
The weather is hot, this dish should be eaten more, and vinegar is a perfect match, simple and easy to make, full of energy for the summer

author:Ah San Food

In the hot summer, when sweaty days become the norm, we always long for the coolness and comfort from the tip of the tongue to the heart. In this season, in addition to the refreshing cucumber, there is another ingredient that silently guards our summer table, and that is - ginger. Yes, you heard it right, it's the piece of ginger that is often used as a seasoning but is often overlooked. Today, let's talk about the new summer chapter of ginger: vinegar soaked ginger, which is not only simple and easy to make, but also a little secret of health in summer.

The weather is hot, this dish should be eaten more, and vinegar is a perfect match, simple and easy to make, full of energy for the summer

【Vinegar soaked ginger】

Whenever the sun rises and the heat begins to dew, a bowl of white porridge with a few slices of vinegar and ginger will not only awaken the sleeping taste buds, but also make you feel refreshed throughout the day. Ginger, a seemingly ordinary ingredient, is known as the "summer holy product" in traditional Chinese medicine, because it can effectively dispel the cold and dampness in the body, enhance yang energy, and fight against the external heat and internal cold in summer. The vinegar that goes with it can not only neutralize the pungency of ginger, make it milder, but also promote digestion, and the combination of the two is really a good summer health product.

The weather is hot, this dish should be eaten more, and vinegar is a perfect match, simple and easy to make, full of energy for the summer

【Preparation Materials】

150 grams of ginger (tender ginger), which is tender and less spicy, is the most suitable for this delicacy.

Pure grain brewed vinegar 200ml, this is the key, choose additive-free vinegar, healthy and delicious.


The weather is hot, this dish should be eaten more, and vinegar is a perfect match, simple and easy to make, full of energy for the summer

Wash ginger slices: Wash the ginger and dry it carefully to avoid spoilage during the brewing process. Subsequently, it is cut into thin slices, about 2-3 mm thick, optimally for ease of taste and without losing the taste.

Bottling and soaking: Choose a clean and oil-free glass bottle, gently put the ginger slices, and then slowly pour in the pure grain vinegar to ensure that the vinegar completely covers the ginger slices, leaving a little space to prevent spillage. Seal the cap and leave in the refrigerator or in the shade for three days to allow the vinegar and ginger to blend and develop a unique flavour.

The weather is hot, this dish should be eaten more, and vinegar is a perfect match, simple and easy to make, full of energy for the summer


Every morning, take out 3 slices of vinegar and soak ginger and pair them with warm white porridge or light noodle soup to start your day. Note that it is advisable to soak ginger in vinegar sooner rather than later, and it is not advisable to eat it again in the afternoon so as not to affect sleep.

The vinegar of soaked ginger should not be wasted, it can be mixed with warm water and drunk, or used as a sauce for cold dishes, which is delicious and healthy.

It is especially reminded that friends with yin deficiency and fire or damp and hot constitution need to be cautious when eating, and health is always the first.

The weather is hot, this dish should be eaten more, and vinegar is a perfect match, simple and easy to make, full of energy for the summer

Vinegar pickled ginger is not only a simple dish, it is more like a wise old man who knows the secrets of summer, giving us the most intimate care for our bodies in the most simple way. In this summer, let's try this little magic from the kitchen, so that every day starts with a sip of sweet and sour vinegar-soaked ginger, and welcomes every hot wave with energy.

The weather is hot, this dish should be eaten more, and vinegar is a perfect match, simple and easy to make, full of energy for the summer

The small happiness in life is often hidden in these seemingly inconspicuous details. In this summer, let's meet with vinegar-soaked ginger, feel the coolness and comfort from the inside out, and enjoy a double feast of taste and health.

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