
"There are three rooms that are not covered, and two windows are not opened", which three are not built, is the advice of the ancestors reasonable?

author:Good luck comes with you

In our China, the architectural wisdom left by our ancestors is like a wordless textbook, in which the saying that "the house is not covered with three and the window is not opened" has been circulated for a long time, seemingly simple, but contains a profound philosophy of life. Today, let's debunk this mystery and see if there is still some truth in these ancient pieces of advice.

"There are three rooms that are not covered, and two windows are not opened", which three are not built, is the advice of the ancestors reasonable?

First of all, let's talk about "there are three houses that do not build". These three are not covered, one is said to be "the roof is not covered with triangles, afraid of lightning strikes", the second is said to be "the toilet is not covered with a roof, to prevent air leakage", and the third is said to be "the head of the bed is not against the door to avoid evil". The ancients believed that the triangle was easy to attract thunder and lightning, the toilet was filthy if it had no roof, and the head of the bed was vulnerable to external interference. These are based on life experience and remind us to consider the balance of feng shui and practicality when building a house.

"There are three rooms that are not covered, and two windows are not opened", which three are not built, is the advice of the ancestors reasonable?

I remember the ancients: "The sky is round and the earth is round, and the earth is the law." "This is the best interpretation of the harmony between architecture and nature. The shape and layout of the house are a kind of respect for the laws of heaven and earth. Nowadays, while science tells us that these are not absolutes, following some conventional wisdom can indeed make our lives more comfortable and harmonious.

Let's talk about "the window does not open". One is "the toilet window is not opened, to avoid pollution", and the second is "the bedroom window is not opened, to ensure privacy". The ancients knew that the toilet was a filthy place, and opening the window was easy to bring in peculiar smells, which affected health; The bedroom is a place of recreation, and the full open windows may allow outsiders to peep and disturb the tranquility. These seem to be small sections, but they are actually related to the quality and dignity of life.

"There are three rooms that are not covered, and two windows are not opened", which three are not built, is the advice of the ancestors reasonable?

However, in modern society, with the development of technology, our perception of these traditions is slowly changing. For example, modern bathrooms have been designed with ventilation and light in mind, while bedrooms rely on more advanced window and door technology and curtains for privacy. But this does not mean that we should completely abandon the wisdom of our ancestors, but that we should innovate in inheritance and find a way of life that suits us.

"There are three rooms that are not covered, and two windows are not opened", which three are not built, is the advice of the ancestors reasonable?

In general, "the house is not covered three times, and the window is not opened", which is not only the experience of our ancestors, but also a reminder of our way of life. Although they are not golden rules, they are rich in the wisdom of life, which is worthy of our understanding and inheritance. In the context of the new era, let us embrace these traditions with a more open mind, and at the same time not forget to look for new possibilities in development.

Friends, when you are decorating or designing a house, you may wish to think about these ancient wisdoms, which may bring you different inspiration and thinking. Forward it out, so that more people can feel the warmth and wisdom from ancient times!

"There are three rooms that are not covered, and two windows are not opened", which three are not built, is the advice of the ancestors reasonable?