
When you go to bed at night, should you close the bedroom door? Not superstition, but science

author:Good luck comes with you

In the dead of night, are you used to gently closing your bedroom door before bed, or do you choose to leave a crevice? This question may seem simple, but it is actually about the quality of our sleep and our habits. Don't think it's just superstitious precepts, in fact, there are scientific secrets hidden behind it.

When you go to bed at night, should you close the bedroom door? Not superstition, but science

First of all, we need to understand that the human body is a delicate machine that regulates the biological clock. Scientific studies have shown that the right environment is essential for our sleep. If the bedroom door is closed, especially in the summer, the confined air can cause the indoor temperature to rise, affecting comfort and thus deep sleep. On the contrary, leaving a small slit allows indoor and outdoor air to circulate, maintaining a moderate temperature and humidity, which helps us fall asleep faster.

When you go to bed at night, should you close the bedroom door? Not superstition, but science

Secondly, the psychological perspective also has its insights. Psychologists have found that a moderate sense of openness can reduce our psychological stress and make us feel relaxed. Leaving a crack in the door is like leaving an outlet for the heart, giving us a buffer between dreams and reality, which helps to relieve anxiety and tension before bedtime.

In addition, security considerations should not be overlooked. The small slit not only allows air to circulate, but also weakens the sound and light from the outside world, so as to avoid sudden sounds or bright lights disturbing our dreams. Of course, if you live in a safe and secure place, this step can be appropriately relaxed.

When you go to bed at night, should you close the bedroom door? Not superstition, but science

However, this does not mean that we should be mindless in the pursuit of "leaving seams". For families with small children or pets, seams can pose a safety hazard. So, finding a balance between comfort and safety is key.

Finally, this little habit is also a reflection of our attitude towards life. It reminds us that every detail of life is worth thinking about and optimizing. Even a crack in the door can be a trick to improving your quality of life.

When you go to bed at night, should you close the bedroom door? Not superstition, but science

In conclusion, whether to close the bedroom door when sleeping at night is not superstition, but a blend of science and life. Remember, sometimes, that seemingly trivial choice can be a small help for our healthy, happy life. Let's enjoy the tranquility while respecting and taking care of our physical and mental needs. After all, a good night starts with a modest crack in the door.

Good night, and may the sweetest dreams be hidden in the cracks of your bedroom door.

When you go to bed at night, should you close the bedroom door? Not superstition, but science

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