
A battalion commander with 22 years of military experience, he turned a property maintenance worker

author:Capital Observation Jun

My name is Chen Yong, and I have been in the army for 22 years, growing from a young soldier to a battalion commander. After I was discharged from the military, I became a property maintenance worker to earn a living. Unexpectedly, this ordinary profession has allowed me to experience a story of ups and downs.

That day, I was repairing public facilities in the community when I suddenly received an emergency call saying that Uncle Li's house in the community was leaking. I immediately put down my work and rushed to Uncle Li's house.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Uncle Li standing anxiously at the leaking place, and the water had already overflowed his ankles. Without saying a word, I took off my shoes, pulled up my trousers, and began to look for the cause of the leak.

"Xiao Chen, you're here! I'm dying of this leak. Uncle Li said.

"Uncle Li, don't worry, I'll fix it for you." I checked as I spoke, and found that it was the drain in the bathroom that was blocked.

It took a lot of effort to finally unclog the clogged sewer. Uncle Li looked at me sweating profusely and said movingly, "Xiao Chen, thanks to you, I'll pour you a glass of water." ”

Just then, I heard a cacophony of voices coming from the hallway. Out of professional sensitivity, I immediately put down my tools and walked towards the hallway.

I saw a group of people gathered around and discussed. I squeezed into the crowd and found a thief caught by several residents. The thief struggled desperately, and the scene got out of control for a while.

"Don't panic, everyone, I'll take care of it." I said loudly, then walked up to the thief and said solemnly, "Are you going to go to the police station with me yourself, or will you let me do it?" ”

The thief's eyes widened, he looked at me, hesitated, and finally chose to follow me to the police station.

After dropping the thief off at the police station, I returned to the community. Uncle Li greeted him and said, "Xiao Chen, you are really the patron saint of our community!" ”

I smiled and said, "Uncle Li, this is what I should do." ”

However, it doesn't end there. It didn't take long for another theft to occur in the community. This time, it was Aunt Wang in the community who was stolen. As soon as I heard the news, I immediately launched an investigation.

By looking at the surveillance, I found a familiar figure: it was a comrade-in-arms of mine when I was in the army, named Zhao Gang. How could he do such a thing? I have mixed feelings.

I decided to talk to Zhao Gang. I met him in a small restaurant. He looked haggard and didn't look like he was doing well.

"Zhao Gang, why are you doing this?" I asked.

Zhao Gang lowered his head, was silent for a while, and then said, "Chen Yong, I don't want to do this either." But my wife is sick and my children are still in school, so I really can't help it. ”

I sighed and said, "Zhao Gang, you should know that it is illegal to do this. Go back with me and turn yourself in, and I'll do my best to help you. ”

Zhao Gang nodded, tears rolling in his eyes.

In this way, I took Zhao Gang back to the community and apologized to everyone. Residents in the community have expressed their forgiveness and are willing to help Zhao Gang's family through the difficulties.

Through these experiences, I have deeply realized the responsibilities of being a property maintenance worker. Although I am discharged from the army, I can still protect the peace of this community in my own way.

As the days passed, I was still busy in the community every day, repairing various facilities. And my story is also quietly unfolding in these trivial lives.

In the days that followed, Zhao Gang became a security guard in the community, and his life gradually got on the right track. And my reputation in the community is getting better and better, and everyone affectionately calls me "Master Chen". During my repair process, residents often come to me to chat, and I will listen patiently to their stories.

One day, I was repairing the public lighting facilities in the community, and suddenly I received a phone call from Aunt Zhang in the community. Her voice sounded a little anxious: "Master Chen, come and take a look, there seems to be a problem with the electrical circuit in my house, and the TV and air conditioner are not working." ”

I immediately put down the tools in my hand and rushed to Aunt Zhang's house. After some inspection, it was found that the short circuit was caused by the aging of the circuit. I told her that some of the wires needed to be replaced, and Aunt Zhang nodded in agreement.

In between changing the wires, Aunt Zhang and I chatted about family life. She told me that her son was working in a field and rarely came home, and that she was alone at home, and sometimes felt lonely.

"Master Chen, you were a soldier before you retired, right?" Aunt Zhang asked suddenly.

I nodded and said, "Yes, Aunt Zhang." ”

"Then you must have experienced a lot of interesting things in the army, right?" Aunt Zhang asked curiously.

I smiled and began to tell her about my time in the army. Aunt Zhang listened to it with relish, and sighed at the greatness of the soldier from time to time.

At this moment, the radio in the community suddenly sounded, informing all the residents to gather in the community square and have something important to announce. Aunt Zhang and I glanced at each other and hurriedly walked towards the community square.

When I arrived at the square, I found that many people had gathered. The property manager of the community stood on the stage, held the microphone and said: "Residents, we have gathered everyone today to announce something. Our community is about to undergo a large-scale renovation project to improve the quality of life of its residents. ”

Hearing the news, the residents were full of discussions, both expecting and worried. I thought to myself that this renovation project would bring a lot of challenges to my work.

Sure enough, after the renovation project began, my workload increased considerably. Not only do they have to repair various facilities on a daily basis, but they also have to assist the construction team in carrying out renovations. Although it is hard work, I am also relieved to see that the environment of the community is getting better day by day.

