
The sky-high bride price, which has plagued young people for many years, is now going to be fully rectified, with a height limit of 5-80,000 yuan

author:Good luck comes with you

As the old saying goes, "Marrying a daughter-in-law is not marrying a house, marrying is sincere", we are all familiar with this sentence. But over the years, there seems to be a string of astronomical numbers behind this "sincerity", that is, the "sky-high bride price" that discourages many young people. No, the state has taken action, and it wants to clean up this unhealthy trend!

The sky-high bride price, which has plagued young people for many years, is now going to be fully rectified, with a height limit of 5-80,000 yuan

Do you know? In the past, the bride price was like a competition ground for comparison, one village was higher than the other, and each town was more scary than the other. Someone ridiculed: "Marrying a daughter-in-law is equivalent to buying a down payment for a house." Although this is an exaggeration, it expresses the bitterness of many young people. However, days like this may be about to change!

The sky-high bride price, which has plagued young people for many years, is now going to be fully rectified, with a height limit of 5-80,000 yuan

Recently, the government has come with good news and made a hard rule on the sky-high bride price, with the upper limit between 50,000 and 80,000! The news was like a gust of fresh wind that blew away the dark clouds that hung over the young man's head. No more anxiety about endless numbers, let alone being overwhelmed by "high-priced marriages".

"Can money buy love?" This sentence must have been pondered by many people. Love is supposed to be pure and should not be kidnapped by money. Now, this policy is like a ruler, measuring the boundary between fairness and true love, and giving young people hope.

The sky-high bride price, which has plagued young people for many years, is now going to be fully rectified, with a height limit of 5-80,000 yuan

Some people say that this is a modernization reform of traditional customs and a guarantee of the quality of life of young people. That's right, the bride price is supposed to be a testimony of love, not a shackle to life. What we are looking forward to is the union of two hearts, not the numbers on a contract.

This change, as the older generation often says, "children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren", and the new generation of young people should have their own choices and their happiness space. This move by the government is undoubtedly escorting their happiness.

The sky-high bride price, which has plagued young people for many years, is now going to be fully rectified, with a height limit of 5-80,000 yuan

Let's applaud this new policy, because it is not only about the future of young people, but also a powerful promotion of social fairness and justice. Let every love be treated with sincerity, so that every family can have their own happiness in laughter.

Forward it out, let more people know the good news, make the sky-high bride price a thing of the past, and let love return to what it should be. We look forward to the beautiful era without the "bride price ceiling" in the near future.

The sky-high bride price, which has plagued young people for many years, is now going to be fully rectified, with a height limit of 5-80,000 yuan

Finally, to borrow an old saying: "Marriage is a matter of two people, not two families." "Let's applaud this wise decision and send our best wishes to those young people who are about to enter the palace of marriage!

#天价彩礼整治# #年轻人的幸福# #公平与真爱#

The sky-high bride price, which has plagued young people for many years, is now going to be fully rectified, with a height limit of 5-80,000 yuan