
The widow invited the military attache to her house for a drink, and borrowed wine to encourage her to marry

author:Capital Observation Jun

That day, my widow invited me to her house for a drink. I didn't want to go, after all, she was a widow and I was a family man. But Liu Er said that there was something important to discuss, so I had to go to the appointment.

In the evening, I came to Liu'er's house. She was wearing a green coat with a little powder on her face, which looked quite moving. The table was already on the table, and when I sat down, she poured me a full drink.

"Brother Military Attaché, I invited you here today to discuss something with you." Liu Er picked up her wine glass and looked at me.

"What's the matter? You say. I replied a little nervously.

"I want to marry you." Liu Er suddenly put down her wine glass and said bluntly.

I was stunned, I didn't expect her to make such a request. I stammered, "This, how's this going to work?" I already have a wife. ”

A trace of disappointment flashed in Liu Er's eyes, and then she said firmly: "I know you have a wife, but I am willing to be your concubine." My husband once said before his death that if you can take care of me, he will be at ease under the Nine Springs. Brother military attaché, I beg you, marry me. ”

I was speechless and didn't know how to refuse her. At this time, Liu Er poured me more wine and said, "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you." You drank this wine today, and we acted as if nothing had happened. ”

I picked up my glass and drank it down. After drinking, I said, "Liu'er, I have received your heart, but I really can't marry you." In this way, I will help you find a good family and let you live a good life. ”

When Liu Er heard this, her eyes filled with tears and she said, "Brother Military Attaché, are you really unwilling to accept me?" ”

Just then, someone suddenly barged in. It turned out to be my subordinate, and he said in a panic: "My lord, it's not good! The bandits outside the city suddenly attacked, and we couldn't resist it! ”

I immediately got up and said to Liu'er, "Liu'er, I have something important to do now, so I'll go first." Don't worry, I'll help you find a good home as soon as possible. ”

With that, I left in a hurry and led my men to fend off the bandits.

That night, we fought bloodily and finally repelled the bandits. And I, too, were wounded in the battle. In the days of recuperation, I often thought of Liu'er's request, and my heart was conflicted.

After recovering from my injuries, I returned home to find that Liu Er had left. She left a letter in which she wrote: "Brother Military Attaché, I know you are a good person, but I can't embarrass you. I've decided to leave here and go to a place where no one knows me and start a new life. Thank you for the love you have given me, I will always remember you. ”

After reading the letter, I had mixed feelings in my heart. I know that I have lost a woman who truly loves me. And she, too, lost the hero in her heart.

From then on, we each lived in different worlds, missed each other, but never saw each other again. And that drink has become an eternal memory in our hearts.

The days passed quietly like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, the spring flowers bloomed. My life seems to be back to the way it used to be, busy and uneventful. However, in the dead of night, I always think of Liu'er's tearful eyes, of her firm and fragile plea.

One day, I met a familiar face in the market, it was Liu Er's former neighbor, Aunt Wang. I couldn't help but step forward and ask, "Aunt Wang, do you know where Liu'er went?" How is she doing now? ”

Aunt Wang sighed and said, "Hey, big brother military attaché, Liu'er's child has a hard life." She left here and went to a remote town. I heard that she worked in an embroidery workshop and had a hard life. She has always been concerned about you, but she doesn't dare to disturb your life. ”

After hearing this, my heart was sour. I didn't expect Liu Er to bear so much alone. I thanked Aunt Wang, and secretly decided in my heart to go to that town to find Liu'er and see how she was doing.

A few days later, I arrived in that remote town. Along the winding alleys, I found the embroidery shop. Liu Er is bowing her head and embroidering flowers seriously, she has lost a lot of weight, but she is still beautiful and moving.

Seeing me, Liu Er was stunned. She hurriedly put down the work in her hand and asked me, "Brother military attaché, why are you here?" ”

I looked at her with mixed feelings in my heart and said, "Liu'er, I heard about your recent situation and came to see you." How are you doing? ”

A trace of sadness flashed in Liu Er's eyes, but she quickly regained her composure, and she said, "Brother Military Attaché, I am used to this kind of life. You don't have to worry about me. ”

We looked at each other speechlessly, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward. After a long time, Liu Er spoke: "Brother military attaché, I know your intentions. But our fate is over. You go and cherish your family. ”

I know Liu'er's character, what she decides, nine cows can't pull back. I nodded helplessly and said, "Liu'er, take care." If you need me one day, I'll be there for you right away. ”

On the way out of town, I was in a heavy mood. I understood that Liu Er was for my good, and she didn't want me to be in a dilemma because of her. However, my heart never let go of her.

A few months later, I received a letter. The letter was written by Liu Er, who said that she had decided to leave the embroidery workshop and go to a further place to live a new life. She wanted me not to go to her because she didn't want to disturb my life anymore.

After reading the letter, I knew that this time, Liu Er was really leaving my world. Tears blurred my eyes, I raised my head, looked at the white clouds in the sky, and silently blessed in my heart: "Liu'er, I wish you happiness." ”

We never saw each other again. But I know that strong and fragile woman will always remain in my memory. And I will also leave a place for her in the bottom of my heart forever.

Time flies, and in an instant, Liu Er's figure has disappeared without a trace in my life. My days are still busy and dull, but there is always a concern in my heart, like a star in the distance, although it is far away, it always illuminates a corner of my heart.

One day, while I was tidying up my study, I accidentally turned over a yellowed letterhead, which was the letter that Liu Er had left for me before leaving. I unfolded it gently, and the handwriting was still clear, as if it had just been written yesterday. Reading those words, I felt as if I had returned to that town and saw Liu'er's thin figure.

