
There are many health benefits of folded ear root, don't be misled by rumors!

author:Meteor Moon


1. Rumors are spreading, and the roots of the ears have become "poisonous weeds"?

There are many health benefits of folded ear root, don't be misled by rumors!

There was a sudden wave of doubts about the root of the ear on the Internet, claiming that it contains aristolochic acid, which may cause cancer. This news frightened many diners, and the traditional ingredient of folded ear root instantly became a "poisonous weed".

Second, the truth is revealed, and the true identity of the root of the ear

There are many health benefits of folded ear root, don't be misled by rumors!

However, scientific research has found that the root of the folded ear does not actually belong to the Aristolochiaceae family, it does not contain aristolochic acid, but Aristolochic lactam AII, and the content is very low. What's more, there are no reports that Aristolochia lactam AII causes cancer.

3. The counterattack of the root of the ear: a treasure trove of natural antibiotics and nutrition

There are many health benefits of folded ear root, don't be misled by rumors!

Folded ear root is not only safe and harmless, but also known as a "natural antibiotic", which has a significant effect on various inflammations. In addition, it is also rich in dietary fiber, carotene, vitamin C and other nutrients, and the dietary fiber content in the folded ear root is as high as 11.8 grams per 100 grams. This discovery has brought Origan back on people's tables and become the new favorite for healthy eating.

In this contest between rumors and truth, we can't help but reflect: how should we remain rational and not be confused by rumors in the face of information on the Internet? At the same time, it also makes us cherish every food around us more and explore the secrets behind them with a scientific attitude.

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