
In summer, don't be merciful when you encounter this meat, it is cheaper than pork, and much more nourishing than beef and mutton!

author:Ah San Food

In summer, when the sun is blazing, sweat and laughter are intertwined, we always want to find the food that satisfies our cravings without burdening our bodies. At this time, if you come across duck meat in the market, be merciful, because it is not only the king of value for money, but also the best choice for summer nourishment. Compared with the ordinariness of pork and the high price of beef and mutton, duck meat is particularly attractive in the hot summer with its unique cooling properties and rich nutritional value.

In summer, don't be merciful when you encounter this meat, it is cheaper than pork, and much more nourishing than beef and mutton!

In the summer, "cool" tonic holy products

When it comes to summer, many people may think of the tempting aroma of lamb skewers, but as everyone knows, after continuous barbecue carnivals, the body is often overwhelmed, and symptoms such as herpes at the corners of the mouth and toothache follow one after another. Duck meat, on the other hand, is a smart choice for the summer table. It is not only affordable, but also cool but not dry, even if you eat in the hot summer, you can maintain balance in the body and not get angry.

In summer, don't be merciful when you encounter this meat, it is cheaper than pork, and much more nourishing than beef and mutton!

Duck meat is rich in high-quality protein and vitamins, which is a favorite of those who pursue a healthy diet. Not only does it satisfy cravings, but it also reduces fat accumulation while enjoying delicious food, making body management easy and enjoyable. Not to mention, every part of the duck meat is endowed with the soul of the cuisine, from the neck to the paws, each with its own unique flavor and fans.

In summer, don't be merciful when you encounter this meat, it is cheaper than pork, and much more nourishing than beef and mutton!

A summer feast for beer duck

Since we talk about duck meat, we have to mention the unforgettable beer duck. Imagine the freshness of a cold beer and the mellowness of duck meat colliding on the tip of your tongue.

In summer, don't be merciful when you encounter this meat, it is cheaper than pork, and much more nourishing than beef and mutton!
In summer, don't be merciful when you encounter this meat, it is cheaper than pork, and much more nourishing than beef and mutton!

Ingredients: a fat duck, 1 onion, green onions, some ginger slices, millet pepper, shallots to add spicy and fresh, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, seasoning soul, two bottles of cold beer, cool secret, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, cooking wine, oyster sauce, pepper, seasoning is indispensable.

In summer, don't be merciful when you encounter this meat, it is cheaper than pork, and much more nourishing than beef and mutton!


Duck meat processing: cut the duck into pieces, soak in cold water to remove the blood water, then wash with running water, pot under cold water, add peppercorns, green onions, ginger slices and cooking wine, turn to low heat after boiling, skim off the foam, boil for 5 minutes and then take it out, wash it with warm water for later use.

Rice cooker lazy method: cut the onion into cubes and lay the bottom, pour in the duck meat, add the ingredients, and then pour in two bottles of beer, so that every inch of duck meat is immersed in the sea of beer.

In summer, don't be merciful when you encounter this meat, it is cheaper than pork, and much more nourishing than beef and mutton!

One-click cooking: Press the rice button, wait for the beer to boil, add dark soy sauce to adjust the color, light soy sauce to enhance the flavor, then some cooking wine, oyster sauce and pepper, cover the pot, and wait for the delicious food to be born.

The final embellishment: When the rice cooker is done, sprinkle with millet peppers and chopped shallots, and those who don't like spicy food can skip this step, and a pot of beer duck with attractive color and aroma is completed.

In summer, don't be merciful when you encounter this meat, it is cheaper than pork, and much more nourishing than beef and mutton!

Tech Tips:

Remove the cold and increase the flavor: In view of the cold nature of the duck meat, add more ginger slices when stewing, which can not only neutralize the cold, but also enhance the flavor.

Not enough color? : If you want a deeper color, you can stir-fry the sugar color beforehand, or use an electric pressure cooker to quickly simmer it, which saves time and adds flavor to the duck meat.

In summer, don't be merciful when you encounter this meat, it is cheaper than pork, and much more nourishing than beef and mutton!

In this way, a simple but delicious beer duck has become the star of the summer table. It's not just a dish, it's a way of life – even in the hottest season, you can find your own coolness and nourishment. Let's not miss this gift of duck meat this summer and enjoy every cool moment woven by deliciousness!

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