One day, I met Zhao Gang at the construction site. He handed me a bottle of water and said, "Chen Yong, thank you, if it weren't for you, I might still be taking a detour." ”

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "Zhao Gang, you have to thank yourself for being brave enough to face your mistakes before you can start again." ”

At this moment, the leader of the construction team came over and said, "Master Chen, there is something I need your help with." We found a blockage in an underground pipe that needed to be cleared as soon as possible, otherwise it would affect the drainage of the entire community. ”

Without saying a word, I immediately followed the captain to the scene. After some hard work, we finally unclogged the underground pipes. Looking at the unobstructed pipes, I felt a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

These days, although tired, I live to the fullest. I know that as a property maintenance worker, my role is to ensure the normal operation of the community and create a comfortable living environment for the residents. And my story will continue to be written in this ordinary and challenging work.

As time passed, the renovation of the community was nearing completion. The residents have been very enthusiastic about the new environment, and I have grown a lot during this project. I thought that life would go on peacefully, but an unexpected event shattered the peace.

That afternoon, I was in the office sorting out repair tools when I suddenly heard a cry for help from outside. I rushed out and saw a little boy crying and running, followed by a group of panicked residents.

"What's wrong, little friend?" I quickly grabbed him and asked.

"My brother fell into the lake, he can't swim!" The little boy said silently.

I immediately ran towards the lake and saw a little boy struggling in the water, in critical condition. I didn't have time to think about it, so I took off my coat and jumped into the lake. After some hard work, I was able to save the little boy who had fallen into the water.

After going ashore, I checked the little boy's body and confirmed that he was fine. At this moment, a woman rushed over and hugged the little boy and cried bitterly. I recognized her as Sister Li in the community.

"Master Chen, thank you for saving my son!" Sister Li said gratefully.

I waved my hand and said, "Sister Li, this is what I should do." Be sure to take good care of your children in the future to avoid accidents. ”

At this time, Zhao Gang came over and said, "Chen Yong, you are really a hero!" ”

I shook my head and said, "I just did my duty as a soldier." ”

This incident became a good story in the community, and I became a hero in the hearts of the residents. However, instead of being proud of this, I am more humble and devote myself to my work.

One day, I received a strange phone call, and a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Master Chen, I am Aunt Zhang's son, I heard my mother say, you saved a little boy who fell into the water?" ”

I replied, "Yes, Brother Zhang, that's just my business. ”

"Master Chen, I want to ask you for a favor. My mom is old, and I'm not at ease when I'm home alone, so I'd like to ask you to take care of it, okay? Brother Zhang said sincerely.

I agreed without hesitation, after all, Aunt Zhang was very good to me, and I also regarded her as my own relative.

Since then, in addition to work, I will also go to Aunt Zhang's house to help. The relationship between us also became closer, and Aunt Zhang even began to call me "Xiao Chen's son".

As the days passed, my life in the community became more and more colorful. Although there are some difficulties and challenges at times, I feel that everything is worth it when I see the satisfied smiles of the residents.

At this moment, another big event happened in the community. A developer has taken a fancy to the location of our community and intends to do commercial development. The news caused an uproar in the community, with residents fearing that their lives would be affected.

I knew that this event would be a new challenge for me. But I'm not afraid, because I know that as long as we stick together, any difficulty can be overcome. And my story will continue to be written in this challenge.

Residents of the community are very concerned about the developer's proposal. They fear that their homes will be destroyed and their quality of life will suffer. Residents gathered in the square of the community to discuss countermeasures.

"We can't let the developers get their way, and our homes can't be destroyed!" An elderly resident said excitedly.

"Yes, we can't sit idly by, we have to fight for our homeland!" Another resident chimed in.

I stood in the crowd, listening to everyone's discussions, and my heart was worried. I know that this developer's proposal is a big challenge for our community. However, I also believe that as long as we are united, we will be able to protect our homeland.

"Chen Yong, what do you think we should do?" One resident turned to me and asked.

I took a deep breath and said, "First of all, we need to understand the developer's specific plans so that we can target our opinions and concerns." Secondly, we can organize a delegation of residents to communicate with the developer and express our demands. ”

Residents nodded in agreement and then began to discuss a concrete course of action. I proposed that I be the head of the delegation because I have a good relationship with the residents and I am very familiar with the situation in the community.

In the following days, our delegation actively prepared for talks with developers. We collected the opinions and suggestions of the residents and prepared a detailed negotiation strategy. In particular, I underlined our solidarity and determination and reminded the members of the delegation to remain calm and firm in the talks.

Finally, the day of the talks has arrived. Our delegation sat on either side of a long table with representatives of the developer, and the atmosphere was tense and serious.

"We understand that you intend to do commercial development in the community, but we are concerned that this will have a serious impact on our lives." I speak on behalf of the residents.

"We understand your concerns, but we promise that we will minimize the impact on residents' lives and will bring more convenience and business opportunities to the community," said the developer's representative. ”

I stared him in the eye and asked, "Can you be specific about your development plans?" ”

Representatives of the developers presented their plans in detail, including the construction of commercial areas, the expansion of parks, and the renovation of residential areas. As appealing as it sounded, I was wary of the inconvenience it would cause to the residents.

"We will provide better facilities and services to our residents, while also protecting their interests." The representative of the developer continued.

I turned to the members of the delegation and asked, "Do you have any questions or concerns?" ”

Members of the delegation raised their own questions, including noise and traffic congestion in the business district, and the impact on existing green spaces. Representatives of the developer patiently answered our questions and promised to consider our opinions.

After the talks, our delegation returned to the community and briefed the residents on the talks. Residents applauded our efforts, but also said it would take time to digest the information.

I told everyone: "We need to stick together and keep an eye on what developers are doing to make sure our interests are protected." ”

Over the next few days, we will be watching the developers closely. At the same time, we have also organized some activities to raise the environmental awareness of residents and make everyone cherish our homes more.

While challenges remain, I am confident that as long as we are united, we will be able to protect our homeland. And my story will continue to be written in this challenge.

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