Liu Er in the letter, revealing resoluteness and helplessness between the lines, she said: "Brother military attaché, I know that the fate between us is over, but I still hope that you can live happily." I will pray for you from afar, and may you be safe in your life. ”

Tears blurred my eyes again, and I couldn't help the grief in my heart, and whispered into the letter: "Liu'er, do you really bear to leave?" Are we really never going to see each other again? ”

Just then, the sound of horses' hooves came from outside the door. I quickly wiped away my tears and walked out of the study, only to see a messenger turn over and dismount, handing me a letter. The familiar handwriting on the envelope shocked my heart, it was Liu'er!

I couldn't wait to open the envelope, and there was only a short sentence inside: "Brother military attaché, I am in danger, please save me." ”

I panicked and hurriedly asked the messenger, "Where did this letter come from?" Where is Liu'er now? ”

The messenger replied, "My lord, this letter is from the remote town of Qingfeng. Miss Liu'er was in trouble there, and she told me to find you. ”

Without saying a word, I immediately ordered my men to prepare horses and hurried to Qingfeng Town.

After a day of galloping, I finally arrived in this strange town. As night fell, I followed the messenger's instructions and found the dilapidated hut where Liu'er was.

Pushing open the door, I saw Liu Er lying on the bed, her face pale and seemingly seriously injured. I ran over, held her hand tightly, and tears welled up in my eyes: "Liu'er, I'm here, if you hold on, I will definitely save you." ”

Liu Er opened her eyes slightly, and when she saw me, the corners of her mouth barely squeezed out a smile: "Brother military attaché, are you really here...... I know, you're coming. ”

I gently stroked her cheek, and my heart was like a knife. I swore that no matter what, I would save Liu'er, and I couldn't let her leave me like this.

After some twists and turns, I invited the best local doctor to treat Liu'er's injuries. After a few days of careful care, Liu'er's condition finally improved.

One day, Liu Er said to me, "Brother Military Attaché, thank you for saving me. I know, I owe you an explanation. Actually, after I left the embroidery workshop, I was looking for a way to make me forget the past. However, I failed. I've found that wherever I go, I always have you in my heart. ”

I held her hand tightly and said, "Liu'er, don't leave me again, let's start over, okay?" ”

Liu Er nodded tearfully, at that moment, we seemed to return to that night of drinking, only this time, we did not flinch and bravely faced our hearts.

Since then, we have started a new life. There will still be difficulties, but at least, we will never be alone again. And that yellowed letter has become the most precious memory in each other's hearts.

Over time, Liu'er and I settled down in Qingfeng Town. Although this town is remote, it has a unique tranquility and beauty. As her injuries healed, she began to do some embroidery work in the town to support her family. I, on the other hand, opened a small martial arts gym in the town to teach local children martial arts to make ends meet.

Although our days are hard, they are full of warmth. Every day, Liu Er would prepare a meal for me to come home, and I would walk with her after the meal and enjoy the peace of the town at night. Our topics are no longer restrictive, we will talk about many things in the past, and we will also look forward to the future life.

One evening we took a walk by the creek in the town. Liu Er suddenly stopped and looked at the river thoughtfully. I asked softly, "Liu'er, what are you thinking?" ”

Liu Er turned her head, her eyes flashing with anticipation: "Brother military attaché, you say, will we have our own children?" ”

I was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Of course we will, as long as we work hard, we will definitely have our own children." ”

A shy smile appeared on Liu'er's face, and she whispered, "I hope to be a girl, brave and kind like you." ”

I held her hand tightly, and a warm current welled up in my heart. I knew that this was the life I wanted, simple and happy.

A few months later, Liu Er was really pregnant. We are all looking forward to the arrival of this little life, and we are imagining what the child will look like every day. Liu Er became more gentle and virtuous, and I became more hard working in order to give the upcoming child a better living environment.

However, in the seventh month of Liu'er's pregnancy, news suddenly came from the town that there was war on the frontier and that the imperial court had summoned me to the front. On the one hand, I did not want to leave Liu Er and the soon-to-be-born child, and on the other hand, I felt that as a military attaché, I had the responsibility to protect my family and defend the country.

Liu Er saw my hesitation, and she comforted me softly: "Brother military attaché, you go." The country needs you, and I will be here waiting for you to return safely. ”

I hugged Liu'er tightly, and my heart was full of gratitude and reluctance. I know that this separation may be the biggest test we will face.

During the days on the battlefield, I always missed Liu'er and her unborn child. After each battle, I would silently pray in my heart that they would be safe. And Liu'er also prayed for me in the distant town of Qingfeng, hoping that I would return as soon as possible.

Finally, after a fierce battle, the troops I led were victorious. I couldn't wait to pack my bags and get ready to head back to Breeze Town. However, on the eve of my departure, an urgent letter arrived at the barracks.

The letter was written by Liu Er, in which she said that the child was born prematurely, that she was a healthy girl, and that she had named the child "Hope". She told me not to worry, she would take care of the baby and wait for me to return safely.

Tears blurred my eyes, and I clutched the letterhead, filled with joy and gratitude. I know that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as I have Liu Er and hope by my side, I have the whole world.

Immediately after the war, I returned to the town of Breeze. When I saw Liu'er and our daughter again, I hugged them tightly and tears welled up in my eyes again. I know that from now on, we will always be together and face the ups and downs of life together.

As the years passed, hope grew up, and she inherited our bravery and kindness. When night came, our family would sit in the courtyard, looking at the starry sky and telling stories of the past. And that yellowed letter has become an eternal treasure in our hearts, witnessing our hardships and happiness along the way.