
The veteran met a female boss on a blind date

author:Capital Observation Jun

It was an ordinary weekend, and I walked into a café in casual clothes and distraught. Today is my first blind date after I was discharged from the army, and the object of the blind date turned out to be my female boss, Sister Lin.

"Xiao Zhang, why are you here?" Sister Lin looked a little surprised, but quickly regained her composure.

"Sister Lin, you also know that I was discharged from the army, and my family was urging me to do it, so I wanted to come out on a blind date." I smiled awkwardly.

Sister Lin nodded and motioned for me to sit down. We briefly chatted about some work matters, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious. However, just then, a young man came over and broke our peace.

"Sister Lin, who is this?" The man looked at me with hostility in his eyes.

"This is my colleague Xiao Zhang, and we just happened to meet here today." Sister Lin explained lightly.

The man's name is Li Hao, and he is one of Sister Lin's suitors. He was obviously dissatisfied with my appearance, so he began to find fault: "Xiao Zhang, I heard that you are a veteran, you must be a good person, right?" ”

I frowned, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd. But still politely replied, "It's okay." ”

Li Hao looked at me provocatively: "Then let's compare and see if your fists are hard or my feet are strong." ”

I was about to refuse, but I saw Sister Lin frowning. She was obviously dissatisfied with Li Hao's behavior, but it was not good to attack directly. So, I decided to take on the challenge.

At the beginning of the game, Li Hao rushed towards me with a fierce attitude. I dodged his attack with a flick, then grabbed his wrist and threw him to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw. Li Hao groaned in pain and couldn't get up.

"Xiao Zhang, are you okay?" Sister Lin asked me with concern.

I shook my head: "It's okay, Sister Lin." ”

At this time, Li Hao's friends came over and wanted to avenge me. I looked at Sister Lin nervously, but she smiled slightly: "Xiao Zhang, I believe you can handle it." ”

I nodded gratefully, then turned to face the men. After a fierce battle, I finally defeated them all. The customers around me applauded me.

Afterwards, Sister Lin offered to send me home. On the way, she asked me, "Xiao Zhang, why did you accept Li Hao's challenge?" ”

I looked at Sister Lin and said seriously, "I don't want to embarrass you, and besides, I also want to prove myself." ”

Sister Lin smiled, her eyes full of appreciation. From that day on, our relationship became closer and closer. We confided in each other as if we had found a long-lost confidant.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, the company suddenly announced that it was going to lay off employees, and Sister Lin and I were on the layoff list. What should we do in the face of such a sudden change? Where will our relationship go?

Under the pressure of unemployment, we had to put aside our feelings for a while and go all out to find a new job. After a lot of hard work, we finally got a job with the same company.

That day, we stood in front of the company and smiled at each other. Although the future is still full of unknowns, at least, we still have each other's support.

In this world full of challenges and uncertainties, the two souls of us, who were once strangers, are closely connected because of a chance blind date. And next, we will face the ups and downs of life together and move forward hand in hand.

In the new company, we are all busy, in order to adapt to the new environment, to survive, and to the future. Sister Lin and I agreed to go for a walk in the nearby park together every day after work, which became a short time for us to release stress and enjoy each other's company.

One day, I was getting ready to leave work, but I received an urgent task that I needed to work overtime to complete. I hurriedly sent a message to Sister Lin, telling her that we might not be able to meet until later. As soon as the message was sent, Sister Lin's phone called.

"Xiao Zhang, is there something urgent in the company? Don't rush, take your time and pay attention to your body. Sister Lin's voice came through the phone, gentle and concerned.

"Well, I will, Sister Lin." A warm current welled up in my heart, and I felt that no matter how tired I was, it was worth it.

After the overtime, it was already late at night. I walked out of the office and saw Sister Lin standing at the door, smiling and handing me a cup of hot coffee.

"It's so late, you haven't gone back yet?" I took the coffee and was a little surprised.

"I'm waiting for you, work is important, but body is more important." Sister Lin said softly.

We walked side by side on the silent streets, and that night, we talked a lot, about life, about the future, about us. Sister Lin told me that she is willing to face the difficulties of life with me and pursue our happiness together.

Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, we have been working in this company for half a year. In the past six months, we have supported each other, grown together, and our relationship has become deeper and deeper. However, life is always full of unexpected twists.

One day, the company announced that it was going to make a major personnel adjustment, and Sister Lin and I were both facing the opportunity to be promoted, but it also meant that we might be transferred to different departments, and maybe even separated.

The news sent us deep in thought. We are both working hard to succeed in our careers, but at the same time we cherish each other's company. This choice is too difficult for us.

"Xiao Zhang, what do you think we should do?" Sister Lin looked at me with confusion in her eyes.

I took her hand and said firmly, "Wherever we go, as long as our hearts are together, nothing can stop us." Sister Lin, let's face this challenge together. ”

Sister Lin nodded, and we hugged each other tightly, as if we were reserving strength for the upcoming separation.

Finally, the list of promotions came down. I was transferred to another city, while Sister Lin stayed locally. None of us expected this to be the outcome, but we were ready to take on this challenge, ready to use our faith and love to bridge the barriers.

On the day of parting, Sister Lin sent me to the station. We held each other's hands tightly and refused to let go.

