
China, Japan, and the ROK have reached an agreement, the ROK foreign minister has broken the usual practice, and the Chinese military officers are about to depart, and the situation in Northeast Asia has changed dramatically


After a lapse of six years, the ROK foreign minister visited China again, breaking the "convention" and showing profound significance

China, Japan, and the ROK have reached an agreement, the ROK foreign minister has broken the usual practice, and the Chinese military officers are about to depart, and the situation in Northeast Asia has changed dramatically

When South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tei-yeol once again set foot on Chinese soil, it was not only a simple diplomatic visit, but also a testimony to the opening of a new page in the relations between China and South Korea. This visit broke with the previous "convention", as if to tell the world that the ties between China and South Korea are quietly becoming closer.

China, Japan, and the ROK have reached an agreement, the ROK foreign minister has broken the usual practice, and the Chinese military officers are about to depart, and the situation in Northeast Asia has changed dramatically

**"The times make heroes, but heroes also need to know the times." "**Zhao Duilie's visit to China comes at a time when China-South Korea relations are facing both challenges and opportunities. The importance that China attaches to this visit is not only reflected in diplomatic etiquette, but also in the common expectations of the two sides for future cooperation.

China, Japan, and the ROK have reached an agreement, the ROK foreign minister has broken the usual practice, and the Chinese military officers are about to depart, and the situation in Northeast Asia has changed dramatically

**"Mountains don't turn to water, water doesn't turn people." "In terms of economic and trade cooperation, China and South Korea have always had deep roots. Although South Korea maintains close military ties with the United States, China has always been an indispensable and important partner of South Korea in the economic and trade fields. Zhao Duilie's current visit to China will undoubtedly inject new vitality into Sino-ROK economic and trade cooperation.

China, Japan, and the ROK have reached an agreement, the ROK foreign minister has broken the usual practice, and the Chinese military officers are about to depart, and the situation in Northeast Asia has changed dramatically

As important forces in the Asian region, the development of China, Japan and South Korea is crucial to regional stability and cooperation. Although there have been some frictions and disagreements in history, today, in the face of global challenges and opportunities, the three countries have recognized the importance of strengthening communication and cooperation.

China, Japan, and the ROK have reached an agreement, the ROK foreign minister has broken the usual practice, and the Chinese military officers are about to depart, and the situation in Northeast Asia has changed dramatically

Zhao's visit to China has not only brought new opportunities to China-ROK relations, but also injected new impetus into China-Japan-ROK trilateral cooperation. By strengthening communication and cooperation, the three countries will be able to jointly address various challenges and promote regional stability and prosperity.

Looking ahead, we have reason to believe that China and the ROK will cooperate in more fields and jointly promote the continuous development of bilateral relations. At the same time, China, Japan and the ROK will further strengthen communication and cooperation and jointly contribute to regional peace, stability, prosperity and development. Let's wait and see, and look forward to a brighter future for China-ROK relations and trilateral cooperation.

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