
Young people are starting to "reverse spend", why is this happening? What is reverse consumption?

author:Good luck comes with you

Hey, old guys, do you know what young people are doing right now? They seem to be playing with something new, called "reverse consumption". This is not to say that they are going to do the opposite, but it is a bit of a subversion of conventional wisdom. Let's talk slowly, don't worry.

Young people are starting to "reverse spend", why is this happening? What is reverse consumption?

First of all, what is reverse consumption? To put it simply, it's like making a time difference, not early, but late. Young people are no longer in a hurry to have everything, but prefer to spend money on experience and learning, and then consider buying when they really need it or when the time is right. As the old saying goes, "sharpen the knife and don't cut the wood", they value investing in the future more than the momentary satisfaction.

Young people are starting to "reverse spend", why is this happening? What is reverse consumption?

For example, in the past, people might have bought a big house early, but now many young people are more inclined to rent it, save money to travel the world, or invest in themselves and improve their skills. It's like Steve Jobs's phrase: "Stay hungry, stay foolish." They remain curious about the unknown and eager for their own growth.

Young people are starting to "reverse spend", why is this happening? What is reverse consumption?

Another example is that in the past, people liked to save up for designer bags, but now it is popular to rent fashion items, which not only satisfies desires, but also avoids waste. This concept of "use before you buy" is like Jack Ma reminding us: "Consumption is not waste, but the wisdom of life." ”

Reverse consumption does not mean that they do not care about material things, but that they understand the diversity and long-term value of quality of life. They understand that sometimes, the best thing is not necessarily the most expensive, but the one that suits them best and brings the most happiness.

Young people are starting to "reverse spend", why is this happening? What is reverse consumption?

Of course, this does not mean that all young people do the same, after all, everyone has their own view of consumption. But this trend does reflect a new attitude to life, a way of life that pursues balance, sanity, and self-actualization.

Young people are starting to "reverse spend", why is this happening? What is reverse consumption?

So, old friends, what do you think? Doesn't it feel a little fresh, or a little resonant? After all, times are changing, and so are consumption concepts. You might as well give your children and grandchildren some understanding and space, after all, each generation's choices are their own unique stories.

Finally, if you agree with this point of view, or have any interesting reverse consumption stories, please leave a message to share, and let us witness the changes of this era together. Remember to like and retweet to let this trendy concept spread further!

Young people are starting to "reverse spend", why is this happening? What is reverse consumption?