
In 75, the battalion commander asked me to be a guard, I recommended a companion, and now he is a full division

author:Capital Observation Jun

At that time, I was 20 years old, and I was in the prime of life. With a piece of paper, I was appointed a guard to the battalion commander. Just as I was about to go to work, a thought crossed my mind: why not recommend my friend Xiao Li?

"Battalion commander, I would like to recommend you a person, his name is Xiao Li, we enlisted in the same year, he is witty and brave, and he is a good material to be a guard." I looked firmly at the battalion commander.

The battalion commander's eyes widened and he asked suspiciously: "You don't want to go yourself?" ”

"No, battalion commander, I just think Xiao Li is more suitable for this position." I explained.

The battalion commander was silent for a while, then nodded: "Okay then, I believe you." ”

So, Xiao Li became the battalion commander's guard. I, on the other hand, was assigned to the reconnaissance company.

A few years have passed, and Xiao Li has performed well in the post of a security guard, and has been repeatedly praised by the battalion commander. And I, too, have a little success in the reconnaissance company, we are busy separately, but we always keep in touch.

One day, Xiao Li suddenly found me and said with a serious expression: "Dude, there is a task that we need to complete together." ”

It turned out that a group of enemy elements had recently infiltrated our border area, and our superiors ordered us to form a small detachment to go deep behind enemy lines and wipe out this group of enemies.

My eyes widened, "This is a dangerous mission!" ”

Xiao Li patted me on the shoulder: "It's because of the danger that we have to go together." ”

In the following operation, we fought side by side, went through hardships and dangers, and finally successfully completed the mission. However, on the way back, Xiao Li was unfortunately injured in order to cover me.

With tears in my eyes, I said to Xiao Li: "Brother, don't worry, I will apply to the organization so that you can get the best treatment." ”

Xiao Li smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, what is this injury." But you have to be more careful, there is still a long way to go. ”

After recovering from the injury, Xiao Li chose to retire. And I, continuing to stay in the army, rose step by step. Whenever I think of Xiao Li, there is always a warm current in my heart.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, decades have passed. I have reached the age of retirement, and Xiao Li is said to have become a full-fledged cadre in the local area.

One day, I received a letter from Xiao Li, inviting me to visit his unit. I gladly went.

When we met again, we both had gray temples. Xiao Li held my hand tightly: "Brother, thanks to your recommendation back then, I can be where I am today." ”

I smiled and shook my head: "It's the result of your own efforts, and it has nothing to do with me." ”

We looked at each other and smiled, as if we were back in the days when we fought side by side.

When parting, Xiao Li said to me: "Brother, don't be idle after retirement, let's do something meaningful together and give full play to our spare heat." ”

I nodded heavily: "Okay, we'll make up our minds." ”

In this way, Xiao Li and I came together again and continued to contribute our strength to the country and the people. And those youthful years will remain in our memories forever.

Life after retirement did not make me feel empty and bored. Xiao Li's vow allowed us to find a new goal again. We joined the community to help those in need and spread positive energy.

That day, we were painting the walls of a veteran's family, Xiao Li suddenly stopped what he was doing, looked at me, and a trace of seriousness flashed in his eyes: "Brother, do you remember our mission to go deep behind enemy lines?" ”

I nodded, and an inexplicable emotion welled up in my heart: "How can you forget?" It was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. ”

Xiao Li said softly: "I wonder if we can tell more people about these experiences, so that young people can know how our generation fights for the country and the people." ”

My eyes lit up: "That's a good idea!" We can write it down and publish a book for future generations to know our story. ”

So, we started writing. Xiao Li was in charge of sorting out the thrilling combat experiences, while I described in detail the bits and pieces of our time in the barracks. In the process of writing, we sometimes laugh and sometimes sigh, as if we have returned to that war-torn era.

One day, we were discussing a description from the book when we received a phone call. It turned out to be a young man named Xiao Zhang, who was a military enthusiast, and was very interested when he learned that we were going to write a book, hoping to interview us and write for his magazine.

We gladly accepted Zhang's invitation. In the course of the interview, we talked in detail about the fighting experience of those years, and the deep friendship between us. Xiao Zhang listened to it fascinated, and recorded it in his notebook from time to time.

After the interview, Xiao Zhang said excitedly: "Your story is so touching, I will definitely write this article well, so that more people can understand your heroic deeds." ”

After the article was published, it caused a lot of repercussions. Many readers have contacted us to express their respect and gratitude to us. This is very gratifying for us, and it also strengthens our determination to continue to spread positive energy.

Soon after, we decided to publish the book to make that history known to more readers. In the process of preparing for publication, we encountered many difficulties, but we did not give up. Because we know that this book is not just our own story, but the collective memory of that generation.

Finally, after a lot of hard work, our book came out. At the launch ceremony, we were full of emotion. Those former comrades-in-arms and friends came to congratulate one after another, and the scene was warm and touching.

