, you are not angry!

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