"Xiao Zhang, remember to take care of yourself." Sister Lin's voice trembled a little.

"I will, Sister Lin, you want the same." I struggled to make my voice sound calm.

The train started slowly, and I watched Sister Lin's figure gradually move away outside the window, and my heart was full of reluctance. But I know that this is just one chapter in our story, and we still have countless tomorrows and countless moments to meet. And this time, we all have to be stronger for each other.

After moving to another city, the pace of my life changed a lot. Work is busier, and socializing is more. Whenever there is a dead of night, I always think of Sister Lin, and the days when we walked and chatted together. Although distance lengthens the spatial distance between us, it cannot part with our closely connected hearts.

In order to keep in touch with Sister Lin, we agreed to video chat at 9 o'clock every night. It was the most anticipated moment of the day. Through the screen, we share the trivial things of each other's lives, encourage each other, and support each other.

One night, I was working overtime at the company when I suddenly received a call from Sister Lin.

"Xiao Zhang, how are you doing?" Sister Lin's voice sounded a little tired.

"I'm fine, Sister Lin. Are you too tired? ”

"It's nothing, it's just that I miss you a little." Sister Lin said softly.

Hearing this, my heart warmed, but I couldn't hide the helplessness in my heart: "Sister Lin, I miss you too." When this time is over, I will definitely go back to see you. ”

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." Sister Lin said with a smile.

Time passed, and we were all working hard in our respective positions. Finally, I had a short vacation. I can't wait to tell Sister Lin the good news, and we agreed to meet in the middle city.

On that day, I arrived at the agreed place ahead of schedule. Standing on the street, I watched the pedestrians come and go, and my heart was full of anticipation. Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure coming from a distance, it was Sister Lin.

I hurried up to meet her and hugged her tightly: "Sister Lin, I finally saw you." ”

"Xiao Zhang, I miss you so much." Sister Lin's eyes flashed with tears.

We found a nearby café and sat down and chatted for a long time. In this short period of time, it seems that we want to pour out all our thoughts during this time. However, the good times are always short-lived, the holidays are over quickly, and we are facing separation again.

"Xiao Zhang, after this separation, we don't know when we will be able to meet again." Sister Lin's eyes were full of reluctance.

"Sister Lin, don't worry. We all have faith and love for each other and will surely overcome all difficulties. Trust me, we'll meet again. I comforted her and tried to convince myself.

At the moment of separation, we hugged each other tightly and refused to let go. However, the wheels of life are still rolling forward, and we have to move on.

After returning to our respective cities, we cherish every contact even more. Outside of work, we share the bits and pieces of life with each other and cheer each other on. Although we are thousands of miles apart, our hearts are always connected.

In this way, we walked through another spring, summer, autumn and winter hand in hand. In this long time, we have experienced ups and downs together, and we have also gained full happiness. We know that we will encounter many more challenges in the coming days. But no matter what, we will go on with determination because we believe that with love in our hearts, we can overcome everything.

The days passed like this, and although we were thousands of miles apart, our hearts were always closely connected. However, life is always full of uncertainties, and just when we thought everything would go according to the established track, a sudden news broke our peaceful life.

That night, I was about to video chat with Sister Lin, but I received a message from her: "Xiao Zhang, something happened at my house, and I may need to go back to deal with it." It may not be possible to contact you during this time, so you need to take care of yourself. ”

Seeing this news, my heart tightened, and I hurriedly dialed Sister Lin's phone.

"Sister Lin, what's wrong with you? What's going on at home? I asked anxiously.

"My mom is sick and not doing well, and I need to go back and take care of her." There was a hint of anxiety in Sister Lin's voice.

"Sister Lin, don't worry about going back, I'll wait for you here. If there's anything you need help with, feel free to let me know. I comforted her, but my heart was full of worry.

After Sister Lin went back, the rhythm of our lives was disrupted again. She needed to take care of her sick mother wholeheartedly, and I was silently cheering her on from afar. Our connection became choppy, but with each call, we felt cared for and cared for.

As time passed, Sister Lin's mother's condition gradually improved, and our mood gradually relaxed. However, it was at this time that the company suddenly decided to transfer me back to my original city, and the news surprised and worried me at the same time.

I was pleasantly surprised that I was finally able to return to Sister Lin and face the challenges of life with her. The worry is that Sister Lin's mother has just recovered, and she will be willing to return to the original city with me.

When I told Sister Lin the news, she was silent for a long time, and finally said softly: "Xiao Zhang, thank you for thinking about me." I know you've always been thinking about me. However, I can't leave my mom yet. ”

Hearing this answer, although I felt a little lost in my heart, I also understood Sister Lin's situation. I told her that I would support her no matter what decision she made.

After thinking about it for a while, Sister Lin decided to stay with my mother, while I returned to my original city alone. Although we are separated again, our hearts are more closely connected.

After returning to my original city, I worked hard to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible. Sister Lin, on the other hand, takes care of her mother wholeheartedly, and we are all working hard for our future.

Although we are thousands of miles apart, our hearts are always connected. We believe that as long as we have love in our hearts, we can get through it together, no matter what difficulties we encounter. Because we know that as long as we have love in our hearts, we can overcome everything.