That night, Xiao Li and I sat alone on the balcony, looking at the starry sky, each expressing the emotion in our hearts. I looked at Xiao Li and said with a smile: "Brother, it's not easy for us to come this way." ”

Xiao Li smiled and patted me on the shoulder: "Yes, but we did it." This book is our youth, our struggle, and our friendship. ”

We looked at each other and smiled, as if we were back to that bloody age. We know that although our youth is gone, that memory will always remain in our hearts. And our story will be passed on forever through this book.

After the launch of the book, our lives were calm again. However, the calm did not last long. One day, I received a strange phone call, and on the other end of the phone was an excited voice: "Hello, is that the veteran of the Volunteer Army who wrote a book?" I am a loyal reader of yours, my surname is Wang, I want to meet you, I have something very important to discuss with you. ”

I hesitated, but finally agreed. On the day of the meeting, Mr. Wang brought a special gift - a letter of thanks from a soldier of a certain border department. In the letter, the soldiers expressed their respect and gratitude to us in sincere language, and they said that reading our book has strengthened their conviction in defending their homeland and country.

Mr. Wang looked at me and said, "Your story with Xiao Li has inspired countless people, and I have an idea to invite you and Xiao Li to do a lecture tour so that more people can understand your experience." ”

I hesitated. Although we wrote a book, this was the first time I had ever given public speaking. I looked at Xiao Li, and a hint of determination flashed in his eyes: "Dude, this is a good opportunity to spread positive energy, we should go." ”

And just like that, we started our journey on the lecture tour. In each of our speeches, we poured our hearts and souls into telling the story of those years of fighting and the deep friendship we had with us. The audience, young and old, listened with relish and was deeply moved.

After a speech, a young man rushed to the stage and said excitedly: "Your story has taught me how important it is to be a soldier and to be honored. Like you, I want to contribute my strength to the country and the people. ”

This feedback is very gratifying to us and strengthens our determination to continue to spread positive energy.

During the lecture tour, we also encountered some challenges. Sometimes, when the journey is tiring, we feel tired; Sometimes, we feel pressured in the face of doubt. But every time this happens, we encourage each other to persevere.

One day, after a speech, Xiao Li said to me: "Dude, these days, I feel more and more that what we are doing is very meaningful. Although our youth is gone, our spirit never grows old. ”

I nodded and said with deep feeling, "Yes, our story is not only the past, but also a kind of inheritance. We need to pass on this spirit from generation to generation. ”

And just like that, our lecture tour continued. We have traveled all over the country and witnessed countless moving moments. And our story has become a force that inspires countless people.

In the process, we have gained countless friendships and witnessed our own growth. We understand that although youth is gone, the faith in our hearts will never be erased. And those years of fighting will forever shine in our hearts and illuminate our way forward.

The journey of the lecture tour continues, and our story spreads in more cities and people. We have witnessed countless touching moments, and we have also gained more friendship and gratitude. However, along the way, we also encountered some difficulties and challenges.

One day, in a remote mountainous area, we encountered severe traffic jams. The scheduled presentation was delayed, and we waited anxiously on the side of the road. Xiao Li looked at me and said, "Dude, it seems that we may not be able to arrive at the speech venue on time today." ”

I frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "We can't let the waiting audience down." We've got to figure it out. ”

Xiao Li nodded, a hint of firmness flashed in his eyes: "Okay, let's figure it out together." ”

After some effort, we finally found a route around the road. Although the road was rough, we arrived at the speaking location on time. As we walked up to the podium tired but full of joy, the audience erupted in applause.

After the speech, an old man stepped forward with tears in his eyes: "Your story reminds me of my youth. I deeply admire your perseverance and hard work. ”

This feedback has strengthened our determination to continue the lecture tour. We understand that no matter how many difficulties and challenges we encounter, as long as our story can inspire and impact more people, then everything is worth it.

Over time, our lecture tour has garnered a lot of attention across the country. We were invited to speak in more cities and schools, and we were even interviewed by TV stations and newspapers.

In an interview, a reporter asked me: "The story of you and Xiao Li has caused a huge response across the country, what do you think?" ”

I smiled and replied, "We are very honored and proud." It's our privilege that our stories can inspire and impact more people. We hope that our story can convey a sense of belief and strength, so that more people can understand that as long as they persist and work hard, they can achieve their dreams. ”

Xiao Li also added: "Our story is not only our own experience, but also a kind of inheritance. We want young people to draw strength from our stories and work hard for their dreams. ”

In the course of the lecture tour, we have witnessed our own growth, and the growth of countless others. We understand that although youth is gone, the faith in our hearts will never be erased. And those years of fighting will forever shine in our hearts and illuminate our way forward.

In the course of the lecture tour, we not only spread positive energy, but also gained many precious friendships. We've built deep connections with audiences everywhere, and they've become part of our story, and they've become part of our lives.

Over time, our story took root in people's hearts and became a spiritual symbol. We understand that our stories don't just belong to us, but to those who are influenced by our stories.

We believe that as long as our story can be passed on, we can inspire more people to pursue their dreams and contribute to the country and its people. And our story will also become an eternal memory, forever illuminating the way forward.